
Lily of the West

// KAPO 2
// Emi = Emi + g

INTRO: Emi C AEmi D Emi

     Emi             G    D           C              d  Emi
When first I came to Louisville, some pleasure there to find
  G                 Emi   D       C        Hmi   Emi
A damsel there from Lexington was pleasin' to my mind
    Emi              G    D          C      Hmi        Emi
Her rosy cheeks, her ruby lips, like arrows pierced my breast
        Emi               G  D       C       a   EmiD Emi D
And the name she bore was Flora, the lily of the west

  Emi            G  D       C              d  Emi
I courted lovely Flora some pleasure there to find
        G            Emi    D         C      Hmi         Emi
But she turned unto another man which sore distressed my mind
    Emi             G    D     C         Hmi   Emi
She robbed me of my liberty, deprived me of my rest
     Emi          G  D       C       a   EmiD Emi D
Then go my lovely Flora, the lily of the west

    Emi            G      D       C           d  Emi
Way down in yonder shady grove, a man of high degree
   G               Emi   D         C         Hmi        Emi
Conversing with my Flora there, it seemed so strange to me
        Emi             G       D      C        Hmi   Emi
And the answer that she gave to him it sore did me oppress
  Emi             G  D       C       a   EmiD Emi D
I was betrayed by Flora, the lily of the west

  Emi              G D       C         d  Emi
I stepped up to my rival, my dagger in my hand
  G                 Emi    D     C      Hmi      Emi
I seized him by the collar and I boldly bade him stand
      Emi         G D      C           Hmi    Emi
Being mad to desperation I pierced him in the breast
     Emi          G  D       C       a   EmiD Emi D
Then go my lovely Flora, the lily of the west

  Emi             G  D     C           d  Emi
I had to stand my trial, I had to make my plea
     G                Emi      D       C       Hmi       Emi
They placed me in the criminal box and then commenced on me
  Emi                 G     D      C         Hmi   Emi
Although she swore my life away, deprived me of my rest
        Emi               G  DCHmiDEmi
Still I love my faithless Flora,   lily of    the west

My Rifle, My Pony and Me

// KAPO 3

The sun is sinking in the west
The cattle go down to the stream
The redwing settles in the nest
It's time for a cowboy to dream

       G                    C
Purple light     —   in the canyons
             G               C
That's where I   —   long to be
        G                    C
With my three    —   good companions
        G      G        C
Just my rifle, pony and me

      G                  C
Gonna hang    —   my sombrero
       G               C
On the limb   —   of a tree
       G                     C
Comin' home   —   sweetheart darlin'
        G      C        G
Just my rifle, pony and me

        G                  C
Whippoorwill    —   in the willow
        G               C
Sings a sweet   —   melody
       G               C
Riding to       —   Amarillo
        G      G        C
Just my rifle, pony and me

        G                  C
No more cows     —   to be ropened
        G                   C
No more strays   —   will I see
          G                    C
Round the bend   —   she'll be waitin'
       G      C        G
For my rifle, pony and me

       G               C              G
For my rifle,   —   my pony   —   and me


// KAPO 3

I wish I was an apple
Hangin' in a tree
    G            C
And everytime my sweetheart passed
      G      C        G
She'd take a bite off me

She told me that she loved me
She called me sugar plum
    G               C
She threw her arms around me
  G          C        G
I thought my time had come

#           C
# Get along home, Cindy-Cindy
#           G
# Get along home, Cindy-Cindy
#           C              D
# Get along home, Cindy-Cindy
#      G G+d G   D   G
# I'll marry you sometime

I wish I had a needle
As fine as I could sew
    G             C
I'd sew her in my pocket
    G        C        G
And down the road I'd go

Cindy hugged and kissed me
She wrung her hands and cried
G               C
Swore I was the prettiest thing
     G    C        G
That ever lived or died



         C                C7         F        C
Když jde blizzard s vichřicí, já sám jedu vánicí
A na cestě jsem skoro celý den
       C              C7           F                C
Jedu k tý, o níž jsem snil, cestou dlouhou přes sto mil
      G                         Ami
A jen deset mil mi zbývá k Mary Anne
      G                         CG7
A jen deset mil mi zbývá k Mary Anne

     C        C7         F             C
Jedu nocí šílenou, bílou mlhou, černou tmou
A můj koník už je taky unaven
       C             C7         F         C
Sčítám chvíli za chvílí, sčítám míli za mílí
      G                        Ami
A jen sedm mil mi zbývá k Mary Anne
      G                        CG7
A jen sedm mil mi zbývá k Mary Anne

       C        C7             F             C
Kůň už nemůže a pad', zchromil ho ten věčnej chvat
Vítr stopy ničí jako ráno sen
       C         C7           F         C
Tak se nocí probíjím, z láhve brandy upíjím
      G                         Ami
A jen tři míle mi zbývaj k Mary Anne
      G                         CG7
A jen tři míle mi zbývaj k Mary Anne

        C           C7        F        C
V dálce světla zaplály, to mý oči hledaly
Potíž je jenom v tom, že nemůžu dál
      C           C7         F                        C
Na sedlo si hlavu dát, už se mi chce strašně, strašně spát
      G                         Ami
A jen sto yardů mi zbývá k Mary Anne
      G                         CG7
A jen sto yardů mi zbývá k Mary Anne

       C            C7          F         C
Tak ho našli za pár dní ležet v jámě bezedný
Hlavu měl bílou a oči jako len
       C                   C7              F            C
V ruce prsten, co chtěl jí dát — proč ho k čertu nemoh' hřát
      G                         Ami
A jen sto yardů mu zbývá k Mary Anne
      G                         C
A jen sto yardů mu zbývá k Mary Anne

V Lincolnu loňskýho roku

  C       C7       F    Fmi      C         Ami      DmiG7
V Licolnu loňskýho roku     Jim Stappleton     fáro hrál
   C          C7      F       Fmi     C        Ami     DmiG7
Že při tom se kapánek serval,     tak šerif mu náramky dal
   C        C7         F     Fmi     C       Ami      DmiG7
Do Santa Fé    když ho vezl,     Jim řekl ať tak nebo tak
   C       C7       F    Fmi   C        F          C
Já na tuty vezmu ti roha     a budu zas volnej jak pták

    C            C7      F    Fmi C      Ami     DmiG7
Ten večer jsme v Johnyho baru     srkali černý kafé
  C      C7          F     Fmi C       Ami         DmiG7
A říkali jsme si jak   asi     baví se Jim v Santa Fé
C        C7      F    Fmi C       Ami     DmiG7
Najednou náramná rána     rozbila lucernu a
C           C7       F    Fmi C       F        C
V tu ránu v celičkým báru     nastala egyptská tma

C        C7      F     Fmi   C          Ami       DmiG7
Na prahu postava stála     a že se hned vochladil vzduch
C       C7      F      Fmi C        Ami     DmiG7
Tu bylo každýmu jasný,     že je to nějakej duch
    C        C7           F       Fmi C         Ami       DmiG7
A v Santa Fé zrovna v ten moment,     říkám jen co vo tom vím
  C         C7          F    Fmi    C        F       C
Z basy když voknem bral roha     to nakoupil nebohej Jim

Sedm dostavníků

@ Ami                       GAmi
@ Plání se blíží sedm dostavníků
@ Ami                            GF
@ Stačí jen mávnout a jeden zastaví
@ F                    Emi             F
@ Sveze mě dál, za pár dobrejch slov a díků
@ F                     Emi       Ami
@ Ten kočí, co má modrý voči laskavý

# Ami        Dmi  G           C
# Hijá, hijá hou, dlouhá bude cesta
# Ami         Dmi    G         Ami
# Dlouhá jako píseň, co mě napadá
# Ami        Dmi  G              CF
# Hijá, hijá hou, sám když někdy stojím
# F                       Emi       Ami
# Sám proti slunci, který právě zapadá

Ami                           GAmi
Vím, že se hvězdy dneska nerozsvítí
Ami                          GF
Neklidný ptáci maj hlasy hádavý
F                 Emi         F
Vyprahlá tráva už velký deště cítí
F                  Emi        Ami
Ty deště co i moje stopy zaplaví


@ Plání se blíží...

Ze všech chlapů nejšťastnější chlap

   Dmi            Ami
To znám, to dobře znám, znám, znám
E7                       Amivyhrávka
Na kolejích nejsem nikdy sám
Shejbni hlavu, kamaráde, tunel před námi
Veksle tlučou, píšťaly řvou, zvonce vyzvání
V boudě dobrej mašinfíra není žádnej srab
Ami           Dmi           E7            Ami
I v tom dešti sazí jsem ten nejšťastnější chlap
f    E7                            Ami
Yes, ze všech chlapů nejšťastnější chlap

@ Ami
@ Když z komína vod mašiny letí černej dým
@ Dmi
@ Na tom světě jenom jednu věc na tuty vím
@ E7
@ Na tom světě širokým věc jednu jistou mám
@ Ami         Dmi         E7         Ami
@ Na kolejích chudej hobo není nikdy sám
@ f    E7                     Ami
@ Yes, chudej hobo není nikdy sám

#    Dmi            Ami
# To znám, to dobře znám, znám, znám
# E7                       Ami
# Na kolejích nejsem nikdy sám, sám, sám
#    Dmi            Ami
# To znám, to dobře znám, znám, znám
# E7                       Amivyhrávka
# Na kolejích nejsem nikdy sám
Za zádama Frisco, semafor je zelenej
Vlak se žene do tmy jako bejček splašenej
Radujte se, občánkové, hoboes jedou k vám
Ami         Dmi         E7         Ami
Na kolejích chudej hobo není nikdy sám
f    E7                     Ami
Yes, chudej hobo není nikdy sám

Pod zádama uhlí mám a deku děravou
Místo lampy večerní jen hvězdy nad hlavou
S večerem jsem do vagónu zalez' jako krab
Ami           Dmi           E7            Ami
I v tom dešti sazí jsem ten nejšťastnější chlap
f    E7                            Ami
Yes, ze všech chlapů nejšťastnější chlap

#    Dmi            Ami
# To znám, to dobře znám, znám, znám
# E7                       Ami
# Na kolejích nejsem nikdy sám, sám, sám
#    Dmi            Ami
# To znám, to dobře znám, znám, znám
# E7                       Amivyhrávka
# Na kolejích nejsem nikdy sám
Viděl jsem ji u pangejtu vedle dráhy stát
Usmála se, zamávala, z vagónu jsem spad'
Jářku: "Hallo!," sklopí voči, udělá to "klap"
Ami           Dmi           E7            Ami
I v tom dešti sazí jsem ten nejšťastnější chlap
f    E7                            Ami
Yes, ze všech chlapů nejšťastnější chlap

@ Ami
@ Když z komína vod mašiny letí černej dým
@ Dmi
@ Na tom světě širokým věc jednu jistě vím // liší se
@ E7
@ Na tom světě širokým věc jednu jistou mám
@ Ami         Dmi         E7         Ami
@ Na kolejích chudej hobo není nikdy sám
@ f    E7                     Ami
@ Yes, chudej hobo není nikdy sám

#    Dmi            Ami
# To znám, to dobře znám, znám, znám
# E7                       Ami
# Na kolejích nejsem nikdy sám, sám, sám
#    Dmi            Ami
# To znám, to dobře znám, znám, znám
# E7                       Amivyhrávka
# Na kolejích nejsem nikdy sám


       C         Ami     F     G
Jsem v krinolíně lariatu oblečen
    C         Ami       FG
Mou košilí je tichá savana
    C               Ami        F     G
A v sedle sním svůj kostkovaný táhlý sen
    C        f    G     C
Sen omšelého Dona Juana

       E7          Ami
Tisíce krásek voní šalvějí
    E7                     CG
Mou lásku sosny stínem oplácí
    C          Ami            F     G
Jen na koni se se mnou projet nechtějí
    C            f      G   CD7 G
Dál ve větru sem-tam se kymácí

#          C                       G
# Měsíc mě označkoval cejchovadlem lesů
#            D7                  G
# Sombrero z kaktusů si vyzývavě nesu
#         C     Cmi   G   E7
# Je moje láhev dávno dopita
#          Cd-c  D6  GG7
# A v dáli tepou kopyta
   C          Ami       F   G
Že pistole už Oklahomou nezazní
   C          Ami            FG
To nemrzí mě,     bude aspoň klid
  C          Ami        F   G
A že se ráno jako jindy rozední
   C            f     G   C
Je lepší, nežli zlato objevit

E7              Ami
Hacienda v dáli     není má
  E7                     CG
A nepatří mi stáda kolem ní
  C            Ami        FG
A jestli mě tu vůbec něco dojímá
    C            f     G    CD7 G
Tak na dně kapsy tabák poslední

#          C                       G
# Měsíc mě označkoval cejchovadlem lesů
#            D7                  G
# Sombrero z kaktusů si vyzývavě nesu
#         C     Cmi   G   E7
# Je moje láhev dávno dopita
#          Cd-c  D6  GG7
# A v dáli tepou kopyta

// v originále je zde
// místo refrénu SÓLO
  C         Ami  F       G
I Llano Estacado zná můj zpěv
  C              Ami            FG
U Tennessee jsem řval do hřmění   stád
     C          Ami        F    G
Jsem zkřivený a hořký jako babí hněv
   C             f    G    C
Ač mrtev, přesto žiju napořád

  E7                   Ami
V nábojích prach mám z dálných cest
   E7                     CG
Já brodil řeky, projel údolí
C               Ami         F       G
Žíznil jsem v poušti, viděl tisíc měst
    C           f      G    CD7 G
Mám koně, laso, hlad a pistoli

#          C                       G
# Měsíc mě označkoval cejchovadlem lesů
#            D7                  G
# Sombrero z kaktusů si vyzývavě nesu
#         C     Cmi   G   E7
# Je moje láhev dávno dopita
#          Cd-c  D6  GG7
# A v dáli tepou kopyta
jo lý'd leidý
jo lý'd leidý
    C         G
jou leidy jou leidy
    C         G
jou leidy jou leidy
    CAmi F G
jou leidý

C Ami F Gdo ztracena

// G = G - g


INTRO: C A D Gg a h
C                      Amicdchag
Cowboyové slyšte píseň mou
Dmi                          Gggah
Nechte chvíli těch pitomejch krav
  C                       Amicdchag
V Utahu jsem nechal lásku svou
Dmi                 Gggah
Jenoféfa zve se ona squaw

C                      Amicdchag
Vlasy má jak řeku zvlněný
Dmi                  Gggah
Voči jako květy šalvěje
C                        Amicdchag
Pro ty voči má hned splněný
   Dmi                   G
Co přeje si i co si nepřeje

#     C         Ami       Dmi   G        AmiG
# Jenoféfo, Jenoféfo, Jenoféfo,   prérie spí
#     C         Ami       Dmi   G          C
# Jenoféfo, Jenoféfo, Jenoféfo,   má píseň   v ní
# E7                     Ami             
# Kdyby měsíc nemusel ti     svítiti tmou
# E                          F          G
# Ještě by ti se mnou zpíval   písničku mou
#     C         Ami       Dmi   G         Cggah
# Jenoféfo, Jenoféfo, Jenoféfo,   nashledanou
C                  Amicdchag
Abyste to nezapomněli
Dmi                     Gggah
Opakuju, že jsem ji měl rád
C                       Amicdchag
Až mi začal chodit do zelí
Dmi                     Gggah
Jeden starej dobrej kamarád

C                     Amicdchag
Dostal volověnou do těla
Dmi                   Gggah
Jenoféfě zrovna na prahu
C                     Amicdchag
Do dneška ho nevobrečela
Dmi                      G
Tak jsem raděj ujel z Utahu

#     C         Ami       Dmi   G        AmiG
# Jenoféfo, Jenoféfo, Jenoféfo,   prérie spí
#     C         Ami       Dmi   G          C
# Jenoféfo, Jenoféfo, Jenoféfo,   má píseň   v ní
# E7                     Ami             
# Kdyby měsíc nemusel ti     svítiti tmou
# E                          F          G
# Ještě by ti se mnou zpíval   písničku mou
#     C         Ami       Dmi   G         Cggah
# Jenoféfo, Jenoféfo, Jenoféfo,   nashledanou
C                    Amicdchag
Jako kojot vyju na měsíc
Dmi                    Gggah
Cowboyové slyšte píseň mou
C                         Amicdchag
Ačkoliv znám jinejch na tisíc
Dmi               Gggah
Jenoféfa byla jedinou

C                            Amicdchag
Moh' bych o tom zpívat ještě dál
Dmi                    Gggah
Kdyby mě má láska slyšela
C                          Amicdchag
Někdo z Vás mi na krk laso dal
Dmi                     G
Vem to ďas, ráda mě neměla

#     C         Ami       Dmi   G        AmiG
# Jenoféfo, Jenoféfo, Jenoféfo,   prérie spí
#     C         Ami       Dmi   G          C
# Jenoféfo, Jenoféfo, Jenoféfo,   má píseň   v ní
# E7                     Ami             
# Kdyby měsíc nemusel ti     svítiti tmou
# E                          F          G
# Ještě by ti se mnou zpíval   písničku mou
#     C         Ami       Dmi   G         CFC // změna
# Jenoféfo, Jenoféfo, Jenoféfo,   nashledanou

Chajda halabala sroubená

C                     Ami
Moje milá po mým boku není
C                       A7
Moje milá je teď kdo ví kde
Dmi                       F
Marně čekám spásný světlo denní
C               Ab7   G7
Který asi vůbec nepřijde

C                        Ami
Moje milá je teď někde v dáli
C                   A7
Moje milá co je jediná
  Dmi                  F
V krku mě to zatraceně pálí
C          Ab7-G7 C F C
Takhle asi smutek začíná

# Gis                Cmi
# Ze tmy na mě kouká chajda prázdná
# Gis              Cmi
# Jen tak halabala sroubená
# Gis                 Cmi
# Musí stačit pro smutnýho blázna
#   Gis              G
# S jeho milou co je ztracená

  C                       Ami
S milou, která tady vůbec není
C                       A7
Kvůli ní teď voči bolej mě
Dmi                       F
Co se srdcem, který nikdo nevymění
C            Ab7-G7 C   F  C
Slunce nebem táhne  lhostejně
C                       Ami
Nezbejvá mi nežli místo mechu
C                    A7
Sehnat tašky eternitový
Dmi                     F
Naskládat je na děravou střechu
C                Ab7  G7
Instalovat kamna plynový

C                        Ami
Až se tímto chajda stane vilou
C                  A7
Oději se bílou košilí
Dmi                   F
Pozvu svoji pošetilou milou
C          Ab7-G7 C  F C
Na nedělní víkend do vily

# Gis               Cmi
# Pak jí budu na plynovým grilu
# Gis               Cmi
# Flambírovat kejty medvědí
# Gis              Cmi
# Dokud nepochopí, že mít vilu
# Gis            G
# Tulákovi jaksi nesedí

C                       Ami
Nežli v lese disponovat vilou
C                          A7
Na tremp nosit límce škrobený
Dmi                      F
Lepší nemít vůbec žádnou milou
  C          Ab7-G7 C   F C
V chajdě halabala   sroubený

Malá Jane

Ami                E7
Jó kola ta se točí    vzpomínám na tvý oči
Ami       f      Ami
Malá Jane   malá     Jane
Dmi                  Ami
Kůň z cesty neodbočí     kterou ho žene kočí
E7             Ami
Malá Jane malá     Jane

Ami                 E7
Žádnej mě nevaroval    abych tě nemiloval
Ami         f        Ami
Sladká Jane   sladká     Jane
Dmi                  Ami
Bez kouska podezření     že je tvý srdce němý
E7                 Ami
Sladká Jane sladká     Jane

Ami                  E7
Pro tvoje něžný ústa    je moje duše pustá
Ami      f        Ami
Jako led   krásná     Jane
Dmi                   Ami
Teď hraje doprovod mi     vůz kterej letí do tmy
E7              Ami
Naposled krásná     Jane

# Ami            E7
# Ďábelská jízda vítr si hvízdá
#                     Ami
# Na moje kola zablácený
# C                Dmi
# Než jít se topit     lepší se opít
# Ami                  E7      Ami
# ženský mi můžou bejt ukradený

Ami                   E7
Vědělas bezpochyby že    jsou tvý krásný sliby
Ami       f      Ami
Pustá lež   milá     Jane
Dmi               Ami
Mý koně nocí řičí     už nejsi má a ničí
E7           Ami
Nebudeš milá     Jane

@ Ami                  E7
@ Šátek co jsi mi dala    v den kdy jsi slibovala
@ Ami         f    Ami
@ Se mnou žít   óó     Jane
@ Dmi                   Ami
@ Ten dá se na mou věru     k čištění revolveru
@ E7              Ami
@ Použít prokletá     Jane


@ Šátek co jsi mi dala...

# REFRÉN - pouze "lalala"

Nejbohatší chudej

Jsem nejbohatší chudej      —   jsem volnej jako pták
                                  F           G
Bohatý se nuděj             —   a soužej všelijak
    C           f                     D         G
Jak uhlídat sví jmění       —   to mě dávno nežere
Vždyť přece kde nic není    —   ani smrt nebere

#        C+          D           F           C
# Jipija-hej, jipija-hou, jipija-hej, jipija-hou

C   před: gah
Můžu se s váma vsadit       —   ať každej z vás to ví
                                    F          G
Že třeba hluchej ladit      —   dál budu banjo svý
  C             f                 D          G
A že mám štěstí u žen       —   a že se umím smát
A nezůstanu dlužen          —   když mi píchne kamarád

#        C+          D           F           C
# Jipija-hej, jipija-hou, jipija-hej, jipija-hou


     C   před: gah
Jsem prostě velkej boháč    —   mám sedlo a laso a bič
                                  F           G
A k tomu svýmu jmění        —   nepotřebuju klíč
    C               f             D              G
Mám rád když slunce svítí   —   a koni vítr nestačí
To teprv člověk cítí        —   to co má nejradši

#        C+          D           F           C
# Jipija-hej, jipija-hou, jipija-hej, jipija-hou

Dávno již


Jak zapomenout na ten čas
Kdy stáli jsme si blíž
Jak zapomenout na ten čas
Snad, že to dávno již

My květy spolu trhali
Zda ještě o tom víš
A šli jsme cestou trnitou
Jak dávno již

# Tak dávno, dávno brachu můj
# Tak dávno, dávno již
# Teď společně si zapějem
# Na dávno, dávno již

My brouzdali se v potoce
Přes mnohý dol a výš
Pak dělila nás mořská hloub
Jak dávno již

Nuž ruku věrný příteli
Buď mému srdci blíž
Tak dobrou vůli neměli
Jsme dávno již

# Tak dávno, (dávno) brachu můj
# Tak dávno (dávno) již
# Teď společně si zapějem
# Na dávno, dávno již

Proč s tím se máme rozloučit
Co každý z nás měl rád
Proč s tím se máme rozejít
Bez víry na návrat

To není, není loučení
Byť zachvěl se nám hlas
Jsme pevně spolu spojeni
A sejdeme se zas

# Tak dávno, dávno brachu můj
# Tak dávno, dávno již
# Teď společně si zapějem
# Na dávno již


// KAPO 2

Em               Em    H7          Em
Když jsem já šel včera večer k Zapadáku
Em             Em     Em       Am
Komplic ke mně ze tmy tiše hovoří
Am           Am     Em        Am
Chytili jsme Máňu s koženým kabátem
H7         H7         Em
Do rána jí svíčka dohoří

Em            Em    H7            Em
Tak to vidíš, Máňo, přece jsme tě lízli
Em             Em     Em        Am
Tohle jsi nám, holka, dělat neměla
Am          Am     Em            Am
Zradila jsi partu, chodila jsi s fízly
H7           H7         Em
Teď dostaneš mordu do těla

Em           Em    H7        Em
Měla's u nás bídu, bylo málo cejnů
Em           Em     Em              Am
Proto jsi se raděj' sčuchla s chlupatym
Am           Am      Em         Am
Já tě za to, Máňo, vlastnoručně sejmu
H7             H7           Em
Nechám tě tu s prádlem flekatym

Em          Em      H7           Em
Nejhorší je na tom, že to bylo s chlupem
Em           Em    Em         Am
Kterej vloni zjara partu rozdělal
Am         Am    Em              Am
A já, milá Máňo, já jsem byl tím klukem
H7            H7         Em
Kterej dneska fízla voddělal

Em         Em     H7        Em
Zavři očka svoje, moje milá Máňo
Em              Em     Em         Am
Já jsem tě měl, holka, nadevšecko rád
Am          Am    Em         Am
Že jsi krysařila, máš už doděláno
H7         H7           Em
Parta musí sichr klidně spát

Chajda kůrová


   C               f            G               C
Je Bob mý jméno, říkám vám, jak před váma tu jsem
   C             Am             C             F
Já zažil jsem už všelicos, když křižoval jsem zem
   C             Am           C                 F
Já   kdysi byl i bohatej, teď trop jsem, Pánbůh ví
     C           F             G7  C
Živí mě teď moje obec v chajdě kůrový

    C               f              G             C
Jen jeden škopek dostal jsem, prej nemůže víc bejt
    C              Am          C                 F
Ten slouží na čaj, na maso, či když chci nohy mejt
    C            Am                C           F
Dál kotlík mám a žejdlík s šálkem, všechno fórový
       C        F               G7  C
Každej ale cení kuchyň v chajdě kůrový

    C            f            G          C
A z nábytku v ní není víc než bedna od ginu
   C          Am       C          F
Tu používám k sezení a jako spižírnu
  C           Am             C          F
A kdo by její víko zved', má kouzlo hotový
       C             F            G7  C
Mouchy budou ho hnát kolem chajdy kůrový

    C           f          G           C
Jak něžnej vítr provívá tu každou skulinou
     C          Am           C          F
Když prohání se kolem chajdy letní krajinou
  C          Am         C          F
A dveře mají pokroucený trámy futrový
    C         F              G7  C
Zadušením neumřu tu v chajdě kůrový

     C           f           G               C
To v zimě je zas jiná rozkoš   v mojí chajdě žít
     C             Am        C            F
Když přijde slota, vítr hučí   nebo začne lít
  C             Am        C         F
I saze vyrvou z komína ty deště surový
       C            F             G7  C
Černej pepř na maso dají v chajdě kůrový

   C         f           G            C
Je macatejma blechama ta chajda prolezlá
     C              Am           C            F
Když po ní plácneš, prskne na tě   jako kočka zlá
  C           Am         C           F
A včera hrály karty o to blechy čertový
      C              F              G7  C
Která po mně drápkem sekne v chajdě kůrový

Kde našli muži hrob

Am  C   D  Am
Am  C   D  Am
C   G
C   Dm (G) Am


A C e a // tj. Am/C
D C H G A Am

Tam, kde se smrtka s létem snoubí, tam našli muži hrob
Tam, kde je léto symbol zhouby, tam našli muži hrob
Ve slaném buši slunce bělí lebky těch, kteří neuspěli
Dingo kde jenom štěkne bdělý, tam našli muži hrob

Ve žlutých vodách s divým během, tam našli muži hrob
Ve zrádných tůních s měkkým břehem, tam našli muži hrob
Perlivý pruh se matně blýská za vodní brázdou ptakopyska
Živý hlas nikde nezastýská, tam našli muži hrob

Nocí se mrtvý jezdec žene, opouští muži hrob
Stádo je hrůzou poplašené, opouští muži hrob
V divokém rytmu nohy buší, dobytek vždycky mrtvé tuší
V oživlých tělech není duší, opouští muži hrob

Zeptej se hlídky, ta ti poví: vždycky je blízko hrob
Volají mrtví noční sovy z míst, kde je vždycky hrob
Smích slyší hlídka v mlžné páře, vidívá kradmé bledé tváře
Šedivé stíny zalije záře, blízko kde vždy je hrob

Vousatí muži, zelenáči padnou a ani nezapláčí
Zaroste všechno do bodláčí, tak najdou muži hrob


Emi Ami Emi
Emi Ami Emi
Emi Hmi Emi

# G D G D
# Emi Hmi Emi

Stáda hnát je pěknej job k jatkám stepí dlouhou
Jak honákem se můžeš stát, já řeknu pravdu pouhou
To chtěli skot pro Queensland, do Campsey, jak je zvykem
Přišel jsem a vzali mě, a tak jsem kočovníkem

# Tak podej kolem láhev podle starejch zvyků
# Na zdraví se dneska pije s bandou kočovníků

Už dobytek se počítá a všechno už se chystá
Muži sedí na koních a brzo hnem se z místa
Jsou zlý i dobrý tady, Ir, Němec v jednom šiku
Advokáti, doktoři v tý bandě kočovníků

Já takhle ráno stáda pás', kde tráva byla svěží
Že přerazí mě, ať jdu pryč, hned usedlík sem běží
Já říkám tiše: brácho, já bouchám někdy mžikem
Tady mluvíš s poctivým, cti dbalým kočovníkem

Prej dobytek nám zabaví, no tohle pro nás není
Je moc těžký nás nachytat a přimět k zaplacení
A maso v krámě koupit je proti našim zvykům
Zaběhlej se najde kus, ten patří kočovníkům

A děvče v Sydney povídá: pryč nechoď, jsem tak sama
Já na to: škoda, do sedla už nevejde se dáma
Tak chlapci, táhnem zpátky, ať kdo chce co chce říká
Někde poblíž Marano prej hledaj' kočovníka

# + poslední verš celkem 2x

Směr Jižní Austrálie

  C G C G
  G D G - G C G

# G C
#   C
# G D G
#   G D G - G C G

Jó, jih australskej - domov můj
  Hola hou, hola hej
Hornův mys jen vobepluj
  K jižní Austrálii

Má matka píše posedmý
Zanech moře, vrať se mi

# Králi vod, slyš píseň mou
#   Hola hou, hola hej
# Vzhůru cestou houpavou tam
#   K jižní Austrálii

Snad radši někdy nežil bys
Loď když míjí Hornův mys

Mý ženě tryská slzí proud
Loď když vidí zpátky plout

Já musím moře v očích mít
Houpat se a whisky pít

Jó, jih australskej - domov můj
Hornův mys jen vobepluj

Co dál, brácho

G Fis Emi C G
Hmi D

# C D G Fis Emi
# G Fis Emi
# C D
# C D G Fis Emi
# G Fis Emi
# C D
# C G

Kam se schováš, brácho, kam hlavu dáš
Až vítr a déšť, ty kapky ledový
Ti na ramenou začnou tančit čardáš
Kam hlavu dáš, hm, kam ji dáš

# U dobrejch lidí vždycky najdu jídla plnej stůl
# Nebo aspoň chléb a sůl
# Postel nebo kousek místa někde v podkroví
# U dobrejch lidí vždycky najdu slovo vlídný
# Tam přečkám zlý dny
# Jó, tak mi brácha na otázku odpoví
# On to ví, hm, on to ví

Kam se schováš, brácho, kam hlavu dáš
Až dusno a prach, to slunko srpnový
Ti na ramena padne jako těžkej mrak
Co, brácho, pak, hm, co pak


Kam se schováš, brácho, kam hlavu dáš
Až zásluhou aut a tuzeksovejch kont
Ti všichni dobrý lidi zmiznou jako dým
Co, brácho, s tím, hm, co s tím

# Dobrý lidi nejsou pára, tomu nevěřím
# Že zmiznou jako dým
# Že peníze je v darebáky promění
# A kdyby jednou snad, tak radši prášky pro spaní
# Sladký dřímání
# Spánek beze snů dva metry pod zemí
# Bez snění, hm ...

Číro (Chodím po Broadwayi)

#       C
# Svině nemlaťte mě, jaujau jaujau jau
#       C                          G
# Svině nemlaťte mě, jaujau jaujau jau
#       C            F
# Svině nemlaťte mě, nemlaťte mě
# C           G          C
# Nemlaťte mě to vám povídám

Práci nedostanu, dlouhý číro mám
      C                      G
Práci nedostanu, dlouhý číro mám
      C          F
Práci nedostanu, nedostanu
C          G           C
Nedostanu, dlouhý číro mám

Těď mě vodvážíte a to vám povídám
       C                      G
Těď mě vodvážíte a to vám povídám   — jó povídám
          C           F
Že jak mě vostříháte, vostříháte
C              G       C
Na celej život já seru vám

Teď mě vostříhali, já už práci mám   — já práci mám
       C                       G
Teď mě vostříhali, já už práci mám   — já práci mám
        C               F
Já na Borech v kotelně, jó v kotelně
C            G         C
S krysama si tajně povídám

Černý muž pod bičem otrokáře žil (John Brown)

Černý muž pod bičem otrokáře žil
G                   D
černý muž pod bičem otrokáře žil
D                   Hmi      G
černý muž pod bičem otrokáře žil
    Emi      G     A  D
kapitán John Brown to zřel

# D
# Glory, glory, haleluja
# G                 D
# glory, glory, haleluja
# D                 Hmi  G
# glory, glory, halelu-u-ja
#     Emi      G     A  D
# kapitán John Brown to zřel.

[: Sebral z Virginie černých přátel šik, :]
sebral z Virginie černých přátel šik,
prapor svobody pak zdvih'.

[: V čele věrných město Harper's Ferry jal, :]
v čele věrných město Harper's Ferry jal,
právo vítězí a čest.

[: Hrstka statečných však udolána jest, :]
hrstka statečných však udolána jest,
kapitán John Brown je jat.

[: Zvony Charlestonu z dáli temně zní, :]
zvony Charlestonu z dáli temně zní,
Johnův den to poslední.

[: John Brown mrtev jest a jeho tělo tlí, :]
John Brown mrtev jest a jeho tělo tlí,
jeho duch však kráčí dál.

[: Kráčí dál a v košili se třepotá, :]
kráčí dál a v košili se třepotá,
je mu zima veliká.

[: Jeho kosti byste marně hledali, :]
jeho kosti byste marně hledali, černoši je sežrali.

// KAPO 7

Černý muž pod bičem otrokáře žil
C                   G
černý muž pod bičem otrokáře žil
G                   Emi      C
černý muž pod bičem otrokáře žil
    Ami      C     D7 G
kapitán John Brown to zřel

# G
# Glory, glory, haleluja
# C                 G
# glory, glory, haleluja
# G                 Emi  C
# glory, glory, halelu-u-ja
#     Ami      C     D7 G
# kapitán John Brown to zřel.


"Prosím, odbor bytové správy Chánov."
"Dobrý den vinčuju, ja jsem chtěl nahlásit, že my by jsme potřebovali pětadvacet radiátoru."
"No ale my vám nemůžeme nadělovat jen tak jako nový radiátory, když si je rozeberete."
"Do pyče, všici jsme spali, rano se vzbudíme, mame radiátory v prdeli, to je diskreditace totok!"

     C      G         F       C
Jsou drzí a smělí a s černými těly
    F        C       D       G
Teď budou se dělit o penízky tvé
C         G         F         C
Brněnským lesem se „nekchere“ nese
F       C           D----- G
Nebojme se, že jsou nemluvové


    C           G        F       C
Tak zdrhej, ach bože, už taslili nože
    F         C      D         G
Tak neptej se cože nebo potkáš zem
C        G         F        C
Aranka s Eržou, ty nikdy ti nelžou
   F           C       D---------- G
Tu k(ch)abelku měly už když přišly sem

#   C f G
#   Rómové
# F    G            C g F
#   Ulice je jejich domovem
# F       G            C g F
#   Často jsou stíháni zákonem
#   F        G   C  f G
#   Brněnští rómové

     C       G         F      C
Jsou hodný a tichý a s plnými břichy
    F          C          D       G
Teď puk(ch)ají smíchy nad pečeným psem
     C      G        F        C
Jsou hrdí a vědí, že toho psa snědí
F         C          D------ G
Takhle si žijou, pak pustoší Zem

#   C f G
#   Rómové
# F    G            C g F
#   Ulice je jejich domovem
# F       G            C g F
#   Často jsou stíháni zákonem
#   F        G   C  f G
#   Brněnští rómové

#   C f G
#   Rómové
# F    G            C g F
#   Ulice je jejich domovem
# F       G            C g F
#   Často jsou stíháni zákonem
@   F        G   C  f
@   Brněnští rómové
@   F        G h C
@   Brněnští rómové

"Tak dobrý den, já jsem tady s těma radiátorama - pětadvacet jste říkali, že?"
"Ne, kdepak, no od te doby už třycet dva."

Železniční most

U železničního mostu ve vzduchu visí dým a blues
U železničního mostu ve vzduchu visí dým a blues
Den co den u trati čekám s bláhovou nadějí
Každý den ztrácí se všechno někam tou řekou kolejí

Strojvůdce možná to tuší, někdy mi rukou zamává
Strojvůdce možná to tuší, někdy mi rukou zamává
Potom se ozve zas pára, výhybky doznějí
A ve mně umře ta touha stará nad řekou kolejí

Když pak jdu od mostu domů srdce až v ústech mám
Když pak jdu od mostu domů srdce až v ústech mám
Některý sny se jen zdají, jiný jdou hlouběji
a já bych tak rád jel dolů na jih tou řekou kolejí

Kanonýr Jabůrek

Tam u Královýho Hradce
Lítaly tam koule prudce
E                 A
Z kanonů a flintiček
E               A
Do ubohých lidiček

#   A
# A u kanonu stál
#   E          A
# A pořád ládo-ládo-ládo
# A
# U kanonu stál
#   E            A
# A furt jen ládoval

Kmáni, šarže, oficíři
Kobyly i kanonýři
Po zemi se válejí
Rány je moc pálejí

Vzdor hroznému dešti kulek
Feuerwerker Franz Jabůrek
S luntem u kanonu stál
A pánvičku pucoval

Vytřel ho po každé ráně
A už zase házel na ně
Dvoucentové kuličky
Na ubohé Prajzíčky

Po každém vždy vypálení
Slyšet bylo nadávání
Jabůrku ty raubíři
Hele, jak na nás míří

Když to slyšel pan jenerál
Vína připíti mu hned dal
Řka: můj milý Jabůrku
Zde máš moji čutorku

Jabůrek nelíz ni kapky
Řka: nedělaj si oušlapky
Ze mne pane jenerál
A nechaj mne střílet dál

A už střílel jako blázen
Prajzi měli horkou lázeň
Celej rozbil regiment
Jabůrek, ten saprment

V tom ho zahlíd Kronprinc Fridrich
Herje den Kerl erschiess ich
A už hází potvůrka
Rachejtle na Jabůrka

A hned prajští kanonýři
Na Jabůrka všichni míří
Každý ho chce trefiti
Princovi se zavděčiti

První kartáč můj ty smutku
Vjel mu hubou do žaludku
On však honem ho vyndal
A už zase střílel dál

Praskla puma velmi prudce
Utrhla mu obě ruce
On rychle boty sundal
A nohama ládoval

V tom jeden prajský frajvilik
Šrapnelem mu hlavu ufik
Ač už na to neviděl
Na Prajzy předce střílel

Jabůrkovi letí hlava
Zrovna kolem jenerála
A křičí já melduju
Salutovat nemohu

Když však pum a kulek více
Trefilo ho do munice
Tu se teprv toho lek
A s kanonem pryč utek

A že zachránil ten kanon
Do šlechtickýho stavu on
Povýšen za ten skutek
Edler von die Jabůrek

Dej mu Pán Bůh věčnou slávu
"von" má, ale žádnou hlavu
Nedělá si z toho nic
Bezhlavých "von" je prý víc

Na těch panských lukách

Na těch panských lukách
Našel jsem já dukát
Kdo mně ho promění
Milá doma není

Zajdu do hospody
Kde cikáni hrají
Ti mně ho promění
Ti peníze mají

Když ho nepromění
Dám ho do cimbála
Muzika bude hrát
Do bílého rána

Do bílého rána
Až denice vyjde
Až promě má milá
Do hospody přijde

Komáři se ženili

Komáři se ženili - Bzum, bzum, ženili
Kapky vína neměli - Bzum, bzum neměli

Přiletěl k nim slavíček
Přines vína žejdlíček

Komáři se opili
Až komára zabili

Komár leží v komoře
Muška pláče na dvoře

Neplač, muško, co ti je
Však ti komár ožije

Těžké jeho ožití
Když je na smrt zabitý

Ej, uchněm

// KAPO 3
// V dapravadu svej tklivej balalajky
// Jurij Čihakov zapaje rusku narodnu pjesňu:
// Ej, uchněm!
# [: Ami Dmi Ami       Ami Dmi Ami
#    Ej, uchněm!   —   Ej, uchněm!
#    C Dmi C Dmi  Ami Dmi  Ami
#    Ješčo razik, ješčo da raz!    :]

C           F   C f
Razavjom my bjěrjózu,
C           F   C f
Razavjom my kudrjávu!
[: Dmi             Ami
   Ai-da, da   —   ai-da :]
Dmi F C Dmi Ami Dmi Ami
Razavjom my kudrjávu.
Ami Dmi Ami       Ami Dmi Ami
Ej, uchněm!   —   Ej, uchněm!
F !   C Dmi Ami Dmi Ami
Razavjom my kudrjávu.
# Ami Dmi Ami       Ami Dmi Ami
# Ej, uchněm!   —   Ej, uchněm!
# C F!  C Dmi  Ami Dmi  Ami
# Ješčo razik, ješčo da raz!

C           F  C f
Mi po bjerešku iďom,
C            F  C f
Pjésňu solnyžku pajom.
[: Dmi             Ami
   Ai-da, da   —   ai-da :]
Dmi F  C  Dmi Ami Dmi Ami
Pjésňu solnyžku pajom.
  Ami Dmi Ami   Ami  Dmi    Ami
@ Ej,     ej, ťani kanat silněj!
F !    C  Dmi Ami Dmi Ami
Pjésňu solnyžku pajom.
# Ami Dmi Ami       Ami Dmi Ami
# Ej, uchněm!   —   Ej, uchněm!
# C F!  C Dmi  Ami Dmi  Ami
# Ješčo razik, ješčo da raz!

C              F   C f
Ech ty, Volga, mať-reka,
C        F  C f
Široka i gluboka,
[: Dmi             Ami
   Ai-da, da   —   ai-da :]
Dmi Ami  F    Dmi
Široka i gluboka.
Ami Dmi Ami       Ami Dmi Ami
Ej, uchněm!   —   Ej, uchněm!
F      C  Dmi Ami Dmi Ami
Volga, Volga, mať-reka.
[: Ami Dmi Ami       Ami Dmi Ami
   Ej, uchněm!   —   Ej, uchněm!
F     C Dmi  Ami Dmi  Ami
Ješčo razik, ješčo da raz!       :]
Ami Dmi Ami       Ami Dmi Ami
Ej, uchněm!   —   Ej, uchněm!
Ami Dmi Ami
Ej, uchněm...


Rascvětali jabloni i gruši
Poplyli tumany nad rekoj
Vychodila na bereg Kaťuša
Na vysokij bereg, na krutoj

Vychodila, pěsnju zavodila
Pro stěpnogo, sizogo orla
Pro togo, kotorogo ljubila
Pro togo, č´i pisma beregla

Oj ty pěsnja, pěsenka děvičja
Ty leti za jasnym solncem vsled
I bojcu na daľněm pograničje
Ot Kaťuši peredaj privet!

Pusť on vspomnit děvušku prostuju
Pusť uslyšit, kak ona pojot!
Pusť on zemlju berežjot rodnuju
I ljubov Kaťuša sberežjot.


# E7 Ami E7 Ami
# Ami E7 Ami G7

C G C G C F Dmi E7

# Kalinka, kalinka, kalinka moja!
# V sadu jagoda malinka, malinka moja!

Ah, pod sosnoju, pod zelenoju
Spat' položite vy menja!
Aj-ljuli, ljuli, aj-ljuli
Spat' položite vy menja

Ah, sosenuška ty zelenaja
Ne šumi že nado mnoj!
Aj-ljuli, ljuli, aj-ljuli
Ne šumi že nado mnoj!

Ah, krasavica, duša-devica
Poljubi že ty menja!
Aj-ljuli, ljuli, aj-ljuli
Poljubi že ty menja!

Bella ciao

U-namas-tina   —   mi-sons veljato
O bella čao, bella čao, bella čao čao čao
        Cmi                   Gmi
U-namas-tina   —   mi-sons veljato
        D           Gmi
E do trova-to l'invasor

O partigiano   —   por-tami via
O bella čao, bella čao, bella čao čao čao
       Cmi                  Gmi
O partigiano   —   por-tami via
         D             Gmi
Che-e mi-sen tra dý-mo-rýr

E-sejo muoijo   —   da partigiano
O bella čao, bella čao, bella čao čao čao
       Cmi                  Gmi
E-sejo muoijo   —   da partigiano
        D           Gmi
Tu-u mi devi seppel-lír

E-seppel-lire   —   lassi montaňia
O bella čao, bella čao, bella čao čao čao
         Cmi                 Gmi
E-seppel-lire   —   lassi montaňia
        D                Gmi
So-otto lombra djun bele fjór

E-e le dženty   —   ke paserano
O bella čao, bella čao, bella čao čao čao
         Cmi               Gmi
E-e le dženty   —   ke paserano
       D            Gmi
Mi-i dirano "ke bel fjór"

Questo-eil fjore   —   del partigiano
O bella čao, bella čao, bella čao čao čao
           Cmi                  Gmi
Questo-eil fjore   —   del partigiano
        D           Gmi
Mo-orto per la libertá

           Cmi                  Gmi
Questo-eil fjore   —   del partigiano
        D           Gmi
Mo-orto per la libertá

[kapo 3 - kvůli jednodušším molům]

H = s hlubokým Fis

U-namas-tina   —   mi-sons veljato
O bella čao, bella čao, bella čao čao čao
        Ami                   Emi
U-namas-tina   —   mi-sons veljato
        H           Emi
E do trova-to l'invasor

O partigiano   —   por-tami via
O bella čao, bella čao, bella čao čao čao
       Ami                  Emi
O partigiano   —   por-tami via
         H             Emi
Che-e mi-sen tra dý-mo-rýr

E-sejo muoijo   —   da partigiano
O bella čao, bella čao, bella čao čao čao
       Ami                  Emi
E-sejo muoijo   —   da partigiano
        H           Emi
Tu-u mi devi seppel-lír

E-seppel-lire   —   lassi montaňia
O bella čao, bella čao, bella čao čao čao
         Ami                 Emi
E-seppel-lire   —   lassi montaňia
        H                Emi
So-otto lombra djun bele fjór

E-e le dženty   —   ke paserano
O bella čao, bella čao, bella čao čao čao
         Ami               Emi
E-e le dženty   —   ke paserano
       H            Emi
Mi-i dirano "ke bel fjór"

Questo-eil fjore   —   del partigiano
O bella čao, bella čao, bella čao čao čao
           Ami                  Emi
Questo-eil fjore   —   del partigiano
        H           Emi
Mo-orto per la libertá

           Ami                  Emi
Questo-eil fjore   —   del partigiano
        H           EmiDEmi
Mo-orto per la libertá

Barrett's Privateers

Oh, the year was 1778 -- How i wish i was in Sherbrooke now!
A letter of marque came from the king
To the scummiest vessel I'd ever seen -- God damn them all!

# I was told we'd cruise the seas for American gold
# We'd fire no guns, shed no tears
# Now I'm a broken man on a Halifax pier
# The last of Barrett's Privateers

Oh, Elcid Barrett cried the town
For twenty brave men all fishermen who
Would make for him the Antelope's crew

The Antelope sloop was a sickening sight
She'd a list to the port and her sails in rags
And the cook in scuppers with the staggers and the jags

On the King's birthday we put to sea
We were 91 days to Montego Bay
Pumping like madmen all the way

On the 96th day we sailed again
When a bloody great Yankee hove in sight
With our cracked four pounders we made to fight

The Yankee lay low down with gold
She was broad and fat and loose in stays
But to catch her took the Antelope two whole days

Then at length we stood two cables away
Our cracked four pounders made an awful din
But with one fat ball the Yank stove us in

The Antelope shook and pitched on her side
Barrett was smashed like a bowl of eggs
And the Main trunk carried off both me legs

So here I lay in my 23rd year
It's been 6 years since we sailed away
And I just made Halifax yesterday

Don't Forget Your Old Shipmate

A                 D     A
Safe and sound at home again
        E      A
Let the waters roar, Jack
Safe and sound at home again
Let the waters roar, Jack

# Long we've tossed on the rolling main
  D               E+cis
# Now we're safe ashore, Jack
  A                D   A
# Don't forget yer old shipmate
                              E+cis   A
# Faldee raldee raldee raldee rye-eye-doe!

Since we sailed from Plymouth Sound
Four years gone, or nigh, Jack
Was there ever chummies, now
Such as you and I, Jack?

We have worked the self-same gun
Quarterdeck division
Sponger I and loader you
through the whole commission

Oftentimes have we laid out
Toil nor danger fearing
Tugging out the flapping sail
To the weather earing

When the middle watch was on
And the time went slow, boy
Who could choose a rousing stave
Who like Jack or Joe, boy?

There she swings, an empty hulk
Not a soul below now
Number seven starboard mess
Misses Jack and Joe now

But the best of friends must part
Fair or foul the weather
Hand yer flipper for a shake
Now a drink together

Ten Thousand Miles Away

by Musical Blades

Ho! for a brave an' a gallant ship
An' a fast an' fav'rin' breeze
With a bully crew an' a captain too
To carry me o'er the seas
To carry me o'er the seas, me boys
To me true love far away
For I'm takin' a trip on a government ship
Ten thousand miles away

# Then blow ye winds hi ho
# An' a-rovin' I will go
# I'll stay no more on England's shore
# To hear the music play
# I'm off the bounding main
# And I won't be back again
# For I'm on the move to me own true love
# Ten thousand miles away

My true love she was beautiful
My true love she was young
But she's taken a trip on a government ship
Bound out to Botany Bay
Bound out to Botany Bay, m'boys
An' though she's far away
I'll never forget me own true love
Ten thousand miles away

It was a summer mornin'
When I last had seen me Meg
She'd a government band around each hand
An' another one round her leg
An' another one round her leg, m'boys
As the big ship left the bay
"Adieu," said she, "remember me
Ten thousand miles away"

I wish I was a boatswain bold
Or a sailor without fear
I'd man a boat and away I'd float
An' straight to me true love steer
An' straight to me true love steer, m'boys
Where the whales an' dolphin play
Where the whales an' sharks are havin' their larks
Ten thousand miles away

Oh, the sun may shine through the London fog
Or the river run quite clear
Or the ocean brine turn into wine
Or I forget my beer
Or I forget my beer, m'boys
Or the landlord's quarter-pay
But I'll never forget me own true love
Ten thousand miles away

Ten Thousand Miles Away

by Dan Milner

Ho! for a brave an' a gallant ship
An' a fair an' a fav'rin' breeze
With a bully crew an' a captain too
To carry me o'er the seas
To carry me o'er the seas, me boys
To me true love far away
For I'm takin' a trip on a Government ship
Ten thousand miles away

# Then blow ye winds I ho
# A rovin' I will go
# I'll stay no more on Erin's shore
# To hear the fiddlers play
# I'm off on the bounding Maine
# And I won't be back again
# For I'm on the move to my own true love
# Ten thousand miles away

My true love she was beautiful
My true love she was young
Her eyes were like the diamonds
Bright and silvery was her tongue
An' Silvery was her tongue, me lads
As the big ship left the bay
And she said, "Will you remember me
Ten thousand miles away?"


It was a dark and a dismal day
When last I saw my Peg
She'd a Government band around each hand
And another one round her leg
And another one round her leg, me boys
As the big ship left the bay
"Adieu," says she, "remember me
Ten thousand miles away"

Oh, the sun may shine through the Dublin fog
And the Liffey run quite clear
And the ocean brine turn into wine
And I forget my beer
And I forget my beer, me boys
Or the landlord's quarter-day
But I'll ne'er forget my own true love
Ten thousand miles away

A Drop of Nelson's Blood
Roll the Old Chariot

[And] a drop of Nelson's blood wouldn't do us any harm // 3x
 [No] a drop of Nelson's blood wouldn't do us any harm
      a drop of Nelson's blood wouldn't do us any harm
          Am  G    C  Em Am
And we'll all hang on be_hind

# [And] we'll roll the old chariot along // 3x
# And we'll all hang on behind

Oh, a plate of Irish stew wouldn't do us any harm
Oh, a nice fat cook wouldn't do us any harm
Oh, a roll in the clover wouldn't do us any harm
Oh, a long spell in gaol wouldn't do us any harm
Oh, a nice watch below wouldn't do us any harm
Oh, a night with the gals wouldn't do us any harm
Oh, a good night ashore wouldn't do us any harm

We'd be alright if we 'ad a drop of rum
We'd be alright if yah buggers all would sing
If the devils in the road we'll roll it over him
We'll be alright when the skipper's in his grave

Roll the Old Chariot Along

by David Coffin

Oh we'd be all right if the wind was in our sails
Oh we'd be all right if the wind was in our sails
Oh we'd be all right if the wind was in our sails
And we'll all hang on behind

And we'll roll the old chariot along
We'll roll the old chariot along
We'll roll the old chariot along
And we'll all hang on behind

Oh we'd be all right if we make it 'round the horn
Oh we'd be all right if we make it 'round the horn
Oh we'd be all right if we make it 'round the horn
And we'll all hang on behind

Well a nice wash below wouldn't do us any harm
Well a nice wash below wouldn't do us any harm
Well a nice wash below wouldn't do us any harm
And we'll all hang on behind

Well a drop of Nelson's blood wouldn't do us any harm
Well a drop of Nelson's blood wouldn't do us any harm
Well a drop of Nelson's blood wouldn't do us any harm
And we'll all hang on behind

Well a night on the town wouldn't do us any harm
Well a night on the town wouldn't do us any harm
Oh a night on the town wouldn't do us any harm
And we'll all hang on behind

Titanic - My Heart Will Go On

Every night in my dreams
I see you, I feel you
That is how I know you, go on

Far across the distance
And spaces, between us
You have come to show you, go on

# Near, far, wherever you are
# I believe that the heart does, go on
# Once more you open the door
# And you're here in my heart
# And my heart will go on, and on

Love can touch us one time
And last for a life time
And never let go till we're gone

Love was when I loved you
One true time, I hold to
In my life we'll always, go on


You're here, there's nothing I fear
And I know that my heart will go on
We'll, stay, forever this way
You are safe in my heart
And my heart will, go on and on

Bully In The Alley

[czh: lze i kapo 5+]

# C
# Help me Bob, I'm bully in the alley
#   F   C    G
#   Wey hey, Bully in the alley
# C
# Help me Bob, I'm bully in the alley
#   F             G  +d    C
#   Bully down in Shinbone al

// Sally is the girl from Shinbone alley
Sally is a girl that I loved dearly
  F   C    G
  Wey hey, Bully in the alley
Sally is the girl that I spliced nearly
  F             C   G    C
  Bully down in Shinbone al

For seven long years I courted little Sally
All she did was dilly and dally

I bought her silks and I bought her laces
I took her out to all the fine places

I found myself out under three, oh
I found myself with time so free, oh

I found myself down on the quay, oh
I found myself with time so free, oh

I waltzed up to the Angel Inn, oh
And kicked down the door and walked right in, oh

I walked up to the barroom counter
There I met with Greasy Annie

Greasy Annie's a slimy whore, oh
And every shellback knocked on her door, oh

I bought her rum and I bought her gin, oh // rum <=> gin
And bought her wine of white and red, oh

And when I spent of all me tin, oh
Off to bed we both did creep, oh

We rough-and-tumbled all night long, oh
Dawn did break, the cock did call, oh

I left my girl to go a-sailing
I left my Sal to go a-whaling

(Fall Down) Billy O'Shea

// CZH když to není ono, zkus kapo 2

G s d | C s g

       G                C  C   G G
Oh, we all got drunk in Dublin City
  G            GG
  Fall down me Billy
   G                     C      C   G G
We all got drunk and the more's the pity
   G        D       G
  Fall down Billy O'Shea

# G         CC
# Fall down fall down
# G    C    G     D
# Fall down me Billy
#       G               C C G
# We're bound away for Americay
#  G        D       G
# Fall down Billy O'Shea

       G                   C          G
Oh, we lay down drunken on Rogerson's Quay
  G             GG
  Fall down me Billy
    G                     C      G
And when we awoke we were out to sea
   G        D       G
  Fall down Billy O'Shea


       G              C       G
Oh, we are no sailors Captain dear
  G             GG
  Fall down me Billy
        G                    C       G
And the least incline for to reef or steer
   G        D       G
  Fall down Billy O'Shea

    G                     C        G
The Captain said, "I've a cure for that."
  G             GG
  Fall down me Billy
     G                     C           G
"And here for a start is a dose of the cat!"
   G        D       G
  Fall down Billy O'Shea


   G                  C       G
He sent him up to the topmast yard
  G             GG
  Fall down me Billy
    G                       C       G
And when he hit the deck he took it hard
   G        D       G
  Fall down Billy O'Shea


   G                C      G
We wrapped him in a canvas sail
  G             GG
  Fall down me Billy
    G                  C        G
And gently lowered him o'er the rail
   G        D       G
  Fall down Billy O'Shea

    G                 C       G
And over the side and down he goes
  G             GG
  Fall down me Billy
   G                 C                  G
To Davy Jones with a stitch through his nose
   G        D       G
  Fall down Billy O'Shea


@ Oh, we all got drunk...


Johnny Gone Down to Hilo

I've never seen the like since I been born
A great big sailor with his sea boots on
  When Johnny comes down to Hilo
  Poor old man

# Well I'll wake her
# I'll shake her
# I'll wake that girl with the blue dress on
# When Johnny comes down to Hilo
# Poor old man

I had a little girl across the sea
She's an Asian beauty and she says to me

There was a sailor called Uncle Ned
He had no hair hangin' from his head

Did you ever go down to Mobile Bay
Where they sew the cotton all through the day

Did you ever see the old plantation bus
With a long-tail filly and a big black hoss

Náš kapitán je dobrý pirát


Popásal jsem letos ovce
ovčákem mi svěřené
a to přímo na vozovce
nepořádně změřené.

A tak, díky nedbalosti,
když kol auto přejelo,
zbyly z ovcí jenom kosti,
což se státi nemělo.

Vtom se přihnal ovčák Láda
s vousiskem rozevlátým:
"Za to, žes' mi zničil stáda,
já tě, chlape, umlátím!"

"Nemlať ty mě, ovčák, eště,
eště jsem nic neužil,
jenom jedno měl jsem děvče,
a ty mě chceš bacit včil!"

"Ej, tam na vrcholku kopce
strašlivě to zebe,
když nemám na kožuch ovce,
udělám ho z tebe,
když nemám na kožuch ovce,
udělám ho z tebe!"

    Ami                                 H7  E
   Popásal jsem letos ovce ovčákem mi svěřené,
   Dmi         Ami        E              Ami
   a to přímo na vozovce nepořádně změřené,
                                           H7  E
   a tak, díky nedbalosti, když kol auto přejelo,
     Dmi         Ami          E                Ami
   zbyly z ovcí jenom kosti, což se státi nemělo.
     Dmi                         Ami         E
   Vtom se přihnal ovčák Láda s vousiskem rozevlátým:
     Ami                          E             Ami
   Za to, žes' mi zničil stáda, já tě, chlape, umlátím!
                                              H7 E
   Nemlať ty mě, ovčák, eště, eště jsem nic neužil,
    Dmi         Ami            E                     Ami
   jenom jedno měl jsem děvče, a ty mě chceš bacit včil!
                                      H7    E
   Ej, tam na vrcholku kopce strašlivě to zebe,
     Dmi          Ami         E            Ami
   když nemám na kožuch ovce, udělám ho z tebe!

(Coast of) High Barbary

weather = návětrná | lee = závětrná

@       Ami         Ami             Ami     G       Ami
@ Look ahead, look astern, look the weather and the lee
@        Ami        G        Ami       E
@   Blow high! blow low! and so sailed we
@   Ami            G              Ami           G
@ I see a wreck to windward and a lofty ship to lee
@     Ami                                       g Ami
@   A-sailing down all on the coasts of High Barbaree

    Ami          Ami            Ami     G       Ami
"Oh hail her! oh hail her!" our gallant captain cried
       Ami        G        Ami       E
  Blow high! blow low! and so sailed we
     Ami         G        Ami              G
"Are you a man o'war or a privateer?" said he
    Ami                                       g Ami
  A-sailing down all on the coasts of High Barbaree

    Ami       Ami         Ami   G           Ami
"Oh are you a pirate or a man o'war?" cried we
       Ami        G        Ami       E
  Blow high! blow low! and so sailed we
    Ami           G             Ami               G
"Oh no! I'm not a pirate, but a man o'war," cried he
    Ami                                       g Ami
  A-sailing down all on the coasts of High Barbaree

     Ami          Ami          Ami        G      Ami
Then back up your topsails and heave your vessel to
       Ami        G        Ami       E
  Blow high! blow low! and so sailed we
    Ami              G             Ami             G
For we have got some letters to be carried home by you
    Ami                                       g Ami
  A-sailing down all on the coasts of High Barbaree

      Ami         Ami          Ami       G      Ami
We'll back up our topsails and heave our vessel to
       Ami        G        Ami       E
  Blow high! blow low! and so sailed we
    Ami          G            Ami              G
But only in some harbour and along the side of you
    Ami                                       g Ami
  A-sailing down all on the coasts of High Barbaree

     Ami       Ami           Ami  G           Ami
"Oh, I'm not a man o'war nor privateer," said he
       Ami        G        Ami       E
  Blow high! blow low! and so sailed we
     Ami           G            Ami            G
"But I am salt sea pirate all a-looking for me fee"
    Ami                                       g Ami
  A-sailing down all on the coasts of High Barbaree

    Ami            Ami             Ami        G      Ami
For broadside, for broadside, they fought all on the main
       Ami        G        Ami       E
  Blow high! blow low! and so sailed we
  Ami             G                Ami            G
Until at last the frigate shot the pirate's mast away
    Ami                                       g Ami
  A-sailing down all on the coasts of High Barbaree

    Ami           Ami           Ami   G      Ami
For quarters! for quarters! the saucy pirate cried
       Ami        G        Ami       E
  Blow high! blow low! and so sailed we
    Ami              G                  Ami              G
The quarters that we showed them was to sink them in the tide
    Ami                                       g Ami
  A-sailing down all on the coasts of High Barbaree

     Ami         Ami        Ami        G     Ami
With cutlass and gun, oh we fought for hours three
       Ami        G        Ami       E
  Blow high! blow low! and so sailed we
    Ami               G                Ami              G
The ship it was their coffin and their grave it was the sea
    Ami                                       g Ami
  A-sailing down all on the coasts of High Barbaree

    Ami          Ami             Ami     G       Ami
But Oh! it was a cruel sight and grieved us full sore
       Ami        G        Ami       E
  Blow high! blow low! and so sailed we
   Ami            G                Ami              G
To see them all a-drowning as they tried to swim to shore
    Ami                                       g Ami
  A-sailing down all on the coasts of High Barbaree

@ Look ahead, look astern...

South Australia

In South Australia I was born!
  Heave away! Haul away!
In South Australia round Cape Horn!
  We're bound for South Australia!

# Haul away, you rolling king
#   Heave away! Haul away!
# Haul away and hear me sing
#   We're bound for South Australia!

As I walked out one morning fair
'Twas there I met Miss Nancy Blair

I sher up, I sher down
I sher round and round the town

There ain't but one thing grieves my mind
To leave Miss Nancy Blair behind

And as you lollop round Cape Horn // wallop
You'll wish to Christ you'd never been born!

  G              Am g    G
# Haul away, you rolling king

    Am    gG    Am   gG
#   Heave away! Haul away!

  G             C    g  G
# Haul away and hear me sing

    g     G     g   g     g D   G
#   We're bound for South Australia!

Roll the Woodpile Down

Away down South where the cocks do crow
  Way down in Florida
Them girls all dance to the old banjo
  And we'll roll the woodpile down

# Rollin', rollin', rollin' the whole world 'round
# That brown gal of mine's on the Georgia line
# And we'll roll the woodpile down

Oh, what can you do in Tampa bay?
But give them yellow girls all your pay

Them Cardiff girls ain't got no frills
They're skinny and tight as catfish gills

Oh, why do them little girls love me so?
Because I don't tell all I know

Oh, one more pull and that will do
For we're the boys to kick her through

# CHORUS + poslední dva verše

Cruel Wars

A recruiting sergeant came our way
From an inn near town at the close of day
He said my Johnny you're a fine young man
Would you like to march along behind a military band
With a scarlet coat and a fine cocked hat
And a musket at your shoulder
The shilling he took and he kissed the book
Oh poor Johnny what'll happen to ya?

The recruiting sergeant marched away
From the Inn near town at the break of day
Johnny came too with half a ring
He was off to be a soldier to go fighting for the King
In a far off war in a far off land
To face the foreign soldier
But how will you fare when there's lead in the air
Oh poor Johnny what'll happen to ya?

Well the sun rose high on a barren land
Where the thin red line made a military stand
There was sling shot, chain shot, grape shot too
Swords and bayonets thrusting through
Poor Johnny fell but the day was won
And the King is grateful to ya
But your soldiering's done and they're sending you home
Oh poor Johnny what'll happen to ya?

They said he was a hero and not to grieve
For the two ruined legs and the empty sleeve
They took him home and they set him down
With a military pension and a medal from the crown
But you haven't an arm, you haven't a leg
The enemy nearly slew ya
You'll have to go out on the streets to beg
Oh poor Johnny what'll happen to ya?

A recruiting sergeant came our way
From the inn near town at the close of day
He said my Johnny you're a fine young man
Would you like to march along behind a military band
With a scarlet coat and a fine cocked hat
And a musket at your shoulder
The shilling he took and he kissed the book
Oh poor Johnny what will happen to ya?

High Germany

[czh: kapo 3]

   Em             G          D              Em 
Oh Polly love, oh Polly, the rout has now begun // route?
    G            G  C            G       Am     Em 
And we must go a-marching at the beating of the drum
   G                  G       C        G               D
Go dress yourself all in your best and come along with me
     Em              G                D         Em 
I'll take you to the war, my love, in High Germany

   Em             G           D               Em 
Oh Willy love, oh Willy, come list' what I do say
   G                G  C      G      Am     Em 
My feet they are so tender, I cannot march away
      G                 G  C     G                D
And besides, my dearest Willy, I am with child by thee
    Em             G                D         Em 
Not fitted for the war, my love, in High Germany

     Em            G                   D               Em 
I'll buy for you a horse, my love, and on it you shall ride
    G              G     C    G      Am      Em 
And all my delight shall be a-riding by your side
      G             G  C         G                 D
We'll stop at every alehouse and drink when we are dry
         Em          G            D              Em 
We'll be true to one another, get married by and by

    Em             G                D                Em 
Oh, cursed be them cruel wars, that ever they should rise
    G            G  C           G      Am      Em 
And out of merry England, press many a man likewise
     G                    G    C       G                D
They pressed my true love from me, likewise my brothers three
    Em               G                 D         Em 
And sent them to the wars, my love, in High Germany

   Em               G            D             Em 
My friends I do not value nor my foes I do not fear
G               G    C    G      Am      Em 
Now my love has left me I wander far and near
    G            G     C          G             D
And when my baby it is born and a-smiling on my knee
     Em              G        D         Em 
I'll think on lovely Willy in High Germany

// I'll take you to the cruel wars in High Germany

// O Harry, dearest Harry, mind well what I do say
// My feet they are so tender and I cannot march away
// Besides, my dearest Harry, I am with child by thee
// Not fitted for the cruel wars in High Germany

// And all of my delight shall be walking at your side

// They took her Harry from her, likewise her brothers three

Hunting Pirates

@ A D A
@ A A G A
@ (G) A D A
@ Emi+g C G A (E G)

# F#mi F#mi D F#mi E
# F#mi A A+ E
# F#mi F#mi D F#mi E
# F#mi Ais Ais A


@ Full sails ahead, oceans painted red
@ When the soldiers of fortune hunt for pirates
@ No questions asked, we fulfil our task
@ Tones all turn grey after sunset

@ Slaying a man, taking what you can
@ What is right, what is wrong, who can answer?
@ Sailing the seas, we do just what we please
@ Emperors, pirates; all cancer

# Hoist the sails! Wipe them out now
# Kill them all! Let them die
# Scum they are! Foe of mankind
# Clear the sea! Show no ruth

We have no choice, it's you who are the bad guys
You've taken it all and yet you still dare to fault
Who are you to judge and condemn us
Underneath the paint your flag is still black


Yes we can, and therefore we do so
Please understand, that there's nothing you can do
The world has changed, your justice is outdated
What is right, is what is right to me

@ Full sails ahead...
@ Slaying a man...


Share the wealth, your holdings should be ours
It's all a smile on our sunny bright kolkhoz
Where's the crime, when no-one's really losing?
Out of cash? Why don't you print some more

@ Full sails ahead...
@ Slaying a man...

Both we are but selfish chancers
Taking what's there

Zapachniało jesienią

Ballada Jaskra – Jaskier - Marigold

Ami       Dmi     Ami      EmiC
    Zapachniało powiewem jesieni,
Ami           Dmi     Ami         E
    Z wiatrem zimnym uleciał słów sens.

Hmi     E
Tak być musi,
  Hmi                E
Niczego nie mogą już zmienić,
    F       Dmi           Ami
Brylanty na końcach twych rzęs.

Tam, gdzie mieszkasz już biało od śniegu,
Szklą się lodem jeziora i błota.

Tak być musi,
Już zmienić nie może niczego,
Zaczajona w twych oczach tęsknota.

Wróci wiosna, deszcz spłynie na drogi,
Ciepłem słońca serca się ogrzeją.

Tak być musi,
Bo ciągle się tli w nas ogień,
Wieczny ogień, który jest nadzieją.

Shady Grove

by Whiskey Shivers

# Shady Grove my little love
# Shady Grove my darling
# Shady Grove my little love
# I'm going back to Harlan

Shady Grove

by Ashelin / by Doc Watson

# Shady Grove my little love
# Shady Grove I say
# Shady Grove my little love
# I'm bound to go away

Cheeks as red as blooming rose
And eyes are the prettiest brown
She's the darling of my heart
Sweetest lil' girl in town

I wish I had a big fine horse
And corn to feed him on
And Shady Grove to stay at home
And feed him while I'm gone

I Went to see my Shady Grove
Standing in the door
Her shoes and stockings in her hand
And her little bare feet on the floor

When I was a little boy
I wanted a Barlow knife
Now I want little Shady Grove
To say she'll be my wife

# by Doc Watson

A kiss from pretty little Shady Grove
Is as sweet as brandywine
And there ain't no girl in this whole world
That's prettier than mine


Fifteen miles of mountain road
Twenty miles of sand
If I ever travel this road again
I'll be a married man

Shady Grove

by Shelly Colvin

Peaches in the summertime
Apples in the fall
If I can't have the boy I love
Don't want none at all

# Shady grove my little love
# Shady grove I know
# Shady grove my little love
# I'm bound for the shady grove

Wish I had a banjo string
Made of golden twine
Every tune I'd play on it
I wish that boy was mine

Wish I had a needle and thread
Fine as I could sew
I'd sew that boy to my side
And down the road I'd go

Some come here to fiddle and dance
Some come here to tarry
Some come here to fiddle and dance
I come here to marry

Every night when I go home
My man, I try to please him
The more I try, the worse he gets
Damned if I don't leave him

Shady Grove

by Pernell Roberts

@ Shady Grove my little love
@ Standing in the door
@ Shoes and stockings in her hand
@ And her little bare feet on the floor

Cheeks as red as the blooming rose
Eyes of the deepest brown
You are the darling of my heart
Prettiest girl in town

If I had a glass of wine
And bread and meat for two
I'd set it all on a golden plate
And give it all to you

Peaches in the summertime
Apples in the fall
If I can't have Shady Grove
I won't have none at all

@ Shady Grove my little love...

If I had a big fine horse
And corn to feed him on
Pretty little girl to stay at home
And feed him when I'm gone

If I had a needle and thread
Fine as I could sew
I'd sew my pretty girl to my side
And down the road I'd go

Shady Grove my little love
Shady Grove my dear
Shady Grove my little love
Gone to Shady Grove

Take Me Home, Country Roads

C                Ami
  Almost heaven,     West Virginia
G                       F          C
  Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River
C                    Ami
  Life is old there, older than the trees
G                           F                C
Younger than the mountains, blowin' like the breeze

#         C              G
# Country roads, take me home
#        Ami       F
# To the place I belong
#         C               G
# West Virginia, mountain momma
#         F             C
# Take me home, country roads

C                 Ami
  All my memories     gathered 'round her
G               F                C
  Miner's lady, stranger to blue water
C                 Ami
  Dark and dusty, painted on the sky
G                         F               C
Misty taste of moonshine, teardrops in my eye

#         C              G
# Country roads, take me home
#        Ami       F
# To the place I belong
#         C               G
# West Virginia, mountain momma
#         F             C
# Take me home, country roads

@ Ami            G            C
@     I hear her voice in the mornin' hour she calls me
@     F       C              G
@ The radio reminds me of my home far away
@     Ami              Asi          F
@ And drivin' down the road I get a feelin'
@        C                     G                G7
@ That I should have been home yesterday, yesterday

#         C              G
# Country roads, take me home
#        Ami       F
# To the place I belong
#         C               G
# West Virginia, mountain momma
#         F             C
# Take me home, country roads
#         G                 C
# Take me home, now country roads

(Ghost) Riders in the Sky

An old cowboy went riding out
One dark and windy day
Upon a ridge he rested
As he went along his way
When all at once a mighty herd
Of red-eyed cows he saw
Plowing through the ragged skies
And up a cloudy draw

# Yippie I aye
# Yippie I oh
# Ghost riders in the sky

Their brands were still on fire
And their hooves were made of steel
Their horns were black and shiny
And their hot breath he could feel
A bolt of fear went through him
As they thundered through the sky
For he saw the riders coming hard
And he heard their mournful cries

Their faces gaunt, their eyes were blurred
Their shirts all soaked with sweat
He's riding hard to catch that herd
But he ain't caught 'em yet
Cause they got to ride forever
On that range up in the sky
On horses snorting fire
As they ride on hear their cries

As the riders loped on by him
He heard one call his name
If you wanna save your soul from hell
A-riding on our range
Then cowboy change your ways today
Or with us you will ride
Trying to catch the devil's herd
Across these endless skies

Ring of Fire

INTRO: h c cisG C GG C G

G         C       G
Love is a burning thing
       G       C     G
And it makes a fiery ring
G        C      G
Bound by wild desire
G             D       G    f# e
I fell into a ring of fire

# D             C               G
# I fell into a burning ring of fire
# f# e   D                         C           G
# I went down, down, down, and the flames went higher
#        G                          C       G
# And it burned, burned, burned the ring of fire
#     D       G    h c cis
# The ring of fire


# D             C               G
# I fell into a burning ring of fire
# f# e   D                         C           G
# I went down, down, down, and the flames went higher
#        G                          C       G
# And it burned, burned, burned the ring of fire
#     D       G    h c cis
# The ring of fire

    G        C       G
The taste of love is sweet
     G           D    G
When hearts like ours meet
G              C      G
I fell for you like a child
G           C         G    f# e
Oh, but the fire went wild

# D             C               G
# I fell into a burning ring of fire
# f# e   D                         C           G
# I went down, down, down, and the flames went higher
#        G                          C       G
# And it burned, burned, burned the ring of fire
#     D       G    h c cis
# The ring of fire

INTRO: cis d disA D AA D A

A         D       A
Love is a burning thing
       A       D     A
And it makes a fiery ring
A        D      A
Bound by wild desire
A             E       A    g# f#
I fell into a ring of fire

# E             D               A
# I fell into a burning ring of fire
# g# f#  E                         D           A
# I went down, down, down, and the flames went higher
#        A                          D       A
# And it burned, burned, burned the ring of fire
#     E       A    cis d dis
# The ring of fire


# E             D               A
# I fell into a burning ring of fire
# g# f#  E                         D           A
# I went down, down, down, and the flames went higher
#        A                          D       A
# And it burned, burned, burned the ring of fire
#     E       A    cis d dis
# The ring of fire

    A        D       A
The taste of love is sweet
     A           E    A
When hearts like ours meet
A              D      A
I fell for you like a child
A           D         A    g# f#
Oh, but the fire went wild

# E             D               A
# I fell into a burning ring of fire
# g# f#  E                         D           A
# I went down, down, down, and the flames went higher
#        A                          D       A
# And it burned, burned, burned the ring of fire
#     E       A    cis d dis
# The ring of fire

Pick a Bale of Cotton

Ya gonna jump down, turn around
  Pick a bale o' cotton
Jump down, turn around
  Pick a bale a day

# Oh Lordy
#   Pick a bale o' cotton
# Oh Lordy
#   Pick a bale a day

Me'n my wife
Me'n my gal
Me'n my papa
Me'n my brother
Me'n my sister
Me'n my friend
Me'n my buddy
Me'n my partner
My master say I'm gonna
I do believ I can

Donald Where's Your Troosers?

I've just come down
From the Isle of Skye
I'm not very big and I'm awful shy
And the lassies shout when I go by
Donald, where's your troosers

# Let the wind blow high
# Let the wind blow low
# Through the streets
# In my kilt, I'll go
# All the lassies say hello
# Donald, where's your troosers

A lassie took me to a ball
And it was slippery in the hall
And I was feared that I would fall
For I had nae on my troosers

Now I went down to London Town
And I had some fun in the underground
The ladies turned their heads around
Saying, Donald, where are your trousers

To wear the kilt is my delight
It is not wrong I know it's right
The Highlanders would get a fright
If they saw me in the trousers

The lassies want me every one
Well, let them catch me if they can
You canna take the breaks
If a Highland man
And I don't wear the troosers

Drunk Scotsman

Well a Scotsman clad in kilt left a bar one evening fair
And one could tell by how he walked that he'd drunk more than his
He fumbled round until he could no longer keep his feet
Then he stumbled off into the grass to sleep beside the street
Ring ding diddle iddle I de oh ring di diddly I oh
He stumbled off into the grass to sleep beside the street

# Ring ding diddlediddle ay de o, ring di diddly ay o

About that time two young and lovely girls just happened by
And one says to the other with a twinkle in her eye
See yon sleeping Scotsman so strong and handsome built
I wonder if it's true what they don't wear beneath the kilt
Ring ding diddle iddle I de oh ring di diddly I oh
I wonder if it's true what they don't wear beneath the kilt

They crept up on that sleeping Scotsman quiet as could be
Lifted up his kilt about an inch so they could see
And there behold, for them to view, beneath his Scottish skirt
Was nothing more than God had graced him with upon his birth
Ring ding diddle iddle I de oh ring di diddly I oh
Was nothing more than God had graced him with upon his birth

They marveled for a moment, then one said we must be gone
Let's leave a present for our friend, before we move along
As a gift they left a blue silk ribbon, tied into a bow
Around the bonnie star, the Scot's kilt did lift and show
Ring ding diddle iddle I de oh ring di diddly I oh
Around the bonnie star, the Scots kilt did lift and show

Now the Scotsman woke to nature's call and stumbled toward the
Behind a bush, he lifts his kilt and gawks at what he sees
And in a startled voice he says to what's before his eyes.
O lad I don't know where you been but I see you won first prize
Ring ding diddle iddle I de oh ring di diddly I oh
O lad I don't know where you been but I see you won first prize

Madam I'm a Darling

As I roved out to Dublin City
At the later of the night
Who should I meet but a fair young maiden
Washing her clothes in the broad moon light

# Madam I'm a darling a-di-ro-didero
# Madam I'm a darling a-di-ro-dee

First she washed them, then she squeezed them
Then she lay them out to dry
Then she folded up her arms
Saying what a nice young girl am I

Going to the well for a pail of water
Fetching it home for to make some tea
She fell under, I fell over
All the game was above the knee

Madam I'll tie up your garter
I'll tie it up above your knee
And if you like I'll tie it up farther
Madam I'm a darling a di-ro-dee

And blue it is a lovely colour
Until it gets the second dip
That's the way with the old man courting
You never know till he gets those fits
// You'll never know if you get the fit

Have you ever heard of cups and saucers
Rattlin' in an old tin can?
Have you ever heard of a fair, young maiden
Married to an ugly, gray old man?

Madam you've got gold and silver
Madam you've got tracks of land
Madam you've got ships on the ocean
All you need is a fine, young man

Dunluce Castle

f F bez F
+ příklep E
D Dmi bez mi
Gsus4 pak brnknout prázdné h

@ C Ami Dmi GF F G G
@ C Ami Dmi GF F G C
C    Ami    f       G
Once upon a time in Ireland
F       F       G     +   G
Stood a castle  proud and free
C      Ami    f        G
On the stormy coast of Antrim
F     F        G     C
High above the Irish sea

$ G-----h---d-g    C        Ami
$ Lords and ladies gathered nightly
$ f      D-c        G--d---g
$ In the great hall of the king
$ C        f        G        Ami
$ Beer and mead and wine did flow
$ f           D        Gsus4 C
$ Bards would play and poets sing

@ C Ami Dmi GF F G G
@ C Ami Dmi GF F G C
  C       Ami   f        G
McDonnall was a chieftan bold
    F          F       G     +  G
Who dwelled at Dunluce with his clan
C         Ami    f       G
Safe from ships upon the ocean
F        F       G       C
And from raiders on the land

$ G-----h--d-----g   C    Ami
$ There he ruled for many years
$     f      D-c     G----d-g
$ For Ulster was his wide domain
$ C    f        G       Ami
$ Many tried to conquer him
$     f    D       Gsus4    C
$ And many men had died  in vain

# Ami     f      Dmi     G
# Dunluce Castle fell to no man
# C         f        G-g---g
# Sword, or pike, or cannonball
# C      Ami      Dmi     G
# Roving clans or Spanish foemen
# F       F      G           C
# Dunluce stood against them all

@ C Ami Dmi GF F G G
@ C Ami Dmi GF F G C
C      Ami      f       G
When a fleet of Spanish raiders
F       F         G  +   G
Sailed across the ragin' Main
C      Ami     f       G
Sure a victory was at hand
    F     F       G       C
And glory for the King of Spain

$   G--h----d---g    C          Ami
$ McDonnall met them with full scorn
$     f      D-c     G--d----g
$ And loudly did the cannons roar
$     C        f         G       Ami
$ The pride of Spain was turned away
$     f        D        Gsus4 C
$ And banished from the Irish shore

# Ami     f      Dmi     G
# Dunluce Castle fell to no man
# C         f        G-g---g
# Sword, or pike, or cannonball
# C      Ami      Dmi     G
# Roving clans or Spanish foemen
# F       F      G           C
# Dunluce stood against them all

@ |: C Ami Dmi GF F G G
@    C Ami Dmi GF F G C :|

$ |: G G C Amif D G G
$    C f G Amif D Gsus4 C :|
C        Ami     f           G
Then one night a storm came in
    F     F       G      +   G
And angry did the north wind blow
C        Ami        f         G
Walls of stone came tumbling down
    F      F      G     C
And fell into the sea below

$ G----h---d-----g  C      Ami
$ Fate was cruel as many souls
$      f     D          G----d---g
$ Were lost against the rage and might
$ C      f        G      Ami
$ Nature did what no man could...
$ f    D--a---c   Gsus4  C
$ On a dark and a stormy night

# |: Ami     f      Dmi     G
#    Dunluce Castle fell to no man
#    C         f        G-g---g
#    Sword, or pike, or cannonball
#    C      Ami      Dmi     G
#    Roving clans or Spanish foemen
#    F       F      G           C   :|
#    Dunluce stood against them all

@ |: C Ami Dmi GF F G G
@    C Ami Dmi GF F G C :|

Brennan on the Moor

'Tis of a brave young highwayman
     C            G
This story I will tell
His name was Willie Brennan
       C              D
And in Ireland he did dwell
'Twas on the Kilwood Mountains
      C                  G
He commenced his wild career
And many a wealthy nobleman
  G                   D
Before him shook with fear

#        G
# It was Brennan on the moor
# Hmi
# Brennan on the moor
#       C           G
# Bold, brave and undaunted
#           D              G
# Was young Brennan on the moor

One day upon the highway
         C              G
As young Willie he went down
He met the mayor of Cashiell
  C                D
A mile outside the town
The mayor knew his features
        C                  G
He said, "Young man," said he
"Your name is Willie Brennan,
         G               D
You must come along with me"

Now Brennan's wife had gone to town
   C              G
Provisions for to buy
And when she saw her Willie
       C                  D
She commenced to weep and cry
She said, "Hand to me that tenpenny"
   C              G
as soon as Willie spoke
She handed him a blunderbuss
     G              D
From underneath her cloak

Now with this loaded blunderbuss
    C              G
The truth I will unfold
He made the mayor to tremble
       C                 D
And he robbed him of his gold
One hundred pounds was offered
        C            G
For his apprehension there
So he with horse and saddle
       G               D
To the mountains did repair

Now Brennan being an outlaw
  C                G
Upon the mountains high
With cavalry and infantry
   C                 D
To take him they did try
He laughed at them with scorn
  C                 G
Until at last 'twas said
By a false-hearted woman
       G         D
He was cruelly betrayed

They hanged Brennan at the crossroads
   C                  G
In chains he hung and dried
But still they say that in the night
     C               D
That some do see him ride
They see him with his blunderbuss
    C               G
All in the midnight chill
As all along the King's highway
      G              D
Rides Willie Brennan still!

They took Brennan to the crossroads
And there they hung and died

Whiskey in the Jar

   G                          Emi
As I was goin' over   —   the far famed Kerry Mountains
  C                                G
I met with captain Farrell and his money he was countin'
  G                                  Emi
I first produced my pistol   —   and then I drew my rapier
  C                             G
I said "Stand and deliver for I am a bold deceiver"

#        D
# Mush-a ring dam-a dú dam-a dá // Mush-a ringin' dúm-a dá
# G
#   Wack fall the daddy-o
# C
#   Wack fall the daddy-o
#         G       D      G
# There's whiskey in the jar

  G                                  Emi
I counted out his money   —   and it made a pretty penny
  C                         G
I put it in my pocket and I took it home to Jenny
    G                              Emi
She sighed and she swore   —   she never would deceive me
        C                             G
But the devil take the women for they never can be easy

#        D
# Mush-a ring dam-a dú dam-a dá // Mush-a ringin' dúm-a dá
# G
#   Wack fall the daddy-o
# C
#   Wack fall the daddy-o
#         G       D      G
# There's whiskey in the jar

  G                               Emi
I went up to my chamber   —   all for to take a slumber
  C                                    G
I dreamt of gold and jewels, boys, and sure it was no wonder
    G                             Emi
But Jenny took my charges and she filled them up with water
     C                              G
Then sent for captain Farrell to be ready for the slaughter

#        D
# Mush-a ring dam-a dú dam-a dá // Mush-a ringin' dúm-a dá
# G
#   Wack fall the daddy-o
# C
#   Wack fall the daddy-o
#         G       D      G
# There's whiskey in the jar

      G                            Emi
'Twas early in the morning   —   before I rose to travel
    C                               G
Up came a band of footmen   —   and likewise captain Farrell
  G                               Emi
I then produced my pistol for she stole away my rapier
  C                             G
I couldn't shoot the water so a prisoner I was taken

#        D
# Mush-a ring dam-a dú dam-a dá // Mush-a ringin' dúm-a dá
# G
#   Wack fall the daddy-o
# C
#   Wack fall the daddy-o
#         G       D      G
# There's whiskey in the jar

   G                         Emi
If anyone can aid me it's my brother in the army
   C                               G
If I can find his station   —   in Cork or in Killarney
   G                               Emi
If he'll go with me   —   we'll go rovin' through Killkenny
    C                                        G
I'm sure he'll treat me better   —   than my own a-sporting Jenny

#        D
# Mush-a ring dam-a dú dam-a dá // Mush-a ringin' dúm-a dá
# G
#   Wack fall the daddy-o
# C
#   Wack fall the daddy-o
#         G       D      G
# There's whiskey in the jar

        G                              Emi
There's some take delight   —   in the carriages a-rollin'
    C                          G
And others take delight in the hurling and the bowling
    G                           Emi
But I take delight   —   in the juice of the barley
    C                                 G
And courtin' pretty fair maids in the mornin' bright and early


// Next day just as I was leavin', was early in the mornin'
// The captain and his soldiers came at me without warnin'
// I then produced my pistol, she stole away my sabre
// I couldn't shoot the water so a prisoner I was taken

// 'Twas early in the morning, before I rose to travel
// Up came a band of footmen and with them captain Farrell
// I reached out for my pistol, Jenny took my rapier
// I couldn't fire the water so a prisoner I was taken

// I'd like to find my brother, he's the one that's in the army
// I don't know where he's stationed, is it Cork or in Killarney?
// Together we'll go ridin' o'er the mountains of Kilkenny
// Oh, I know he'll treat me better than my darlin' sportin' Jenny

// There's some delight in fishin' and some delight in bowlin'
// And some take delight in their carriages a-rollin'
// But I take delight in the juice of the barley
// And courtin' pretty girls in the mornin' bright and early

Drunken Sailor

What will we do with a drunken sailor? // 3x
Early in the morning!

# Way hay and up she rises // 3x
# Early in the morning!

Shave his belly with a rusty razor
Put him in a long boat till his sober
Stick him in a scupper with a hosepipe on him
Put him in the bed with the captain's daughter
Have you ever seen the captain's daughter
Wake him, shake him, wet him all over

That's what we do with a drunken sailor

Irish Rover

In the year of Our Lord eighteen-hundred and six
We set sail from the port quay of Cork
We were sailing away with a cargo of bricks
For the grand City Hall in New York
We'd an elegant craft, she was rigged fore and aft
And how the trade winds drove her
She had twenty-three masts and she stood several blasts
And they called her the Irish Rover

There was Barney McGee from the banks of the Leith
There was Hogan from county Tyrone
There was Johnny McGirk, who was scared stiff of work
And a chap from Westmeath named Malone
We had Slugger O'Toole, who was drunk as a rule
And Fighting Bill Tracy from Dover
And your man, Mick McCann, from the banks of the Bann
Was the skipper on the Irish Rover

We had one million bags of the best Sligo rags
We had two million barrels of bone
We had three million bales of old nanny goats' tails
We had four million barrels of stone
We had five million hogs
And six million dogs
Seven million barrels of porter
We had eight million sides of old blind horses' hides
In the hold of the Irish Rover

We had sailed seven years when the measles broke out
And the ship lost her way in a fog (great fog)
And the whale of a crew was reduced down to two
Twas meself and the captain's old dog (big dog)
Well, the ship struck a rock, oh Lord what a shock
And nearly tumbled over
Turned nine times around and the poor old dog was drowned
I'm the last of the Irish Rover

Star of the County Down

In Banbridge Town in the County Down
One morning last July
From a boreen green came a sweet colleen
And she smiled as she passed me by
She looked so sweet fronn her two bare feet
To the sheen of her nut brown hair
Such a winsome elf, sure I shook myself
For to see I was really there

# From Bantry Bay up to Derry Quay and
# From Galway to Dublin Town
# No maid I've seen like the brown colleen
# That I met in the County Down

As she onward sped, sure I scratched my head
And I looked with a feelin' rare
And I say's, say's I, to a passer-by
"Whose the maid with the nut brown hair"?
He smiled at me and he says's, say's he
"That's the gem of Ireland's crown
It's Rosie McCann from the banks of the Bann
She's the star of the County Down"

She'd soft brown eyes with a look so shy
And a smile like a rose in June
And she sang so sweet what a lovely treat
As she lilted an Irish tune
At the Lammas dance I was in the trance
As she whirled with the lads of the town
And it broke my heart just to be apart
From the star of the County Down

At the Harvest Fair she'll be surely there
And I'll dress in my Sunday clothes
With my shoes shone bright and my hat cocked
Right for a smile from my nut brown rose
No pipe I'll smoke, no horse I'll yoke
Till my plough turns rust coloured brown
Till a smiling bride, by my own fireside
Sits the star of the County Down

The Star of the County Down
(traditional, arrang. J. Ferguson, Dec. 2013)

100 bpm

Intro: Em

             Em                                  G          D
Near to Banbridge Town, in the County Down
       Em                D
one morning in July,
             Em                            G             D
down a boreen green came a sweet colleen,
              Em                D              Em
and she smiled as she passed me by.
                G                                    D
Well, she looked so neat from her two bare feet
          Em                                 D
to the sheen of her nut-brown hair—
              Em                            G           D
sure the coaxing elf, I had to pinch myself
          Em            D          Em
to be sure I was standing there.

          G                          D
From Bantry Bay up to Derry Quay
                Em                        D
and from Galway to Dublin town,
     Em                               G              D
no maid I've seen like the brown colleen
          Em           D          Em
that I met in the County Down.

Interlude: G  D  Em  D  Em  G  D  Em  D  Em

As she onward sped, sure I shook my head,
and I gazed with a feeling rare.
And I says, says I, to a passer-by,
"Who's the maid with the nut-brown hair?"
He smiled at me, and with pride says he,
"That's the gem of Ireland's crown.
She's young Rosie McCann from the banks of the Bann;
she's the Star of the County Down."


Well, I've travelled a bit, but I never was hit
since my rovin’ career began.
But fair and square I surrendered there
to the charms of young Rose McCann.
I'd a heart to let and no tenant yet,
did I meet with a shawl or gown.
But in she went, and I asked no rent
from the Star of the County Down.


At the crossroads fair, I'll be surely there,
and I'll dress in my Sunday clothes.
I'll try sheep's eyes and deludhering lies
on the heart of the nut-brown Rose.
No pipe I'll smoke, no horse I'll yoke
though my plow turns a rust-coloured brown,
‘till a smiling bride by my own fireside
sits the Star of the County Down.

Chorus: [repeat, and draw out final line]

Jolly Roving Tar

Well here we are, we're back again
Safe upon the shore
In Belfast town we'd like to stay
And go to sea no more
We'll go into a public house
And drink till we're content
For the lassies they will love us
Till our money is all spent

# So pass the flowin' bowl
# Boys there's whiskey in the jar
# And we'll drink to all the lassies
# And the jolly roving tar

Oh Johnny did you miss me
When the nights were long and cold
Or did you find another love
In your arms to hold
Says he I thought of only you
While on the sea afar
So come up the stairs and cuddle
With your jolly roving tar

Well in each other's arms they rolled
Till the break of day
When the sailor rose and said farewell
I must be on me way
Ah don't you leave me Johnny lad
I thought you'd marry my
Says he I can't be married
For I'm married to the sea

Well come all you bonnie lasses
And a warning take by me
And never trust and Irishman
An inch above your knee
He'll tease you and he'll squeeze you
And when he's had his fun
He'll leave you in the morning
With a daughter or a son

Patrick Fagan

F F+++ C+ G C

# Hello, Patrick Fagan
# You can hear the girls all cry
# Hello, Patrick Fagan
# You're the apple of me eye
# You're a decent boy from Ireland
# There's no one can deny
# You're a rare of a tear of a devil-may-care
# Of a decent Irish boy

I'm workin' here in Glasgow
I got a decent job
I'm carryin' bricks and mortar
And the pay is fifteen bob
I rise up in the mornin'
I get up with the lark
And when I'm walkin' down the street
You can hear the girls remark

Well the day that I left Ireland
T'was many months ago
I left my home in Ulster
Where the pigs and praties grow
Since I left old Ireland
It's always been my plan
To let you people see
That I'm a decent Irishman

Now if there's one among you
Who'd like to marry me
I'll take you to my little home
Across the Irish Sea
I'll dress you up in satin
And I'll do the best I can
To let the people see
That I'm a decent Irishman

Rambler From Derry

I'm the rambler from derry
     Am          F
Lighthearted and merry
 G             C
Around Paddy's island
   F     g  C
Me way I do wend
Meself and me dog
     Am           F
Over moorland and bog
   G          C
We know every path through
    F         g   C
The mountains and glens

#         F          C
# Singing fol-de-rol laddie
#       G          Am
# Right toor-a-lie-addy
#     F           C
# Air fol-la-lull derry
#     G          C
# Dum toor-a-lie-ay
#         C          G
# With me pack on me back
#          Am          F
# Down the road I will stray
#         G            C
# For the rambler from Derry
#    F        gC
# Is ramblin' away

I was born a free man
By the banks of the Bann
And the blood of the gypsy
It runs through my veins
I've friends and relations
all over this nation
Who offer me shelter
From the wind and the rain

I rove at me leisure
For sport and for pleasure
Through the warm summer sun
Or the cold winter snow
The sights are astounding
With nature abounding
In Paddy's green island
Where the dear shamrock grows

I've colleens from Derry
To Cork and Tipperary
From Dublin to Sljgo
And wild Donegal
I squeeze them and tease them
I love them and please them
When me rambles are over
Sure I'll marry them all

So lift up your glasses
Ye lads and fine lasses
To the travelling people
Wherever you be
May the road rise to meet you
And old friends to greet you
And may all of your rambles
Be happy and free

The Ramblin' Rover

# There are sober man aplenty
# And drunkards barely twenty
# There are men of over ninety
# Who have never yet kissed a girl // That
# But give me a rambling rover
# From Orkney down to Dover
# We will roam the country over
# And together we'll face the world

There are those who claim enjoyment
Of merciless employment // From
Their ambition this deployment
Since the minute they left the school // From
And they scrape and save and ponder
While the rest go out and squander
See the world and rove and wander
And they're happier as a rule

I have roamed through all the nations
Took delight in all creation
I've enjoyed a wee sensation
When the company did prove kind
When parting was no pleasure
I drank another measure
To the good friends that we treasure
For they always are on our mind

If you're bent with arthritis
And your bowels have got colitis
You've galloping bollockitis
And you're thinking it's time you died
If you've been a man of action
And you're lying there in traction
You can gain some satisfaction
Thinking Jesus at least I tried

Down to the River to Pray

As I went down in the river to pray
Studying about that good old way
And who shall wear the starry crown
Good Lord, show me the way!

O sisters, let's go down
Let's go down, come on down
O sisters, let's go down
Down in the river to pray

As I went down in the river to pray
Studying about that good old way
And who shall wear the robe and crown
Good Lord, show me the way!

O brothers, let's go down
Let's go down, come on down
Come on, brothers, let's go down
Down in the river to pray

As I went down in the river to pray
Studying about that good old way
And who shall wear the starry crown
Good Lord, show me the way!

O fathers, let's go down
Let's go down, come on down
O fathers, let's go down
Down in the river to pray

As I went down in the river to pray
Studying about that good old way
And who shall wear the robe and crown
Good Lord, show me the way!

O mothers, let's go down
Let's go down; don't you want to go down?
Come on, mothers, let's go down
Down in the river to pray

As I went down in the river to pray
Studying about that good old way
And who shall wear the starry crown
Good Lord, show me the way!

O sinners, let's go down
Let's go down, come on down
O sinners, let's go down
Down in the river to pray

As I went down in the river to pray
Studying about that good old way
And who shall wear the robe and crown
Good Lord, show me the way!

I Saw the Light

# I saw the light, I saw the light
# No more darkness, no more night
# Now I'm so happy, no sorrow in sight
# Praise the Lord, I saw the light

I wandered so aimless, life filled with sin
I wouldn't let my Dear Savior in
Then Jesus came like a stranger in the night
Praise the Lord I saw the light

Just like a blind man I wandered along
Worries and fears I claimed for my own
Then like the blind man that God gave back his sight
Praise the Lord - I saw the light

I was a fool to wander and stray
Straight is the gate and narrow the way
Now I have traded the wrong for the right
Praise the Lord, I saw the light

This Little Light of Mine

# This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine
# This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine
# This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine
# Every day, every day, every day
# Gonna let my little light shine

Light that shines is the light of love
Hides the darkness from above
Shines on me and it shines on you
Shows you what the power of love can do
Shine my light both far and near
Shine my light both bright and clear
In every dark corner that I find
Gonna let my little light shine

Monday gave me the gift of love
Tuesday peace came from above
Wednesday told me to have more faith
Thursday gave me a little more grace
Friday told me to watch and pray
Saturday told me just what to say
Sunday gave me the power divine
To let my little light shine

The Irish Volunteer

My name is Tim McDonald
I'm a native of the Isle
I was born among old Erin's bogs
When I was but a child
My father fought in Ninety-eight
For liberty so dear
He fell upon old Vinegar Hill
Like an Irish volunteer

# Then raise the harp of Erin, boys
# The flag we all revere
# We'll fight and fall beneath its folds
# Like Irish volunteers!

When I was driven from my home
By an oppressor's hand
I cut my sticks and greased my brogues
And came o'er to this land
I found a home and many friends
And some that I love dear
Be jabbers! I'll stick to them like bricks
And an Irish volunteer

# Then fill your glasses up, my boys
# And drink a hearty cheer
# To the land of our adoption
# And the Irish volunteer!

Now when the traitors in the south
Commenced a warlike raid
I quickly then laid down my hod
To the devil went my spade!
To a recruiting-office then I went
That happened to be near
And joined the good old Sixty-ninth
Like an Irish volunteer

# Then fill the ranks and march away!
# - No traitors do we fear
# We'll drive them all to blazes
# Says the Irish volunteer

When the Prince of Wales came over here
And made a hubbaboo
Oh, everybody turned out, you know
In gold and tinsel too
But then the good old Sixty-ninth
Didn't like these lords or peers
They wouldn't give a damn for kings
The Irish volunteers!

# We love the land of Liberty
# Its laws we will revere
# "But the divil take nobility!"
# Says the Irish volunteer!

Now if the traitors in the South
Should ever cross our roads
We'll drive them to the divil
As Saint Patrick did the toads
We'll give them all short nooses that
Come just below the ears
Made strong and good of Irish hemp
By Irish volunteers

# Then here's to brave McClellan
# Whom the army now reveres
# - He'll lead us on to victory
# The Irish volunteers

Now fill your glasses up, my boys
A toast come drink with me
May Erin's Harp and the Starry Flag
United ever be
May traitors quake, and rebels shake
And tremble in their fears
When next they meet the Yankee boys
And Irish volunteers!

# God bless the name of Washington!
# That name this land reveres
# Success to Meagher and Nugent
# And their Irish volunteers!

Song of the Irish Brigade

Oh, not now for songs of a nation's wrongs
Not the groans of starving labor
Let the rifle ring and the bullet sing
To the clash of the flashing sabre!
There are Irish ranks on the tented banks
Of Columbia's guarded ocean
And an iron clank from flank to flank
Tells of armed men in motion

And frank souls there clear true and bare
To all, as the steel beside them
Can love or hate withe the strength of fate
Till the grave of the valiant hide them
Each seems to be mailed Ard Righ
Whose sword's avenging glory
Must light the fight and smite for right
Like Brian's in olden story

With pale affright and panic flight
Shall dastard Yankees base and hollow
Hear a Celtic race, from their battle place
Charge to the shout of "Faugh-a-ballaugh!"
By the sould above, by the land we love
Her tears bleeding patience
The sledge is wrought that shall smash to naught
The brazen liar of nations

The Irish green shall again be seen
As our Irish fathers bore it
A burning wind from the South behind
And the Yankee rout before it!
O'Neil's red hand shall purge the land
Rain a fire on men and cattle
Till the Lincoln snakes in their own cold lakes
Plunge from the blaze of battle

The knaves that rest on Columbia's breast
And the voice of true men stifle
We'll exorcise from the rescued prize
Our talisman, the rifle
For a tyrant's life a bowie knife!
Of Union knot dissolvers
The best we ken are stalwart men
Columbiads and revolvers!

Whoe'er shall march by triumphal arch
Whoe'er may swell the slaughter
Our drums shall roll from the Capitol
O'er Potomac's fateful water!
Rise, bleeding ghosts, to the Lord of Hosts
For judgement final and solemn
Your fanatic horde to the edge of the sword
Is doomed line, square, and column!

The Irish Brigade

Listen all ye that hold communion
With Southern Confederates who are bold
And I will tell you of some men for the Union
Who in northern ranks were enrolled
They came to Missouri in their glory
And thought at their might we'd be dismayed
But they soon had a different story
When they met Kelly's Irish Brigade

# When they met with the Irish Brigade me boys
# When they met with the Irish Brigade
# Didn't those cowardly Lincolnites tremble
# When they met with the Irish Brigade

They have called us rebels and traitors
But themselves have thrown off that name of late
They were called it by the English invaders
At home in the eve of ninety eight
The name to us is not a new one though
Tis one that shall never degrade
And it's true-hearted Irishmen
In the ranks of Kelly's Irish Brigade

Well they dare not call us invaders
'Tis but state rights and liberty we ask
And Missouri, we will ever defend her
No matter how hard may be the task
Then let the Irishmen assemble
Let the voice of Missouri be obeyed
And the northern fanatics will tremble
When again they meet Kelly's Irish Brigade

Jine the Cavalry

We're the boys that rode around McClellan(ian)
Rode around McClellan(ian), Rode around McClellan(ian)!
We're the boys that rode around McClellan(ian)
Bully boys, hey! Bully boys, ho!

# If you want to have a good time, jine the cavalry!
# Jine the cavalry! Jine the cavalry!
# If you want to catch the Devil, if you want to have fun
# If you want to smell Hell, jine the cavalry!

Ol' Joe Hooker, won't you come out of The Wilderness?
Come out of The Wilderness, come out of The Wilderness?
Ol' Joe Hooker, won't you come out of The Wilderness?
Bully boys, hey! Bully boys, ho!

We're the boys who crossed the Potomac(ica), who
Crossed the Potomac(ica), who crossed the Potomac(ica)!
We're the boys who crossed the Potomac(ica)
Bully boys, hey! Bully boys, ho!

We're the boys that rode to Pennsylvania
Rode to Pennsylvania, rode to Pennsylvania!
We're the boys rode to Pennsylvania
Bully boys, hey! Bully boys, ho!

The big fat Dutch gals hand around the breadium
Hand around the breadium, hand around the breadium!
The big fat Dutch gals hand around the breadium
Bully boys, hey! Bully boys, ho!

I Wish I Was in Dixie Land

Oh, I wish I was in the land of cotton
Old times there are not forgotten
#       G                     D          G
# Look away, look away, look away, Dixie Land!
In Dixie's Land, where I was born in
Early on one frosty mornin'
#       G                     D          G
# Look away, look away, look away, Dixie Land!

#        G             C      A       D
# Then I wish I was in Dixie! Hooray! Hooray!
#    G                 C
# In Dixie's Land I'll take my stand
#    G               D
# To live and die in Dixie
#  G     D     G                 d G
# Away, away, away down south in Dixie!
#  G     D     G                 d G
# Away, away, away down south in Dixie!

Old Missus married "Will the Weaver"
William was a gay deceiver
But when he put his arm around her
He smiled as fierce as a forty pounder

His face was sharp as a butcher's cleaver
But that did not seem to grieve her
Old Missus acted the foolish part
And died for a man that broke her heart

Now here's a health to the next old Missus
And all the gals that want to kiss us
But if you want to drive away sorrow
Come and hear this song tomorrow

There's buckwheat cakes and Injun batter
Makes you fat or a little fatter
Then hoe it down and scratch your gravel
To Dixie's Land I'm bound to travel

To Arms in Dixie

Southrons, hear ye Country call ye!
Up! Lest worse than death befall you!
  To arms! To arms! To arms! In Dixie!
Lo! All the beacon fires are lighted
Let all hearts be now united!
  To arms! To arms! To arms! In Dixie!

# Advance the flag of Dixie! Hurrah! Hurrah!
# In Dixie's land we take our stand
# And live or die for Dixie!
# To arms! To arms! And conquer peace for Dixie!
# To arms! To arms! And conquer peace for Dixie!

Southern men the thunders mutter!
Northern flags in South winds flutter!
  To arms! To arms! To arms! In Dixie!
Send them back your fierce defiance!
Stamp upon the cursed alliance!
  To arms! To arms! To arms! In Dixie!

Fear no danger! Shun no labor!
Lift up rifle, pike, and saber!
  To arms! To arms! To arms! In Dixie!
Shoulder pressing close to shoulder
Let the odds make each heart bolder!
  To arms! To arms! To arms! In Dixie!

Swear upon your country's altar
Never to submit or falter
  To arms! To arms! To arms! In Dixie!
Till the spoilers are defeated
Till the Lord's work is completed!
  To arms! To arms! To arms! In Dixie!

Bonnie Blue Flag

We are a band of brothers
And native to the soil
Fighting for our liberty
With treasure, blood, and toil
And when our rights were threatened
The cry rose near and far
Hurrah! for the Bonnie Blue Flag
That bears a single star

# Hurrah! Hurrah!
# For Southern rights, hurrah!
# Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag
# That bears a single star

As long as the Union
Was faithful to her trust
Like friends and like brethren
Kind were we, and just
But now, when Northern treachery
Attempts our rights to mar
We hoist on high the Bonnie Blue Flag
That bears a single star

First gallant South Carolina
Nobly made the stand
Then came Alabama
And took her by the hand
Next, quickly Mississippi
Georgia, and Florida
All raised on high the Bonnie Blue Flag
That bears a single star

Ye men of valor gather round
The banner of the right
Texas and fair Louisiana
Join us in the fight
Davis, our loved President
And Stephens statesmen rare
Now rally round the Bonnie Blue Flag
That bears a single star

Now here's to brave Virginia
The Old Dominion State
With the young Confederacy
At last has sealed her fate
And spurred by her example
Now other states prepare
To hoist high the Bonnie Blue Flag
That bears a single star

Then cheer, boys, cheer
Raise a joyous shout
For Arkansas and North Carolina
Now have both gone out
And let another rousing cheer
For Tennessee be given
The single star of the Bonnie Blue Flag
Has grown to be eleven

Then here's to our Confederacy
Strong we are and brave
Like patriots of old we'll fight
Our heritage to save
And rather than submit to shame
To die we would prefer
So cheer for the Bonnie Blue Flag
That bears a single star

The Southern Soldier

I'll place my knapsack on my back
My rifle on my shoulder
I'll march away to the firing line
And kill that yankee soldier
     D                A
I'll kill that yankee soldier
I'll march away to the firing line
                     E  A
And kill that yankee soldier

I'll bid farewell to my wife and child
Farewell to my aged mother
I will go and join in the bloody strife
Till this cruel war is over
     D                 A
Till this cruel war is over
I'll go and join in the bloody strife
                       E A
Till this cruel war is over

If I am shot on the battlefield
And I should not recover
Oh who will protect my wife and child
And care for my aged mother
       D                A
Who'll care for my aged mother
Oh who will protect my wife and child
                     E A
And care for my aged mother

And if our southern cause is lost
And southern rights denied us
We'll be ground beneath the tyrant's heel
For our demands of justice
    D              A
For our demands of justice
We'll be ground beneath the tyrants heel
                   E  A
For our demands of justice

Before the south shall bow her head
Before the tyrants harm us
I'll give my all to the southern cause
And die in the southern army
     D                   A
I'll die in the southern army
I'll give my all to the southern cause
                             E A
And I'll die in the southern army

If I must die for my home and land
My spirit will not falter
Here's my heart and here's my hand
Upon my country's alter
 D                A
Upon my country's alter
Here's my heart and here's my hand
                  E A
Upon my country's alter

And Heaven be with us in the strife
Be with the Southern Soldier
We'll drive that mercenary horde
Beyond our southern border
  D                 A
Beyond our southern border!
We'll drive that mercenary horde
                    E  A
Beyond our southern border

So I'll place my knapsack on my back
My rifle on my shoulder!
I'll march away to the firing line
And kill that yankee soldier
     D                A
I'll kill that yankee soldier!
I'll march away to the firing line...
                          E  A

I'll place my knapsack on my back
My rifle on my shoulder
I'll march away to the firing line
And kill that yankee soldier
     F                C
I'll kill that yankee soldier
I'll march away to the firing line
                     G  C
And kill that yankee soldier

I'll bid farewell to my wife and child
Farewell to my aged mother
I will go and join in the bloody strife
Till this cruel war is over
     F                 C
Till this cruel war is over
I'll go and join in the bloody strife
                       G C
Till this cruel war is over

If I am shot on the battlefield
And I should not recover
Oh who will protect my wife and child
And care for my aged mother
       F                C
Who'll care for my aged mother
Oh who will protect my wife and child
                     G C
And care for my aged mother

And if our southern cause is lost
And southern rights denied us
We'll be ground beneath the tyrant's heel
For our demands of justice
    F              C
For our demands of justice
We'll be ground beneath the tyrants heel
                   G  C
For our demands of justice

Before the south shall bow her head
Before the tyrants harm us
I'll give my all to the southern cause
And die in the southern army
     F                   C
I'll die in the southern army
I'll give my all to the southern cause
                             G C
And I'll die in the southern army

If I must die for my home and land
My spirit will not falter
Here's my heart and here's my hand
Upon my country's alter
 F                C
Upon my country's alter
Here's my heart and here's my hand
                  G C
Upon my country's alter

And Heaven be with us in the strife
Be with the Southern Soldier
We'll drive that mercenary horde
Beyond our southern border
  F                 C
Beyond our southern border!
We'll drive that mercenary horde
                    G  C
Beyond our southern border

So I'll place my knapsack on my back
My rifle on my shoulder!
I'll march away to the firing line
And kill that yankee soldier
     F                C
I'll kill that yankee soldier!
I'll march away to the firing line...
                          G  C

I'll place my knapsack on my back
My rifle on my shoulder
I'll march away to the firing line
And kill that yankee soldier
     C                G
I'll kill that yankee soldier
I'll march away to the firing line
                     D  G
And kill that yankee soldier

I'll bid farewell to my wife and child
Farewell to my aged mother
I will go and join in the bloody strife
Till this cruel war is over
     C                 G
Till this cruel war is over
I'll go and join in the bloody strife
                       D G
Till this cruel war is over

If I am shot on the battlefield
And I should not recover
Oh who will protect my wife and child
And care for my aged mother
       C                G
Who'll care for my aged mother
Oh who will protect my wife and child
                     D G
And care for my aged mother

And if our southern cause is lost
And southern rights denied us
We'll be ground beneath the tyrant's heel
For our demands of justice
    C              G
For our demands of justice
We'll be ground beneath the tyrants heel
                   D  G
For our demands of justice

Before the south shall bow her head
Before the tyrants harm us
I'll give my all to the southern cause
And die in the southern army
     C                   G
I'll die in the southern army
I'll give my all to the southern cause
                             D G
And I'll die in the southern army

If I must die for my home and land
My spirit will not falter
Here's my heart and here's my hand
Upon my country's alter
 C                G
Upon my country's alter
Here's my heart and here's my hand
                  D G
Upon my country's alter

And Heaven be with us in the strife
Be with the Southern Soldier
We'll drive that mercenary horde
Beyond our southern border
  C                 G
Beyond our southern border!
We'll drive that mercenary horde
                    D  G
Beyond our southern border

So I'll place my knapsack on my back
My rifle on my shoulder!
I'll march away to the firing line
And kill that yankee soldier
     C                G
I'll kill that yankee soldier!
I'll march away to the firing line...
                          D  G

The South Shall Rise Again

Keep your Confederate money
Even if it's made of tin
Keep all them crinolines honey
The South shall rise again

# No Susanna, oh don't you sit and spin
# If we all turn out with a rebel shout
# The South shall rise again

Haul out that picture of Stonewall
Tack it up with an old gray pin
Raise up them Stars and Bars
The South shall rise again


Start all them bugles playing
Listen to the drums begin
Ten thousand men a-marching
The South shall rise again


Keep your Confederate money
Keep all them crinolines honey
If we all turn out with a Rebel shout
The South shall rise again

Oh! Susanna

I come from Alabama
With my Banjo on my knee
I'm goin' to Louisiana
My true love for to see
It rained all night the day I left
The weather it was dry
The sun so hot I froze to death
— Susanna, don't you cry

# Oh! Susanna, don't you cry for me
# I come from Alabama, with my Banjo on my knee

I jumped aboard the telegraph
And traveled down the river
The electric fluid magnified
And killed five hundred Nigger // chigger
The bullgine bust, the horse ran off
I really thought I'd die
I shut my eyes to hold my breath
— Susanna, don't you cry

I had a dream the other night
When everything was still
I thought I saw Susanna
She was coming down the hill
The buckwheat cake was in her mouth
A tear was in her eye
I says, "I've coming from the South"
- Susanna, don't you cry

I soon will be in New Orleans
And then I'll look all around
And when at last I find Susanna
I'll fall upon the ground
But if I can never find her
Then I think I'd surely die
And when I'm dead and gone and buried deep
— Susanna, don't you cry

Battle Cry of Freedom

Union version

Yes we'll rally round the flag, boys
We'll rally once again
  Shouting the battle cry of freedom
We will rally from the hillside
We'll gather from the plain
  Shouting the battle cry of freedom!

# The Union forever! Hurrah, boys, hurrah!
# Down with the traitors, up with the stars
# While we rally round the flag, boys
# We rally once again
# Shouting the battle cry of freedom!

We are springing to the call
For three hundred thousand more
And we'll fill the vacant ranks
Of our brothers gone before

We will welcome to our numbers
The loyal, true and brave
And although he may be poor
He shall never be a slave

So we're springing to the call
From the East and from the West
And we'll hurl the rebel crew
From the land we love the best

Confederate version

Our flag is proudly floating
On the land and on the main
  Shout, shout the battle cry of Freedom!
Beneath it oft we've conquered
And we'll conquer oft again!
  Shout, shout the battle cry of Freedom!

# Our Dixie forever! She's never at a loss!
# Down with the eagle and up with the cross
# We'll rally 'round the bonny flag
# we'll rally once again
# Shout, shout the battle cry of Freedom!

Our gallant boys have marched
To the rolling of the drums
And the leaders in charge cry out
"Come, boys, come!"

They have laid down their lives
On the bloody battle field
Their motto is resistance
– "To the tyrants never yield!"

While our boys have responded
And to the fields have gone
Our noble women also
Have aided them at home

Yankee Doodle

Yankee Doodle came to town
A-riding on a pony
Stuck a feather in his cap
And called it macaroni

Fath'r and I went down to camp
Along with Captain Goodwood
And there we saw the men and boys
As thick as hasty pudding

# Yankee Doodle keep it up
# Yankee Doodle dandy
# Mind the music and the step
# And with the girls be handy

And there they'd fife away like fun
And play on cornstalk fiddles
And some had ribbons red as blood
All bound around their middles

And there was Captain Washington
Upon a slapping stallion
A-giving orders to his men
I guess there was a million!

And there I see a little keg
Its head were made of leather
They knocked upon't with little sticks
To call the men together

And there they had a swamping gun
As big as a log of maple
On a mighty little cart
A load for father's cattle

And every time they fire it off
It took a horn of powder
It made a noise like father's gun
Only a nation louder

It scared me so, I hooked it off
Nor stopped, as I remember
Nor turned about till I got home
Locked up in mother's chamber

Marching Through Georgia

Bring the good old bugle, boys, we'll sing another song
Sing it with a spirit that will start the world along
Sing it as we used to sing it, 50,000 strong
While we were marching through Georgia

# Hurrah! Hurrah! we bring the jubilee!
# Hurrah! Hurrah! the flag that makes you free!
# So we sang the chorus from Atlanta to the sea
# While we were marching through Georgia

How the darkeys shouted when they heard the joyful sound
How the turkeys gobbled which our commissary found
How the sweet potatoes even started from the ground
While we were marching through Georgia

Yes and there were Union men who wept with joyful tears
When they saw the honored flag they had not seen for years
Hardly could they be restrained from breaking forth in cheers
While we were marching through Georgia

"Sherman's dashing Yankee boys will never reach the coast!"
So the saucy rebels said and 'twas a handsome boast
Had they not forgot, alas! to reckon with the Host
While we were marching through Georgia

So we made a thoroughfare for freedom and her train
Sixty miles in latitude, three hundred to the main
Treason fled before us, for resistance was in vain
While we were marching through Georgia

Rose of Alabamy

 A              D
Away from Mississippi's vale
     A                E
With my old hat there for a sail
  A              D
I crossed upon a cotton bale
   A       E   A
To Rose of Alabamy

  D        D
# Oh brown Rosie
# She's the Rose of Alabamy
# A sweet tobacco posey
# Is my Rose of Alabamy

I landed on the far sand bank // on a sandy bank
I sat upon a hollow plank
And there I made the banjo twank
For Rose of Alabamy

I said sit down just where you please
Upon my lap she took her ease
It's good to go upon the knees
Said Rose of Alabama

The river rolled, the crickets sing
The lightning bug he flashed his wing
Then like a rope my arms I fling
'Round Rose of Alabamy

I hug so long I cannot tell
For Rosie seemed to like it well
My banjo in the river fell
Oh Rose of Alabamy

Like an alligator after prey
I jumped in, but it float away
But all the time it seemed to say
"Oh Rose of Alabamy"

And every night, in moon or shower
To hunt that banjo for an hour
I meet my sweet tobacco flower
My Rose of Alabamy

Oh fare thee well you belles of Spain
And fare thee well to Liza Jane
Your charms will all be put to shame
By Rose of Alabamy

Rose of Alabamy

// KAPO 2
// D = D jako baré C
// E = E jako baré D

 A              D
Away from Mississippi's vale
     A                E
With my ol' hat there for a sail
  A              D
I crossed upon a cotton bale
       A       E   A
To the Rose of Alabamy

# D        D
# Oh brown Rosie
# D          A
# Rose of Alabamy
#     A             D
# The sweet tobacco posey is the
# A       E   A
# Rose of Alabamy

    A               D
The river rose; the cricket sang
    A                E
The lightnin' bug he flashed his wing
    A              D
And like a rope my arms I fling
       A       E   A
'Round Rose of Alabamy

   A               D
So fare thee well Eliza Jane
    A                  E
And fare thee well you belles of fame
    A                   D
For all your charms are put to shame
       A       E   A
By the Rose of Alabamy

Tom Dula

# Hang your head, Tom Dooley
# Hang your head and cry
# You killed poor Laurie Foster
# You know you're bound to die

Took her on the mountain
As God almighty knows
You took her on the mountain
There you hid her clothes

Took her by the roadside
You begged to be excused
You took her by the roadside
Hid her hat and shoes

Took her on the hillside
And you asked to by your wife
You took her on the hillside
Stabbed her with your knife

Dug the grave four feet long
Dug it three feet deep
You threw the cold clay over her
And tromped it with your feet


In this world and one more
Now reckon where I'll be
If it hadn't of been for Grayson
I'd be in Tennesee

If I had listened to my mama's words
I'd've been at home today
But i'd been so young and reckless
At home I could not stay


Take down my old violin
And play it all you please
For at this time tomorrow
It'll be no use to me

This day and one more
And reckon where I'll be
Down in some lonesome valley
Hangin' from a white oak tree



Bad Bad Whiskey

# Bad bad whiskey
# Bad bad whiskey
# Bad bad whiskey
# Made me lose my happy home

When I left home this morning
I promised I would think
To stay real straight and sober
I swore I wouldn't drink

I passed up all the pool halls
Gave the boys a slip
Before the night was over
I started in to sip

My buddy had a party
The cats were on the loose
We started out with soda
And ended up all juiced


My baby's gone and left me
Man I feel so sad
Now the blues have got me
And I've sure got them bad

# + poslední verš celkem 4x

Minnie The Moocher

Hey folks here's the story 'bout Minnie the Moocher
She was a lowdown hoocie coocher
She was the roughest toughest frail
But Minnie had a heart as big as a whale


She messed around with a bloke named Smokie
She loved him though he was cokey
He took her down to Chinatown
and showed her how to kick the gong around

A hidehidehideho

She had a dream about the king of Sweden
He gave her things that she was needin'
He gave her a home built of gold and steel
A diamond car with platinum wheels

A hidehidehidehidehidehidehi
A zootibitididdly bitididdly bitididdly bitidooey

He gave her his townhouse and his racing horses
Each meal she ate was a dozen courses
Had a million dollars worth of nickels and dimes
She sat around and counted them all a million times


Poor Min, poor Min, poor Min

Throw the Jew Down the Well

In my country there is problem

In my country there is problem
And that problem is transport
It take very very long
Because Kazakhstan is big

# Throw transport down the well
# So my country can be free - So my country can be free!
# We must make travel easy
# Then we have a big party

In my country there is problem
And that problem is the jew
They take everybody money
They never give it back

# Throw the jew down the well
# So my country can be free - So my country can be free!
# You must grub him by his horns
# Then we have a big party

If you see the jew coming
You must be careful of his teeth
You must grab him by his money
And I tell you what to do



Mamma and Pappa were lyin' in bed
Mamma rolled over this is what she said
Now gimme some
Now gimme some
Good for you
And good for me
Mmm good

Up in the morning to the risin' sun
Gonna run all day, til' the running's done
Ho-Chi-Minh is a son-of-a-bitch
Got the blue balls crabs and the seven year itch

I love workin' for Uncle Sam
Lets me know just who I am
One, two, three, four, United States Marine Corps
One, two, three, four, I love the Marine Corps
My Corps
Your Corps
Our Corps
Marine Corps!

I dont know but I've been told
Eskimo pussy is mighty cold
Mmm good
Feels good
Is good
Real good
Tastes good
Mighty good
Good for you
And good for me

I don't want no teenage queen
I just want my M14
If I die in the combat zone
Box me up and ship me home
Pin my medals upon my chest
Tell my mom I've done my best

Franta má péra

C              D
Franta má péra
       G         C    D
Ježiši Franta má péra
G       C D
Barevný péra
       G        C  D
Ježiši Franta má péra

        C               D
Šel jsem v novym kvádru na trh
         G    C      D
Někdo mi ho zezadu natrh'
       G     C   D
Natrhl mi ho asi hřebikem
          G     C         D
Já při tom vlekl pytlik s mlikem
        G     C    D
Je to setsakramentský
           G      C D
V čem budu prohánět — karamba seňority

      C                    D
Vejda do kavárny zřel jsem mloka
         G      C     D
Jak sedě zpříma lokal moka
          G        C       D
Měl černý kvádro s žlutými fleky
           G       C     D
Já při tom pohledu pukal vzteky
             G          C  D
Vod těch dob když vidim mloka
          G     C    D
Fláknu ho pěstí do voka

Měl jsem jet zahrát do Třebíče
Jenže jsem v autě zlomil klíče
Tlačit se nedá — je to těžký
Nezbývá než to dojít pěšky
Tak šlapu ku Třebíči
No je to — prostě těžký

Dnes ráno u dveří mého bytu
Potkal jsem na schodech vepřovou kýtu
To ovšem zdaleka ještě není všecko
S tou kýtou se za šlachu vedlo plecko
Asi byl bezmasý pátek
Tak šly na procházku z jatek

Franta má péra
Ježiši franta má péra — olé!
Barevný péra
Ježiši Franta má péra — ještě jednou...
Franta má péra
Ježiši Franta má péra
Barevný péra
Z vocasu foxteriéra

Ráno jsem vyšel do Liberce
A už mě z toho bolí bérce
Ten kdo to tu zná jistě uzná
Že jsou tu cestz samá džuzna
Tak šlapu od Ještědu
A jsem rád že ješte jedu


1. Strejček kovář chytil kleště,
   uštíp' z noční oblohy
   jednu malou kapku deště, ta mu spadla pod nohy,
   nejdřív ale chytil slinu, tak šáh' kamsi pro pivo,
   pak přitáhl kovadlinu a obrovský kladivo.

R: Zatím tři bílé vrány pěkně za sebou
   kolem jdou, někam jdou, do rytmu se kývají,
   tyhle tři bílé vrány pěkně za sebou
   kolem jdou, někam jdou, nedojdou, nedojdou.

2. Vydal z hrdla mocný pokřik ztichlým letním večerem,
   pak tu kapku všude rozstřík' jedním mocným úderem,
   celej svět byl náhle v kapce a vysoko nad námi
   na obrovské mucholapce visí nebe s hvězdami.

3. Zpod víček mi vytrysk' pramen na zmačkané polštáře,
   kdosi mě vzal kolem ramen a políbil na tváře,
   kdesi v dálce rozmazaně strejda kovář odchází,
   do kalhot si čistí dlaně umazané od sazí.

f = F bez F

G g C - G F
G g C - G F G
f     - G F
G g C - G F G

I am a little beggarman, a-begging I have been
For three score or more in this little Isle of Green
I'm known from the Liffey, way down to Segue // I'm known along the Liffy from the Basin to the Zoo // Killaloe
I'm known by the name of old Johnny Dhu // And everybody calls me by the name of Johnny Dhu

Of all the trades that's going, sure the begging is the best
For when a man is tired, he can sit down and rest
[He can] beg for his dinner he has nothing else to do
Only cut around the corner with his old rig-a-doo // But to slip around the corner with his old rig-a-doo

I slept in a barn way down at Currabawn
A wet night came on and I slept until the dawn
With holes in the roof and the rain coming through
And the rats and the cats were a-playing peek-a-boo

Who did I waken but the woman of the house
With her white spotty apron and her calico blouse
She began to frighten and I said "Boo!
Ara, don't be afraid, ma'am, it's only Johnny Dhu"

I met a little flaxy-haired girl one day
"Good morning, little flaxy-haired girl", I did say
"Good morning, little beggarman, a-how do you do
With your rags and your bags and your old rig-a-doo?"

I'll buy a pair of leggings and a collar and a tie
And a nice young lady I'll fetch by and by
I'll buy a pair of goggles and colour them blue
And an old-fashioned lady, I will make her too

Over the road with my pack on my back
Over the fields with my great heavy sack
With holes in my shoes and my toes peeping through
Singing "Skinny-ma-rink-a-doodle-o and old Johnny Dhu

I must be going to bed, for it's getting late at night
The fire's all raked and out goes the light
So now you've heard the story of me old rig-a-doo
"It's good-bye and God be with you", says old Johnny Dhu

my sme tady dvá
kamarád a já
# kdo by nám chtěl rozkazovat
# z hospody nás vyhazovat
na to jsme tu dva
kamarád a já

my sme tady tří
aj všeci bratří
# kdo by nám chtěl rozkazovat
# z hospody nás vyhazovat
na to jsme tu tří
aj všeci bratří

nás je tady pět
a chtě sa dobře mňet
# kdo by nám chtěl rozkazovat
# z hospody nás vyhazovat
na to je nás pět
a chcem sa dobře mňet

nás je tady víc
bratrů na tisíc
# kdo by nám chtěl rozkazovat
# z hospody nás vyhazovat
na to je nás víc
bratrů na tisíc


my sme tady dva
kamarád a já
my sme tady dva
kamarád a já
# co propijem' zaplatíme
# žádnýho se nebojíme
my sme tady dva
kamarád a já

my sme tady tří
všichni tří bratří

my sme čtyry tu
na vás holotu

nás je tady pět
zbijem celý svět

Sůl do očí


       G           H7
Přítel můj předmět lásky má, ten
C          G
Tak ho zajímá
       G         E7       A7D7
Jde kolem, vůbec nic nevnímá

       G        H7
On bez ní nikam nevkročí
   C           G
na vše jí naskočí
    G       D7      GC G
Ona mu sype sůl do očí

      C        C+
Pozdraví sotva tě
   G+          G-
Ubitý je proklatě
    D                   A
Jak zhloupnout moh' tak chytrý hoch
   D             D7
Že nechal si dát opratě

     G           H7
Potřebí je ihned    zakročit
    C           G+
Než   zcela ochočí
      G-      D7      GC G
Stále mu sype sůl do očí

    G       D7      G
Ona mu sype sůl do očí
      G       D7      GC G
Stále mu sype sůl do očí

       E           Gis7
Přítel můj předmět lásky má, ten
A          E
Tak ho zajímá
       E         Cis7     Fis7H7
Jde kolem, vůbec nic nevnímá

       E        Gis7
On bez ní nikam nevkročí
   A           E
vše jí naskočí
    E       H7      EA E
Ona mu sype sůl do očí

      A        A+
Pozdraví sotva tě
Ubitý je proklatě
    H7                  Fis7
Jak zhloupnout moh' tak chytrý hoch
Že nechal si dát opratě

     E           Gis7
Potřebí je ihned    zakročit
    A           E
Než   zcela ochočí
      E       H7      EA E
Stále mu sype sůl do očí

    E       H7      E
Ona mu sype sůl do očí
      E       H7      EA E
Stále mu sype sůl do očí


Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene
I'm begging of you please don't take my man
Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene
Please don't take him just because you can

Your beauty is beyond compare
With flaming locks of auburn hair
With ivory skin and eyes of emerald green

Your smile is like a breath of spring
Your voice is soft like summer rain
And I cannot compete with you, Jolene

He talks about you in his sleep
There's nothing I can do to keep
From crying when he calls your name, Jolene

And I can easily understand
How you could easily take my man
But you don't know what he means to me, Jolene

Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene
I'm begging of you please don't take my man
Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene
Please don't take him just because you can

You could have your choice of men
But I could never love again
He's the only one for me, Jolene

I had to have this talk with you
My happiness depends on you
And whatever you decide to do, Jolene

Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene
I'm begging of you please don't take my man
Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene
Please don't take him even though you can

Jolene, Jolene

La Bamba

               C     — F G
para bailar la bamba
        F      C        F   G        F       C      — F G
para bailar la bamba se necesita una poca de gracia
    F       C         F     G       F       C    — F G
una poca de gracia pa mi pa ti a ja riba ja riba
G7---------  C         F    G       F    C       F    G  — G G
a ja riba ja riba, por ti sere, por ti sere, por ti sere

              C    — F G
yo no soy marinero
      F       C         F   G        d G7C        F      G
yo no soy marinero, soy kapitan, soy kapitan, soy kapita-an

C  F   G
bamba, bamba
C  F   G
bamba, bamba
C  F   G
bamba, bamba
   C  — F G

// una poca de gracia pa' mí pa' ti
// ay arriba y arriba
// por ti seré

Go on home British Soldiers

Go on home British Soldiers Go on home
Have you got no fucking homes of your own
For 800 years we've fought you without fear
And we will fight you for 800 more

If you stay British Soldiers If you stay
You'll never ever beat the IRA
For the 14 men in Derry
Are the last that you will bury
So take a tip And leave us bloody be

So Go on home British Soldiers Go on home
Have you got no fucking homes of your own
For 800 years we've fought you without fear
And we will fight you for 800 more

We're not British, we're not Saxon we're not English
We're Irish and proud we are to be
So fuck your Union Jack We want our country back
We want to see old Ireland free once more

So Go on home British Soldiers Go on home
Have you got no fucking homes of your own
For 800 years we've fought you without fear
And we will fight you for 800 more
We'll fight them British Soldiers for the cause
We'll never bow to Soldiers because
Troughout our history We were born to be free
So geo out British bastards leave us be

So Go on home British Soldiers Go on home
Have you got no fucking homes of your own
For 800 years we've fought you without fear
And we will fight you for 800 more

Go on home British Soldiers Go on home
Have you got no fucking homes of your own
For 800 years we've fought you without fear
And we will fight you for 800 more

Leaving on a Jet Plane


The List of Generals

// KAPO 4

  /c d /D

      G               Emi                C         G        /c   d D
Since first the dirty Southern traitors, this foul Secession War began
     G                    Emi            C          G     /c   d  D
When all them treacherous alligators, commenced the row at Charleston
  G                                     G                          /D
Columbia's flag — the Star of Freedom — still has ruled on land and say
G                                        C        G      /c    d   D
Fools may rave, but never heed them — to bate our foes we know the way

# G                  Emi
# Wak fal a-ral da   toor a-laddie
# C         G       /c    d D
# Wak fal a-ral da-a toor a-lay
# G                  Emi
# Wak fal a-ral da   toor a-laddie
# C         G       /c    d D
# Wak fal a-ral da-a toor a-lay

G             Emi                C        G      /c    d   D
Volunteers we have by thousands, generals trusty, true and brave
G             Emi             C         G      /c    d  D
For the union they arouse and all would die our flag to save
G                              G                     /D
Butler down at New Orleans, he kept the rebel host at bay
G                                   C       G        /c    d   D
On them there to draw the reins, he quickly showed he knew the way

Gallant Meade, a hero truly, at Gettysburg the foe met he;
And there he gave them Ballyhooly — Oh, how are you, General Lee?
Rosecrans, a soldier thorough — that's a fact that none can gainsay
The rebels met at Murfreesboro, to rout them there he knew the way

Little Sigel, for the Germans, he has bravely stood the test;
Dix and Banks, Burnside and Sherman, all have nobly done their best
General Meagher has shown his mettle, Corcoran too, was in the fray
The foes of Uncle Sam to settle, the Irish boys they know the way

Then there's General Daniel Sickles, from the field ne'er stirs a peg
The foes catastrophe he tickles — gallant Dan has lost a leg
General Grant he gives them thunder, at Vicksburg he won the day
Then to make the foe knock under, at Chattanooga knew the way

But to call the list of fame, I haven't room now in my song
For, to go through each General's name, it would keep me singing all night long
But of one more I will be telling, and who should be restored straightway
To put an end to this rebellion — Little Mac, he knows the way

Do You Hear What I Hear?

         G                 F      G
Said the night wind to the little lamb
G      D        C D
Do you see what I see?
G                  F      G
Way up in the sky, little lamb
G      D        C D
Do you see what I see?
  Emi           Hmi            Emi
A star, a star, dancing in the night
       C       D   g  a G
With a tail as big as a kite
       Emi     C   h  D GF G
With a tail as big as a kite

         G                  F        G
Said the little lamb to the shepherd boy:
G      D         C D
Do you hear what I hear?
G                        F        G
Ringing through the sky, shepherd boy
G      D         C D
Do you hear what I hear?
  Emi           Hmi            Emi
A song, a song, high above the trees
       C        D   g  a   G
With a voice as big as the sea
       Emi      C   h  D   GF G
With a voice as big as the sea

         G                   F      G
Said the shepherd boy to the mighty king:
G      D         C D
Do you know what I know?
G                    F      G
In your palace warm, mighty king
G      D         C D
Do you know what I know?
  Emi            Hmi            Emi
A Child, a Child shivers in the cold
       C         D  g   a   G
Let us bring Him silver and gold
       Emi       C  h   D   GF G
Let us bring Him silver and gold

         G                  F    G
Said the king to the people everywhere:
G      D       C D
Listen to what I say!
G                      F    G
Pray for peace, people everywhere!
G      D       C D
Listen to what I say!
    Emi               Hmi             Emi
The Child, the Child, sleeping in the night
        C        D   g    a   G
He will bring us goodness and light
        Emi      C   h    D   GF GF GF G
He will bring us goodness and light

Sleigh Ride


   Dm   Dm7 Eb   F#m F#m7 B7 E6 D6


                C            Am        Dm        G        CAmDm7
Just hear those sleigh bells jinglin', rin' tin' tinglin' too
     G        C      Am            Dm            G           CAmEb
Come on, it's lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you
   G        C       Am          Dm          G          CAmDm7
Outside the snow is falling and friends are calling Yoohoo
     G        C      Am            Dm            G           C-F-CF-C
Come on, it's lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you

#       F#m       F#m       F#m       B7e
# Giddy up, giddy up, giddy up, let's go
# E                 E6
# Let's look at the show
# F#m7              B7            E
# We're riding in a wonderland of   snow
#       Em7       Em7       Em7      A7d
# Giddy up, giddy up, giddy up, it's grand
# D                 D6d
# just holding your hand
# Dm                                   G7     Dm7   G7
# We're gliding along with a song in a wintry fairy land

               C        Am       Dm    G        CAmDm7
Our cheeks are nice and rosy and comfy cozy are we
      G        C    Am          Dm         G             CAmEb
We're snuggled up together like birds of a feather would be
      G         C      Am          Dm     G         CAmDm7
Let's take that road before us and sing a chorus or two
     G        C      Am            Dm            G7          C-F-CFC
Come on, it's lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you

Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer

         F          Em          Dm          C
You know Dasher and Dancer, and Prancer and Vixen
F         Em         Dm         C
Comet and Cupid, and Donner and Blitzen
Am           Dm             D7                 G
But do you recall, the most famous reindeer of all?

C                                               G
Rudolph the red-nose reindeer, had a very shiny nose
G                                             C
And if you ever saw it, you would even say it glows
C                                                     G
All of the other reindeer, used to laugh and call him names
G                                                  CC7
They never let poor Rudolph, join in any reindeer games

F              Em             Dm    G       C
Then one foggy Christmas Eve, Santa came to say
G                                 D                  G
Rudolph with your nose so bright, won't you guide my sleigh tonight?
C                                                         G
Then how the reindeer loved him, as they shouted out with glee
G                                                      C
Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer, you'll go down in history

         G          F#m         Em          D
You know Dasher and Dancer, and Prancer and Vixen
G         F#m        Em         D
Comet and Cupid, and Donner and Blitzen
Hm           Em             E7                 A
But do you recall, the most famous reindeer of all?

D                                               A
Rudolph the red-nose reindeer, had a very shiny nose
A                                             D
And if you ever saw it, you would even say it glows
D                                                     A
All of the other reindeer, used to laugh and call him names
A                                                  DD7
They never let poor Rudolph, join in any reindeer games

G              F#m            Em    A       D
Then one foggy Christmas Eve, Santa came to say
A                                 E                  A
Rudolph with your nose so bright, won't you guide my sleigh tonight?
D                                                         A
Then how the reindeer loved him, as they shouted out with glee
A                                                      D
Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer, you'll go down in history

  Gm F7

         A#         Am          Gm          F
You know Dasher and Dancer, and Prancer and Vixen
A#        Am         Gm         F
Comet and Cupid, and Donner and Blitzen
Dm           Gm             G7                 C
But do you recall, the most famous reindeer of all?

F                                               C
Rudolph the red-nose reindeer, had a very shiny nose
C                                             F
And if you ever saw it, you would even say it glows
F                                                     C
All of the other reindeer, used to laugh and call him names
C                                                  FF7
They never let poor Rudolph, join in any reindeer games

A#             Am             Gm    C       F
Then one foggy Christmas Eve, Santa came to say
C                                 G                  C
Rudolph with your nose so bright, won't you guide my sleigh tonight?
F                                                         C
Then how the reindeer loved him, as they shouted out with glee
C                                                      F
Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer, you'll go down in history


         C          Bm          Am          G
You know Dasher and Dancer, and Prancer and Vixen
C         Bm         Am         G
Comet and Cupid, and Donner and Blitzen
Em           Am             A7                 D
But do you recall, the most famous reindeer of all?

G                                               D
Rudolph the red-nose reindeer, had a very shiny nose
D                                             G
And if you ever saw it, you would even say it glows
G                                                     D
All of the other reindeer, used to laugh and call him names
D                                                  GG7
They never let poor Rudolph, join in any reindeer games

C              Bm             Am e  D    7  G
Then one foggy Christmas Eve, Santa came to say
D (vyhrávka)                      A (vyhrávka)       D (vyhrávka)
Rudolph with your nose so bright, won't you guide my sleigh tonight?
G                                                         D
Then how the reindeer loved him, as they shouted out with glee
D                                                      G
Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer, you'll go down in history

Santa Claus Is Coming to Town


You better watch out
You better not cry
You better not pout
I'm telling you why
C     Am       Dm     G    C
Santa Claus is coming   to town

He's making a list
And checking it twice
Gonna find out
Who's naughty and nice
C     Am       Dm     G    C
Santa Claus is coming   to town

@    C7                   F
@ He sees you when you're sleeping
@    C7                 F
@ He knows when you're awake
@    D7                   G
@ He knows if you've been bad or good
@       D7                G
@ So be good for goodness sake

You better watch out
You better not cry
You better not pout
I'm telling you why
C     Am       Dm     G    C
Santa Claus is coming   to town

With little tin horns
And little toy drums
With root-ti-toot-toots
And rumpty-tum-tums
C     Am       Dm     G    C
Santa Claus is coming   to town

And curley-haired dolls
To cuddle and coo
Elephants, boats
And kiddles cars too
C     Am       Dm     G    C
Santa Claus is coming   to town

@     C7               F
@ The kids in girl and boy town
@      C7         F
@ Will have a jubilee
@         D7            G
@ They're gonna build a toy land town
@      D7                  G
@ All around the christmas tree

You better watch out
You better not cry
You better not pout
I'm telling you why
C     Am       Dm     G    C
Santa Claus is coming   to town

You better watch out
You better not cry
You better not pout
I'm telling you why
G     Em       Am     D    G
Santa Claus is coming   to town

He's making a list
And checking it twice
Gonna find out
Who's naughty and nice
G     Em       Am     D    G
Santa Claus is coming   to town

@    G7                   C
@ He sees you when you're sleeping
@    G7                 C
@ He knows when you're awake
@    A7                   D
@ He knows if you've been bad or good
@       A+                D
@ So be good for goodness sake

You better watch out
You better not cry
You better not pout
I'm telling you why
G     Em       Am     D    G
Santa Claus is coming   to town

With little tin horns
And little toy drums
With root-ti-toot-toots
And rumpty-tum-tums
G     Em       Am     D    G
Santa Claus is coming   to town

And curley-haired dolls
To cuddle and coo
Elephants, boats
And kiddles cars too
G     Em       Am     D    G
Santa Claus is coming   to town

@     G7               C
@ The kids in girl and boy town
@      G7         C
@ Will have a jubilee
@         A7            D
@ They're gonna build a toy land town
@      A+                  D
@ All around the christmas tree

You better watch out
You better not cry
You better not pout
I'm telling you why
G     Em       Am     D    G
Santa Claus is coming   to town

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

Em  022003

       D                 G        D
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
D    F#7       G
Everywhere you go
       Em                   A7   D                Bm
Take a look in the five-and-ten, glistening once again
     A               E             A7
With candy canes and silver lanes aglow

       D                 G        D
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
D       F#7   G
Toys in every store
        Em                 A7         D               B7
But the prettiest sight to see is the holly that will be
        Em  A     D
On your own front door

@           F#
@ A pair of hopalong boots and a pistol that shoots
@        Bm      F#         Bm
@ Is the wish of Barney and Ben
@ E
@ Dolls that will talk and will go for a walk
@        A       E7         A7
@ Is the hope of Janice and Jen
@     A
@ And Mom and Dad can hardly wait for school to start again

       D                 G        D
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
D    F#7       G
Everywhere you go
          Em                  A7   D                  Bm
There's a tree in the Grand Hotel, one in the park as well
         A                E                A7
It's the sturdy kind that doesn't mind the snow

       D                 G        D
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
D        F#7        G
Soon the bells will start
        Em                        A7          D              B7
And the thing that will make them ring is the carol that you sing
          Em A    D
Right within your heart

       D                 G        D
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
D       F#7   G
Toys in every store
        Em                 A7         D               B7
But the prettiest sight to see is the holly that will be
        Em  A     F#»7 B
On your own front door
          Em        A    D
Sure it's Christmas once more

Dm  x00231

       C                 F        C
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
C    E7        F
Everywhere you go
       Dm                   G7   C                Am
Take a look in the five-and-ten, glistening once again
     G               D             G7
With candy canes and silver lanes aglow

       C                 F        C
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
C       E7    F
Toys in every store
        Dm                 G7         C               A7
But the prettiest sight to see is the holly that will be
        Dm  G     C
On your own front door

@           E
@ A pair of hopalong boots and a pistol that shoots
@        Am      E          Am
@ Is the wish of Barney and Ben
@ D
@ Dolls that will talk and will go for a walk
@        G       D7         G7
@ Is the hope of Janice and Jen
@     G
@ And Mom and Dad can hardly wait for school to start again

       C                 F        C
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
C    E7        F
Everywhere you go
          Dm                  G7   C                  Am
There's a tree in the Grand Hotel, one in the park as well
         G                D                G7
It's the sturdy kind that doesn't mind the snow

       C                 F        C
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
C        E7         F
Soon the bells will start
        Dm                        G7          C              A7
And the thing that will make them ring is the carol that you sing
          Dm G    C
Right within your heart

       C                 F        C
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
C       E7    F
Toys in every store
        Dm                 G7         C               A7
But the prettiest sight to see is the holly that will be
        Dm  G     E»7  A
On your own front door
          Dm        G    C
Sure it's Christmas once more

You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch


         Em        Am        D      G
You're a mean one,    Mister Grinch
    Em     F#    B7
You really are a heel
          E           Am
You're as cuddly as a cactus
          D              G
You're as charming as an eel
g  f#  e   C7
Mister Gri-inch
F#                         B7              Em   Am  Em  Am  Em  C  B7
You're a bad banana with a    greasy black peel

         Em       Am        D      G
You're a monster,    Mister Grinch
     Em         F#    B7
Your heart's an empty hole
     E                Am
Your brain is full of spiders
           D              G
You've got garlic in your soul
g  f#  e   C7
Mister Gri-inch
F#                          B7                             Em   Am  B7
I wouldn't touch you with a    thirty-nine and a half foot pole

         Em        Am        D      G
You're a vile one,    Mister Grinch
         Em       F#      B7
You have termites in your smile
         E              Am
You have all the tender sweetness
     D            G
of a seasick crocodile
g  f#  e   C7
Mister Gri-inch
F#                                                    B7           Em   Am  B7
Given the choice between the two of you, I'd take the seasick crocodile

         Em        Am        D      G
You're a foul one,    Mister Grinch
         Em    F#    B7
You're a nasty-wasty skunk
     E                Am
Your heart is full of unwashed socks
     D               G
Your soul is full of gunk
g  f#  e   C7
Mister Gri-inch
The three words that best describe you are as follows — and I quote:
       F#        B7        Em
Stink,    stank,    stunk!

         Em      Am        D      G
You're a rotter,    Mister Grinch
           Em      F#     B7
You're the king of sinful sots
     E                Am
Your heart's a dead tomato splotched with
D            G
moldy purple spots
g  f#  e   C7
Mister Gri-inch
Your soul is an appalling dump-heap, overflowing with the most disgraceful
                                                            B7         Em    Am
assortment of deplorable rubbish imaginable, mangled-up and tangled-up knots

         Em      Am        D      G
You nauseate me,    Mister Grinch
       Em       F#     B7
With a nauseous super "naus"
         E             Am
You're a crooked jerky jockey
        D               G
and you drive a crooked horse
g  f#  e   C7
Mister Gri-inch
F#                                                           B7         Em   Am  B7 Em
You're a three-decker sauerkraut and toadstool sandwich with    arsenic sauce


// případně KAPO 2

  g G A Dm7 G-

C                             G
Jděte všichni k ďasu    —   s mravným životem
C           Ami             F           G
Jednou budu stejně      —   ležet za plotem
C              Ami             F             G
Stará kmotra s kosou    —   je rychlejší než já
   C          Ami             G          C
Mí znamení je střelec   —   a víc mě nečeká

F                               C
Měl jsem hezkou holku       —   dole v Montaně
F                               G
Přemejšlel jsem o ní        —     zamilovaně
C            Ami                  F            G
Chodili jsme spolu          —   počítat hvězdičky
  C                Ami          G            C
A mně teď zbyl jen kousek   —   smutný písničky

# g  C   G  Ami            Dmi A  G
# Adios, Montano     —   musí--me jít
#   C  G   Ami           Dmi         G
# Není nám přáno     —       dne ukončit
#    C    G   Ami          Dmi          G
# Co bylo nám dáno   —   měsícem, který plál
#    C   G  Ami            Dm7   G-  C
# Adios, Montano     —   a život jde dál

C                                G
Kdopak za to může       —   ptám se furt dokola
   C             Ami              F         G
Že pro tři liščí kůže   —   z něj byla mrtvola
 C           Ami              F          G
Ukázal na mě prstem     —   šedivej koronér
 C             Ami              G            C
"Hochu, boj se Boha     —   byl to tvůj revolver"

F                        C
Od tý doby se mi     —   nerozednívá
F                        G
Nevoní mi tráva      —   a slavík nespívá
C            Ami             F          G
Na prsou mám kámen   —   a v srdci sedí strach
C       Ami                 G               C
Fialový dálky        —   mi zakryl střelnej prach

C                              G
Nemám nikde stání      —   jak ve vichřici dým
C          Ami               F          G
Nemám slitování        —   s koněm uštvaným
C            Ami             F      G
Řítím se jak jezdci    —   z Apokalypsy
    C          Ami         G         C
A v mojí stopě vyjou   —   zatoulaný psi

F                           C
Jednou na vás všechny   —   zařvu "Hola-rý!"
F                           G
Za klobouk si dejte     —   ty svý dolary
C               Ami            F           G
Do všech vašich sporů   —   mi dávno houby je
C             Ami             G          C
Vraťte mi mou lásku     —   a rodný prérie

  a A G

D                             A
Jděte všichni k ďasu    —   s mravným životem
D           Hmi             G           A
Jednou budu stejně      —   ležet za plotem
D              Hmi             G             A
Stará kmotra s kosou    —   je rychlejší než já
   D          Hmi             A          D
Mí znamení je střelec   —   a víc mě nečeká

G                               D
Měl jsem hezkou holku       —   dole v Montaně
G                               A
Přemejšlel jsem o ní        —     zamilovaně
D            Hmi                  G            A
Chodili jsme spolu          —   počítat hvězdičky
  D                Hmi          A            D
A mně teď zbyl jen kousek   —   smutný písničky

# a  D   A  H              Emi G  A
# Adios, Montano     —   musí--me jít
#   D  A   H             Emi         A
# Není nám přáno     —       dne ukončit
#    D    A   H            Emi          A
# Co bylo nám dáno   —   měsícem, který plál
#    D   A  H              Emi   A   D
# Adios, Montano     —   a život jde dál

D                                A
Kdopak za to může       —   ptám se furt dokola
   D             Hmi              G         A
Že pro tři liščí kůže   —   z něj byla mrtvola
 D           Hmi              G          A
Ukázal na mě prstem     —   šedivej koronér
 D             Hmi              A            D
"Hochu, boj se Boha     —   byl to tvůj revolver"

G                        D
Od tý doby se mi     —   nerozednívá
G                        A
Nevoní mi tráva      —   a slavík nespívá
D            Hmi             G          A
Na prsou mám kámen   —   a v srdci sedí strach
D       Hmi                 A               D
Fialový dálky        —   mi zakryl střelnej prach

D                              A
Nemám nikde stání      —   jak ve vichřici dým
D          Hmi               G          A
Nemám slitování        —   s koněm uštvaným
D            Hmi             G      A
Řítím se jak jezdci    —   z Apokalypsy
    D          Hmi         A         D
A v mojí stopě vyjou   —   zatoulaný psi

G                           D
Jednou na vás všechny   —   zařvu "Hola-rý!"
G                           A
Za klobouk si dejte     —   ty svý dolary
D               Hmi            G           A
Do všech vašich sporů   —   mi dávno houby je
D             Hmi             A          D
Vraťte mi mou lásku     —   a rodný prérie

Pantáta a kantáta


Dmi   C#+   F/C   Gmi/Bb  Dmi/A  G#7b5  A7/G   D/F#
Ááá,  ááá,  ááá,  ááá,    ááá,   ááá,   ááá,   ááá

G                                                                          Ami
Zeptal jsem se pantáty, -- proč zpívá jen kantáty, -- proč nezpívá taky árie
Ami D7?                                                               G
Řek mi na to pantáta, -- že jedině kantáta -- do srdce se vždycky zaryje

G                                                                         G#dim  Ami
Já za ňákou kantátu -- nedal bych půl dukátu, -- naopak za operu se třeba pope - ru
                         G             E7          Ami                     D7             G
A na všechny kantáty, -- co slýchám od pantáty, -- beru ohled jenom proto, že mám jeho dceru
 G          G/Fis      E+g        D
(A chalupu, a chalupu, a chalupu, a chalupu)

G                                                                       Ami
Léta jsem od pantáty, -- slýchal jenom kantáty, -- a já zpíval jenom árie
Ami D7?                                                               G
Jednou zjistil pantáta, -- že nejenom kantáta -- do srdce se jemu zaryje

G                                                                          G#dim  Ami
Árii si zazpíval, -- to by býval nebýval -- někdy řek', že také hezkou melodii -  má
Ami D7?                  G           E7         Ami                               D7  G
Já dneska za kantátu, -- dám i pytel dukátů, -- poznali jsme, že i jiná muzika je prí-ma

G    Hmi/F#  G7/F   Emi G+/D# G    Emi  D7   G
Ááá, ááá,    ááá,   áá  á,    ááá, ááá, ááá, ááá

Rodičovská lítost

G                           C    G
Lúto vám rodiče  - lúto vám mosí být
C      G           D        G
Vychovali ste ňa - na vojnu mosím jít

G                           C     G
Vychovali ste ňa - jak z orecha jádro
C         G        D     G
A včil ňa dáváte - cisárovi darmo

G                          C   G
Cisárovi darmo   - za malé peníze
C        G         D        G
Počkajte rodiče  - lúto vás nemine

A                           D    A
Lúto vám rodiče  - lúto vám mosí být
D      A           E        A
Vychovali ste ňa - na vojnu mosím jít

A                           D     A
Vychovali ste ňa - jak z orecha jádro
D         A        E     A
A včil ňa dáváte - cisárovi darmo

A                          D   A
Cisárovi darmo   - za malé peníze
D        A         E        A
Počkajte rodiče  - lúto vás nemine

Hádej, Matyldo

C           E7       Ami        F
Prodírám se mlázím a mám těžkou kabelu
C                    G
Do které vkládám vše to, o čem sním
  C        E7        Ami          F
A za hlavu házím vše to, co stojí za belu
C                 G      C
Pro tebe zpívám a jahody jím

# C               F
# Hádej, Matyldo, hádej, Matyldo
# C                            G
#   Jak mnoho váží jen jedinej sen
#           C         E7      Ami          F
# O tom, že složím ti píseň a tíseň z duše vyženu
# C                G      C
# A pak tu tíhu už vysypu ven

C, Dmi7, G7, C

C        E7       Ami     F
Brání se houští a tíží mě kabela
C                         G
Do které si tajně vkládám to, o čem sním
  C             E7        Ami         F
A tma se na mne spouští a to by dělat neměla
C                   G       C
  Neboť tu zpívám a nenajdu rým

# C               F
# Hádej, Matyldo, hádej, Matyldo
# C                            G
#   Jak mnoho váží jen jedinej sen
#           C       E7      Ami       F
# O tom, že svítá a vítá mě Matylda a neděle
# C                     G       C
#   Tolik snad váží jen dubovej kmen

  C             E7        Ami           F
A tak světem se vláčím, a táhnu s sebou kabelu
C                    G
Do které teď vkládám štíhlý tón
C             E7      Ami          F
Tón, který se chvěje, chvílí plnej naděje
C                   G         C
  A pak se ztrácí a jsem jako on

# C               F
# Hádej, Matyldo, hádej, Matyldo
# C                            G
#   Jak mnoho váží jen jedinej sen
#           C        E7      Ami            F
# O tom, že tóny, ty tóny ti svážu v jednou kytici
# C                   G      C
#   A najdu záhon a s notama jen

C           E7             Ami           F
Prodírám se tmou a mlázím, mám přetěžkou kabelu
C                G
Do které ukládám ze snů dým
  C        E7    Ami           F
A za hlavu házím vše, co stojí za belu
C                   G      C
  Pro tebe zpívám a jahody jím

# C               F
# Hádej, Matyldo, hádej, Matyldo
# C                                G
#   Jak mnoho váží sen, kterej teď mám
#           C         E7         Ami       F
# O tom, že jednou tě zvednou tě moje ruce do nebe
# C                     G      C
#   A pak tě ke snům do kabely dám

A pak tě ke snům do kabely dám
A pak tě ke snům do kabely dám
A proto chvátám, Matyldo, zas dál

Sedm statečných


C         F
Běží sedm koní
C          A#   G
Jarní vítr voní
     C            Am
Nese příběh sedmi statečných
F       Em   G    C-Am-G
Podkovy do kamenů zvoní


D         G
Běží sedm koní
D          C    A
Jarní vítr voní
     D            Hm
Nese příběh sedmi statečných
G       F#m  A    D-Hm-A
Podkovy do kamenů zvoní

G-Em-D // neustále kotvit malíčkem "g"

G         C
Běží sedm koní
G          F    D
Jarní vítr voní
     G            Em // + malíčkem "d", které na "tečných" odtáhnout na prázdné "h"
Nese příběh sedmi statečných
C       Hm   D    G
Podkovy do kamenů zvoní

G           C
Zpívá, vítr zpívá
G            F      D
O tom, co se skrývá
       G            Em // + malíčkem "d", které na "tečných" odtáhnout na prázdné "h"
Na dně srdce i když okorá
C        Hm    D    G
Co zlata větší cenu má

Běží sedm koní
Trávou vítr zvoní
Zpívá píseň sedmi statečných
Jen jarní vítr, jen on sám

V Hodoníně za vojáčka

  A                E      A
V Hodoníně za vojáčka mňa vzali
A                    E7     A
Moje vlásky na kraťučko strihali
            D    A                  E
Moje vlásky hej, haj, na kolena padaly
A                   E     A
Moje mamka aj frajárka plakali

Neplačte vy, moja mamka, matička
Já uskočím, až poletí gulička
Já uskočím hej, haj, jak na nebi hvězdička
Já uskočím, až poletí gulička

Yo Ho (A Pirate’s Life for Me)

Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me
We pillage plunder, we rifle and loot
Drink up me 'earties, yo ho
We kidnap and ravage and don't give a hoot
Drink up me 'earties, yo ho

Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me
We extort and pilfer, we filch and sack
Drink up me 'earties, yo ho
Maraud and embezzle and even highjack
Drink up me 'earties, yo ho

Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me
We kindle and char and in flame and ignite
Drink up me 'earties, yo ho
We burn up the city, we're really a fright
Drink up me 'earties, yo ho

We're rascals and scoundrels, we're villains and knaves
Drink up me 'earties, yo ho
We're devils and black sheep, we're really bad eggs
Drink up me 'earties, yo ho

Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me
We're beggars and blighters and ne'er do-well cads
Drink up me 'earties, yo ho
Aye, but we're loved by our mommies and dads
Drink up me 'earties, yo ho

Ten zatracenej pistolník

C                         A7
Dnes už dávno žádnou cenu nemá
Rozmejšlet jestli to mělo bejt
G(7)                      C
Měla jsi mi snad bejt ukradená
  D7                           G(7)
A já dneska moh' vo trošku míň klejt

   C                          A7
Jó   kdyby tenkrát namísto tý noci
Byl jen prostej vobyčejnej den
G                         C
Neměl by nás ďábel ve svý moci
  D            G             C
A já teď věděl   kudy z toho ven

# Dmi
#     Snad tě jednou napadne
# Ami
#     Že mě vlastně ráda máš
# Dmi
#     Prostě tě to popadne
#   D7       G
# A koně vosedláš

#   C         C7
# A ujedeš tu stovku mil
#      F           Fmi
# K tý hospodě kde whisky pil
#     C          A7
# Ten zatracenej pistolník
#    D7    G7   C   G7
# Co moje jméno má

    C                        A7
Ten kamarád co tenkrát se ti líbil
Nemusel teď pod kytkama spát
G(7)                      C
Kdybych já tě tenkrát nepolíbil
D7                          G(7)
Kdybych já tě tenkrát neměl rád

C                        A7
  Je to holka divný pomyšlení
Že jsem teďka vod tebe sto mil
G                         C
A ten ďábel co prej vůbec není
D7         G          C
Nakonec mě stejně dohonil

C                         A7
Než mě budou holka zejtra věšet
Napíšu ti krátkej líbesbríf
G(7)                    C
Předpokládám že nebudeš brečet
D7                     G(7)
Tak jako jsi nebrečela dřív

C                            A7
Vždyť je všude plno hodnejch chlapů
Já byl stejně prevít vzal mě ďas
G                        C
Tak mi teda věř že já tě chápu
     D7          G          C
Jsme voba stejný sejdeme se zas

# Najednou tě napadne...

Captain Kidd

   D       A       D          D            A
My name is Captain Kidd, as I sailed, as I sailed
      D       A       D     f# g A
Oh my name is Captain Kidd, as I sailed
   G                              D             A
My name is Captain Kidd and God's laws I did forbid
         D     e  f# G   f# e D
And most wickedly I  did as I sailed

   D      Dsus4     D                         A
My father taught me well to shun the gates of Hell,
     D          Dsus4   D            A
But against him I     rebelled, as I sailed.
            D     Dsus4    D                         A
He shoved a bible in    my hand but I left it in the sand,
      D       Dsus4     D          A
And I pulled away  from land, as I sailed.

I murdered William Moore and I left him in his gore,
Twenty leagues away from shore, as I sailed.
And being crueler still, the gunner I did kill,
All his precious blood did spill, as I sailed.

I was sick and nigh to death, and I vowed at every breath,
Oh to walk in wisdom's path, as I sailed.
But my repentance lasted not, my vows I soon forgot,
Oh damnation is my lot, as I sailed.

To the execution dock, lay my head upon the block...
The laws no more I'll mock, as I sail.
So take warning here and heed, to shun bad company,
Or you'll wind up just like me, as I sailed.


Oh, my    name is Captain Kidd,
As I sailed, as I   sailed,
My    name is Captain Kidd,
As I sailed.
D7    G
My    name is Captain Kidd,
  C   D7
God's   laws I did for  bid,
And most    wickedly I did,
  D7    G
As I    sailed, as I    sailed.

My parents taught me well
As I sailed, as I sailed,
My parents taught me well
As I sailed.
My parents taught me well
To shun the gates of hell,
But against them I rebelled,
As I sailed, as I sailed.

I  murdered William Moore, etc.
And left him in his gore
Forty leagues from the shore, etc.

And being cruel still, etc.
My gunner I did kill
And his precious blood did spill, etc.

And being nigh to death, etc.
I  vowed with every breath
To walk in wisdom's way, etc.

My repentance lasted not, etc.
My vows I soon forgot
Damnation was my lot, etc.

Now, to execution dock
I  must go, I must go,
To execution dock,
I  must go.
To execution dock,
Lay my head upon the block,
No more the laws  I'll mock,
As I sailed, as I sailed.


My name is Captain Kidd, as I sailed, as I sailed
My name is Captian Kidd, as I sailed
My name is Captian Kidd, God's laws I did forbid
And most wickedly I did, as I sailed, as I sailed

Oh, my parents taught me well, as I sailed, as I sailed
My parents taught me well, as I sailed
My parents taught me well to shun the gates of Hell
But against them I rebelled, as I sailed, as I sailed

Well, I murdered William Moore, as I sailed, as I sailed
I murdered William Moore, as I sailed
I murdered William Moore and I left him in his gore
Forty leagues from shore, as I sailed, as I sailed

And being cruel still, as I sailed, as I sailed
And being cruel still, as I sailed
And being cruel still the gunner I did kill
And his precious blood did spill, as I sailed, as I sailed

Well, my repentance lasted not, as I sailed, as I sailed
My repentance lasted not, as I sailed
My repentance lasted not, my vows I soon forgot
Damnation was my lot, as I sailed, as I sailed

To execution dock I must go, I must go
To execution dock I must go
To execution dock, lay my head upon the block
And no more the laws I'll mock, as I sail, as I sail

   G       D       G          G            D
My name is Captain Kidd, as I sailed, as I sailed
      G       D       G     h  c D
Oh my name is Captain Kidd, as I sailed
   C                              G          C  D
My name is Captain Kidd and God's laws I did forbid
         G     a  h C   h  D G
And most wickedly I did as I sailed

   C       G       C          C            G
My name is Captain Kidd, as I sailed, as I sailed
      C       G       C     e  f G
Oh my name is Captain Kidd, as I sailed
   F                              C          F  G
My name is Captain Kidd and God's laws I did forbid
         C     d  e F   e  G C
And most wickedly I did as I sailed


   G G+

C          A7
Vlezeme-li mezi jmelí
D7         G7
Vrátíme se těžko celí
C           A7
Neboť jmelí věc to jasná
D7          G7     CG
Rostlina je cizopasná

C           A7
Ti co tohle nevěděli
D7            G7
Přitom chtěli trhat jmelí
C          A7
Byť i byli chytří páni
D7           G7    C
Padli v lese vycucáni

# E7          Ami
# Pro člověka je to klika
# E7          Ami
# Řemeslo mít botanika
# D7
# Jemuž jeho úděl velí
# G                G  G+
# Rozeznati les od jmelí

C            A7
Kdo má tohle povolání
D7        G7
Nebojí se vycucání
C           A7
Ať si jmelí cizopasí
D7          G7      C
Na něj bude krátký asi


# Pro člověka...

Kdo má tohle ...

Jmeeelí, jmeeelí...


       A                                E7
Jen já vím, co na Yukonu drželo mě na nohou
Když hledal jsem zlatej písek jenom s pánví ubohou
                         D          A
Jen já vím, co na Yukonu nechalo mě žít
        D            A         H7     E7   A
Že jsem každej večer jenom o tobě moh tiše snít

       A                                  E7
# V Alabamě čeká na mě tvoje krása rozkvetlá
#      E7                                   A
# Kdejakýmu hochu z Jihu už jsi hlavu popletla
# D               Dmi             A     .  .  F#
# Jenže, má milá, mně jsi slíbila svoje srdce dát
#       D      Dmi   A  F#    Hmi   E6 E   A
# Proto čekej, až se vrátím a já se vrátím rád

Jen já vím, proč pod Chilcootem do díry jsem nezalez
Když se kolem honil blizzard, že i vlky chytal děs
Jen já vím, co pod Chilcootem nechylo mě žít
Že jsem každej večer jenom o tobě moh tiše snít

R: V Alabamě...

Jen já vím, když teď se vracím krajem, jenž se zelená
Proč, i když mám plno prachů, třesou se mi kolena
Jen já vím, co v Alabamě nenechá mě žít:
Jestli budu dneska večer zase jenom tiše snít

R: V Alabamě...

    D6 D

       G                                D7
Jen já vím, co na Yukonu drželo mě na nohou
Když hledal jsem zlatej písek jenom s pánví ubohou
                         C          G
Jen já vím, co na Yukonu nechalo mě žít
        C            G         A7     D7   G
Že jsem každej večer jenom o tobě moh tiše snít

       G                                  D7
# V Alabamě čeká na mě tvoje krása rozkvetlá
#      D7                                   G
# Kdejakýmu hochu z Jihu už jsi hlavu popletla
# C               Cmi             G     .  .  E
# Jenže, má milá, mně jsi slíbila svoje srdce dát
#       C      Cmi   G  E     Ami   D6 D   G
# Proto čekej, až se vrátím a já se vrátím rád

       F                                C7
Jen já vím, co na Yukonu drželo mě na nohou
Když hledal jsem zlatej písek jenom s pánví ubohou
                         B          F
Jen já vím, co na Yukonu nechalo mě žít
        B            F         G7     C7   F
Že jsem každej večer jenom o tobě moh tiše snít

       F                                  C7
# V Alabamě čeká na mě tvoje krása rozkvetlá
#      C7                                   F
# Kdejakýmu hochu z Jihu už jsi hlavu popletla
# B               Bmi             F     .  .  D
# Jenže, má milá, mně jsi slíbila svoje srdce dát
#       B      Bmi   F  D     Gmi   C6 C   F
# Proto čekej, až se vrátím a já se vrátím rád

Eye of the Tiger

   Dm7 nebo

Am - Am G Am - Am G Am - Am Em F

Am            F
   Risin' up, back on the street
G                      Am
  Did my time, took my chances
Am                            F
   Went the distance, now I'm back on my feet
       G                      Am
Just a man and his will to survive

Am                   F
   So many times, it happens too fast
G                            Am
  You trade your passion for glory
Am                             F
   Don't lose your grip on the dreams of the past
         G                        Am
You must fight just to keep them alive

G    Am   Dm7                           C                G
It's the     eye of the tiger, it's the thrill of the fight
G C    Dm7                        Am G
Risin' up to the challenge of our ri_val
G   C   Dm7                            C              G
And the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night
G   C
And he's watchin' us all with the eye... of the tiger...

Joxer the Mighty

Joxer the Mighty
Roams through the countryside
He never needs a place to hide
With Gabby as his sidekick
Fighting with her little stick
Righting wrongs and singing songs
Being mighty all day long
He's Joxer—he's Joxer the Mighty!

Joxer the Mighty
He's very tidy
Everyone admires him
He's so handsome it's a sin
When things get grim
He'll take it on the chin
If you're in jeopardy
Caused by the enemy
Don't call the cavalry
There's a better remedy
(Although he doesn't work for free!)
He's every man's trusty,
He's every woman's fantasy,
Plus he's goo-oood company
Look out! He's Joxer--
Joxer the Mighty!
Joxer the Mighty!


    Em e+GD  G        D
Oh! Santiana gained a day
 Em     g GDD
Away Santia-na!
   D      G      D           Hm
"Napoleon of the West", they say
 G        D         Em   d Em
Along the plains of Mexi-i-co


N.C Em                  G         D
Well, heave 'er up and away we'll go
 Em     Gmaj7 D
Away Santiana!
D                  Bm7        D
 Heave 'er up and away we'll go
 Em       Bm7       Em
Along the plains of Mexico

        Em                      G          D
She's a fast clipper ship and a bully good crew
 Em       G D
Away Santiana!
       D                    Bm7     D
And an old salty yank for a captain too
 Em       Bm7       Em
Along the plains of Mexico

Em       G          D
Santiana fought for gold
 Em       G D
Away Santiana!
D                            Bm7     D
Around Cape Horn through the ice and snow
 Em       Bm7       Em
Along the plains of Mexico

      Em              G         D
T'was on the field of Molly-Del-Ray
 Em       G D
Away Santiana!
     D                 Bm7   D
Well both his legs got blown away
 Em       Bm7       Em
Along the plains of Mexico

   Em               G      D
It was a fierce and bitter strife
 Em       G D
Away Santiana!
    D              Bm7      D
The general Taylor took his life
 Em       Bm7       Em
Along the plains of Mexico

Em        G      D
Santiana, now we mourn
 Em  G   Gmaj7 D
Away Santiana!
   D               Bm7      D
We left him buried off Cape Horn
 Em       Bm7       Em
Along the plains of Mexico

The Tale of Leonidas

So proud I was born to be Spartan
They rise over fire they face
They carry the weight of Leonidas
The bravest they fight to the grave

Diggy Diggy Hole

[Verse 1]

Brothers of the mine rejoice!
F      C                 Am
Swing, swing, swing with me
Raise your pick and raise your voice!
F     C               Am
Sing, sing, sing with me
Am              G
Down and down into the deep
F                    E
Who knows what we'll find beneath?
Am                G
Diamonds, rubies, gold and more
Hidden in the mountain store

[Pre-Chorus 1]

F         C       G              Am
Born underground, suckled from a teat of stone
F             C         G
Raised in the dark, the safety of our mountain home
F            C     E            Am
Skin made of iron, steel in our bones
To dig and dig makes us free
Come on brothers, sing with me!


# Am     C             G         F
# I am a dwarf and I'm digging a hole
# F           C     F           E
# Diggy diggy hole, diggy diggy hole
# Am     C             G         F
# I am a dwarf and I'm digging a hole
# F           C     E         Am
# Diggy diggy hole, digging a hole

[Verse 2]

The sunlight will not reach this low
F     C           Am
Deep, deep in the mine
Never seen the blue moon glow
F       C            Am
Dwarves won't fly so high
Am               G
Fill a glass and down some mead!
F                  E
Stuff your bellies at the feast!
Am               G
Stumble home and fall asleep
Dreaming in our mountain keep

[Pre-Chorus 2]

F         C       G              Am
Born underground, grown inside a rocky womb
    F            C       G
The earth is our cradle; the mountain shall become our tomb
F              C                E              Am
Face us on the battlefield; you will meet your doom
We do not fear what lies beneath
We can never dig too deep



[Pre-Chorus 1]


El Fusilado

G                    C       D
Listen close to this crooked mouth
       G            C    D
For my story I will tell-o
  G               C        D
I lived in Mexico   by the name
   G     C     D    G
Of Wenseslao Moguel-o

G               C    D
Left my home in Santiago
    G                    C   D
The heart of the city of Merida
G                           C       D
Served with my brothers and sisters all
        G       C      D  G
For the army of Pancho Villa

# G                             C       D
# Stand me straight against the nearest wall
# G                    C        D
# Line up your bravest soldiers oh
# G                    C         D
# Ten good shots, I'll take them all
#      G          C   D G
# They call me El Fusilado

    G         C        D
The Federales captured me
G                     C D
Bound up my arms with wire
G                    C           D
Officer came he says, "Take your aim —
G           C        D G
Steady your guns and fire!"

G                 C        D
Bullet holes all across my chest
G                         C    D
Ripped up my shirt and my body-o
G                         C        D
Heart beat on through the silenced guns
       G         C      D       G
To the rhythm of life inside me-o


G                       C       D
Fell to the ground, the officer came
G                    C    D
One last shot to the head-o
G                            C       D
Heard through the pain as he walked away
    G       C         D    G
And left me there for dead-o

G                   C        D
All went quiet so I crawled away
  G                       C  D
I wasn't giving up to the glory
G                 C         D
Ten good shots, I took them all
    G        C       D  G
And lived to tell my story


   A A+ D-D E_A
   v ^  v ^ v^v

A                    D       E
Listen close to this crooked mouth
       A            D    E
For my story I will tell-o
  A               D        E
I lived in Mexico   by the name
   A     D     E    A
Of Wenseslao Moguel-o

A               D    E
Left my home in Santiago
    A                    D   E
The heart of the city of Merida
A                           D       E
Served with my brothers and sisters all
        A       D      E  A
For the army of Pancho Villa

# A                             D       E
# Stand me straight against the nearest wall
# A                    D        E
# Line up your bravest soldiers oh
# A                    D         E
# Ten good shots, I'll take them all
#      A       A+ D-D E_A
# They call me El Fusilado

    A         D        E
The Federales captured me
A                     D E
Bound up my arms with wire
A                    D           E
Officer came he says, "Take your aim —
A           D        E A
Steady your guns and fire!"

A                 D        E
Bullet holes all across my chest
A                         D    E
Ripped up my shirt and my body-o
A                         D        E
Heart beat on through the silenced guns
       A         D      E       A
To the rhythm of life inside me-o


A                       D       E
Fell to the ground, the officer came
A                    D    E
One last shot to the head-o
A                            D       E
Heard through the pain as he walked away
    A       D         E    A
And left me there for dead-o

A                   D        E
All went quiet so I crawled away
  A                       D  E
I wasn't giving up to the glory
A                 D         E
Ten good shots, I took them all
    A        D       E  A
And lived to tell my story


C                    F       G
Listen close to this crooked mouth
       C            F    G
For my story I will tell-o
  C               F        G
I lived in Mexico   by the name
   C     F     G    C
Of Wenseslao Moguel-o

C               F    G
Left my home in Santiago
    C                    F   G
The heart of the city of Merida
C                           F       G
Served with my brothers and sisters all
        C       F      G  C
For the army of Pancho Villa

# C                             F       G
# Stand me straight against the nearest wall
# C                    F        G
# Line up your bravest soldiers oh
# C                    F         G
# Ten good shots, I'll take them all
#      C          F   G C
# They call me El Fusilado

    C         F        G
The Federales captured me
C                     F G
Bound up my arms with wire
C                    F           G
Officer came he says, "Take your aim —
C           F        G C
Steady your guns and fire!"

C                 F        G
Bullet holes all across my chest
C                         F    G
Ripped up my shirt and my body-o
C                         F        G
Heart beat on through the silenced guns
       C         F      G       C
To the rhythm of life inside me-o


C                       F       G
Fell to the ground, the officer came
C                    F    G
One last shot to the head-o
C                            F       G
Heard through the pain as he walked away
    C       F         G    C
And left me there for dead-o

C                   F        G
All went quiet so I crawled away
  C                       F  G
I wasn't giving up to the glory
C                 F         G
Ten good shots, I took them all
    C        F       G  C
And lived to tell my story


Big Iron

// KAPO 2-3 ?

       G                        Em
To the town of Agua Fria rode a stranger one fine day
       G                                                  Em
Hardly spoke to folks around him, didn't have too much to say
       C                                 G
No one dared to ask his business, no one dared to make a slip
        G                               Em
For the stranger there among them had a big iron on his hip
C               G
Big iron on his hip

       G                            Em
It was early in the morning when he rode into the town
        G                                              Em
He came riding from the south side slowly lookin' all around
        C                                  G
He's an outlaw loose and running, came the whisper from each lip
         G                                 Em
And he's here to do some business with the big iron on his hip
C               G
Big iron on his hip

        G                                 Em
In this town there lived an outlaw by the name of Texas Red
     G                                                Em
Many men had tried to take him and that many men were dead
       C                             G
He was vicious and a killer though a youth of 24
        G                              Em
And the notches on his pistol numbered one and 19 more
C          G
One and 19 more

        G                                 Em
Now the stranger started talking, made it plain to folks around
       G                                       Em
Was an Arizona ranger, wouldn't be too long in town
        C                            G
He came here to take an outlaw back alive or maybe dead
       G                        Em
And he said it didn't matter he was after Texas Red
C           G
After Texas Red

       G                           Em
Wasn't long before the story was relayed to Texas Red
        G                                               Em
But the outlaw didn't worry, men that tried before were dead
   C                             G
20 men had tried to take him, 20 men had made a slip
 G                              Em
21 would be the ranger with the big iron on his hip
C               G
Big iron on his hip

         G                                 Em
Well the morning passed so quickly, it was time for them to meet
       G                                      Em
It was 20 past 11 when they walked out in the street
           C                               G
Folks were watching from the windows, everybody held their breath
     G                              Em
They knew this handsome ranger was about to meet his death
 C                G
About to meet his death

          G                              Em
There was 40 feet between them when they stopped to make their play
        G                                               Em
And the swiftness of the ranger is still talked about today
      C                                   G
Texas Red had not cleared leather 'fore a bullet fairly ripped
        G                                Em
And the ranger's aim was deadly with the big iron on his hip
C               G
Big iron on his hip

       G                        Em
It was over in a moment and the folks had gathered round
        G                                           Em
There before them lay the body of the outlaw on the ground
       C                                G
Oh, he might have went on living but he made one fatal slip
        G                                  Em
When he tried to match the ranger with the big iron on his hip
C               G
Big iron on his hip

    C         G
Big iron, big iron
        G                                  Em
When he tried to match the ranger with the big iron on his hip
C               G
Big iron on his hip

       C                        Am
To the town of Agua Fria rode a stranger one fine day
       C                                                  Am
Hardly spoke to folks around him, didn't have too much to say
       F                                 C
No one dared to ask his business, no one dared to make a slip
        C                               Am
For the stranger there among them had a big iron on his hip
F               C
Big iron on his hip

       C                            Am
It was early in the morning when he rode into the town
        C                                              Am
He came riding from the south side slowly lookin' all around
        F                                  C
He's an outlaw loose and running, came the whisper from each lip
         C                                 Am
And he's here to do some business with the big iron on his hip
F               C
Big iron on his hip

        C                                 Am
In this town there lived an outlaw by the name of Texas Red
     C                                                Am
Many men had tried to take him and that many men were dead
       F                             C
He was vicious and a killer though a youth of 24
        C                              Am
And the notches on his pistol numbered one and 19 more
F          C
One and 19 more

        C                                 Am
Now the stranger started talking, made it plain to folks around
       C                                       Am
Was an Arizona ranger, wouldn't be too long in town
        F                            C
He came here to take an outlaw back alive or maybe dead
       C                        Am
And he said it didn't matter he was after Texas Red
F           C
After Texas Red

       C                           Am
Wasn't long before the story was relayed to Texas Red
        C                                               Am
But the outlaw didn't worry, men that tried before were dead
   F                             C
20 men had tried to take him, 20 men had made a slip
 C                              Am
21 would be the ranger with the big iron on his hip
F               C
Big iron on his hip

         C                                 Am
Well the morning passed so quickly, it was time for them to meet
       C                                      Am
It was 20 past 11 when they walked out in the street
           F                               C
Folks were watching from the windows, everybody held their breath
     C                              Am
They knew this handsome ranger was about to meet his death
 F                C
About to meet his death

          C                              Am
There was 40 feet between them when they stopped to make their play
        C                                               Am
And the swiftness of the ranger is still talked about today
      F                                   C
Texas Red had not cleared leather 'fore a bullet fairly ripped
        C                                Am
And the ranger's aim was deadly with the big iron on his hip
F               C
Big iron on his hip

       C                        Am
It was over in a moment and the folks had gathered round
        C                                           Am
There before them lay the body of the outlaw on the ground
       F                                C
Oh, he might have went on living but he made one fatal slip
        C                                  Am
When he tried to match the ranger with the big iron on his hip
F               C
Big iron on his hip

    F         C
Big iron, big iron
        C                                  Am
When he tried to match the ranger with the big iron on his hip
F               C
Big iron on his hip

       D                        Hm
To the town of Agua Fria rode a stranger one fine day
       D                                                  Hm
Hardly spoke to folks around him, didn't have too much to say
       G                                 D
No one dared to ask his business, no one dared to make a slip
        D                               Hm
For the stranger there among them had a big iron on his hip
G               D
Big iron on his hip

       D                            Hm
It was early in the morning when he rode into the town
        D                                              Hm
He came riding from the south side slowly lookin' all around
        G                                  D
He's an outlaw loose and running, came the whisper from each lip
         D                                 Hm
And he's here to do some business with the big iron on his hip
G               D
Big iron on his hip

        D                                 Hm
In this town there lived an outlaw by the name of Texas Red
     D                                                Hm
Many men had tried to take him and that many men were dead
       G                             D
He was vicious and a killer though a youth of 24
        D                              Hm
And the notches on his pistol numbered one and 19 more
G          D
One and 19 more

        D                                 Hm
Now the stranger started talking, made it plain to folks around
       D                                       Hm
Was an Arizona ranger, wouldn't be too long in town
        G                            D
He came here to take an outlaw back alive or maybe dead
       D                        Hm
And he said it didn't matter he was after Texas Red
G           D
After Texas Red

       D                           Hm
Wasn't long before the story was relayed to Texas Red
        D                                               Hm
But the outlaw didn't worry, men that tried before were dead
   G                             D
20 men had tried to take him, 20 men had made a slip
 D                              Hm
21 would be the ranger with the big iron on his hip
G               D
Big iron on his hip

         D                                 Hm
Well the morning passed so quickly, it was time for them to meet
       D                                      Hm
It was 20 past 11 when they walked out in the street
           G                               D
Folks were watching from the windows, everybody held their breath
     D                              Hm
They knew this handsome ranger was about to meet his death
 G                D
About to meet his death

          D                              Hm
There was 40 feet between them when they stopped to make their play
        D                                               Hm
And the swiftness of the ranger is still talked about today
      G                                   D
Texas Red had not cleared leather 'fore a bullet fairly ripped
        D                                Hm
And the ranger's aim was deadly with the big iron on his hip
G               D
Big iron on his hip

       D                        Hm
It was over in a moment and the folks had gathered round
        D                                           Hm
There before them lay the body of the outlaw on the ground
       G                                D
Oh, he might have went on living but he made one fatal slip
        D                                  Hm
When he tried to match the ranger with the big iron on his hip
G               D
Big iron on his hip

    G         D
Big iron, big iron
        D                                  Hm
When he tried to match the ranger with the big iron on his hip
G               D
Big iron on his hip

Hammer and the Anvil

I thought to make a horseshoe and asked my hammer thus
He said, "I'll ask the anvil what you require of us"
The hammer asked the anvil and she at once agreed
That they should meet together in the way that I decreed

And it's sparks a-flying, passion strong
I am the blacksmith singing
The hammer and the anvil song

I thought to make an anchor, for taking on the main
The hammer and the anvil relented once again
So they sat there together, as I prepared the cast
They braced themselves for impact like a sailor on the mast

And it's sparks a-flying, passion strong
I am the blacksmith singing
The hammer and the anvil song

I thought to make a broadsword, for fighting on the field
Much as I know the hammer is a nobler thing to wield
For though us humble tradesfolk choose a quiet life
The gods of war come to the door of the hammer and his wife

And it's sparks a-flying, passion strong
I am the blacksmith singing
The hammer and the anvil song

They asked me for a statue of the general who died
A sword raised in his iron fist and a warhorse sat astride
And though I knew they'd try me for what I did decide
I stuck a hammer in his fist and an anvil by his side

And it's sparks a-flying, passion strong
I am the blacksmith singing
The hammer and the anvil song

Now all you merry blacksmiths, a warning take by me
Stick to your country horseshoes and your anchors for the sea
When the gods of war come calling, promising you gold
They'll take your hammer, take your anvil, take your very soul

And it's sparks a-flying, passion strong
I am the blacksmith singing
The hammer and the anvil song

And it's sparks a-flying, passion strong
I am the blacksmith singing
The hammer and the anvil song

Dva roky prázdnin

Am                Dm    Am
Vzhůru na palubu, dálky volají
Am               G    Am
Vítr už příhodný vane nám
Am              Dm      Am
Tajemné příběhy nás teď čekají
Am                G  Am
Tvým domovem bude oceán

@   F    G          Am            F    G           Am
@ V ráhnoví plachty vítr nadouvá, žene loď v širou dál
@ Dm          Am          Dm                   E
@ Kolébá boky plachetnice jak by si s ní jenom hrál
@ F    G      Am            F     G     Am
@ Posádku ani škuner neleká bouře ni uragán
@ Dm              Am         Dm       E    Am
@ Přítomnost země oznámí nám příletem kormorán

Am                    Dm     Am
Náš ostrov vzdálený z vln se vynoří
  Am                 G     Am
Z příboje snů našich pustý kraj
Am              G     Am
Zátoku písčitou úsvit odhalí
Am               G      Am
Háj palem, útesy bílých skal

@ F       G       Am          F     G         Am
@ Příď krájí vlny i tvůj čas, srdce tvé tluče rázně
@ Dm             Am           Dm                    E
@ Nástrahy moře, nebezpečí, s přáteli zvládneš vždy snáz
@   F      G          Am           F     G          Am
@ V přátelství najdeš pevnou hráz, zbaví tě smutku, bázně
@ Dm            Am           Dm        E        Am
@ Zítra až naše cesta skončí staneš se jedním z nás

Em                Am    Em
Vzhůru na palubu, dálky volají
Em               D    Em
Vítr už příhodný vane nám
Em              Am      Em
Tajemné příběhy nás teď čekají
Em                D  Em
Tvým domovem bude oceán

@   C    D          Em            C    D           Em
@ V ráhnoví plachty vítr nadouvá, žene loď v širou dál
@ Am          Em          Am                   H
@ Kolébá boky plachetnice jak by si s ní jenom hrál
@ C    D      Em            C     D     Em
@ Posádku ani škuner neleká bouře ni uragán
@ Am              Em         Am       H    Em
@ Přítomnost země oznámí nám příletem kormorán

Em                    Am     Em
Náš ostrov vzdálený z vln se vynoří
  Em                 D     Em
Z příboje snů našich pustý kraj
Em              D     Em
Zátoku písčitou úsvit odhalí
Em               D      Em
Háj palem, útesy bílých skal

@ C       D       Em          C     D         Em
@ Příď krájí vlny i tvůj čas, srdce tvé tluče rázně
@ Am             Em           Am                    H
@ Nástrahy moře, nebezpečí, s přáteli zvládneš vždy snáz
@   C      D          Em           C     D          Em
@ V přátelství najdeš pevnou hráz, zbaví tě smutku, bázně
@ Am            Em           Am        H        Em
@ Zítra až naše cesta skončí staneš se jedním z nás

Northwest Passage

# G_  D
# Ah, for
# G        D            C                  Em
# just one time I would take the Northwest Passage
#    C                G                 Am      G_       C
# To find the hand of Franklin reaching for the Beaufort Sea
# D       G        D              C                Em
# Tracing one warm line through a land so wild and savage
#     C                G       D      G
# And make a northwest passage to the sea

C                 G                  G                   D
Westward from the Davis Strait, 'tis there 'twas said to lie
    C                G          G        D    Em
The sea route to the Orient for which so many died
C                G              G          D      Em
Seeking gold and glory, leaving weathered, broken bones
      C              G      D        Em
And a long-forgotten lonely cairn of stones

# Em  D
# Ah, for

      C              G             G       Em  D
Three centuries thereafter, I take passage overland
       C                  G                G      D       Em
In the footsteps of brave Kelso, where his sea of flowers began
         C             G               G       D     Em
Watching cities rise before me, then behind me sink again
     C           G      D       Em              D
This tardiest explorer, driving hard across the plain

D        G        D            C                  Em
Ah, for just one time I would take the Northwest Passage
    C                G                Am       G        C
To find the hand of Franklin reaching for the Beaufort Sea
 D       G        D              C                Em
Tracing one warm line through a land so wild and savage
     C                G      D       C  G
And make a northwest passage to the sea

C  G  G Em D
C  G  G D Em
C  G  G D Em
C  G D Em Em Em Em7

 C                    G                   G       Em       D
Through the night, behind the wheel, the mileage clicking west
   C             G             G        D      Em7
I think upon Mackenzie, David Thompson and the rest
     C                    G            G       D       Em
Who cracked the mountain ramparts and layed a path for me
    C                G     D      Em Em D
To race the roaring Fraser to the sea

D        G        D            C                  Em
Ah, for just one time I would take the Northwest Passage
    C                G                Am       G        C
To find the hand of Franklin reaching for the Beaufort Sea
 D       G        D              C                Em
Tracing one warm line through a land so wild and savage
     C                G      D       G  G G G
And make a northwest passage to the sea

Em     C            G                  G         Em           D
  How then am I so different from the first men through this way?
      C              G               G        D   Em
Like them, I left a settled life, I threw it all away
    C                G              G       D   Em
To seek a northwest passage at the call of many men
    C                  G         D     Em Em D
To find there but the road back home again

D        G        D            C                  Em
Ah, for just one time I would take the Northwest Passage
    C                G                Am       G        C
To find the hand of Franklin reaching for the Beaufort Sea
 D       G        D              C                Em
Tracing one warm line through a land so wild and savage
     C                G      D      Em  Em
And make a northwest passage to the sea

     C                G      D       G
And make a northwest passage to the sea


Lyrics (from the fandom wiki)

Some rows up, but we floats down,
Way down the Ohio to Shawneetown.


And it's hard on the beech oar,
She moves too slow.
Way down to Shawneetown on the Ohio.

Whisky's in the jug, boys, and wheat’s in the sack,
We'll trade em down to Shawneetown, and we'll bring the rock salt back.


Oh them good old boys, they talk so loud and long,
They're wide as a barrel and they're twice as strong.


The water's mighty warm, boys, the air is cold and dank,
And the cursed fog it gets so thick you cannot see the bank.


Now the current's got her, and we'll take up the slack,
We'll sail her down to Shawneetown, and we'll bushwhack her back.


Some rows up, but we floats down,
Way down the Ohio to Shawneetown.


Some rows up
But we floats down
Way down the Ohio
To Shawneetown

And it's hard on the beech oar
She moves too slow
Way down to Shawneetown
On the Ohio

Whiskey's in the jug, boys
And wheat's in the sack
We'll trade 'em down in Shawneetown
And we'll bring the rock salt back

And it's hard on the beech oar
She moves too slow
Way down to Shawneetown
On the Ohio

Oh, them good old boys
They talk so loud and long
They're wide as a barrel
And they're twice as strong

And it's hard on the beech oar
She moves too slow
Way down to Shawneetown
On the Ohio

The water's mighty warm, boys
The air is cold and dank
And the cursed fog, it gets so thick
You cannot see the bank

And it's hard on the beech oar
She moves too slow
Way down to Shawneetown
On the Ohio

Now the current's got her
And we'll take up the slack
We'll sail her down to Shawneetown
And we'll bushwhack her back

And it's hard on the beech oar
She moves too slow
Way down to Shawneetown
On the Ohio

Some rows up
But we floats down
Way down the Ohio
To Shawneetown

And it's hard on the beech oar
She moves too slow
Way down to Shawneetown
On the Ohio

And it's hard on the beech oar
She moves too slow
Way down to Shawneetown
On the Ohio

Way down to Shawneetown
On the Ohio

// Oh, I've got a wife in Louisville, and one in New Orleans, and when I get to shawneetown,  gonna see my Indian queen
And it's hard....

Tilbury Town

Well the first I saw a TEU
(Rolling up and rolling down)
I wondered where the hell they stored the crew
To go (rolling down the river) [continues throughout verses]

Rolling up and rolling down
We'll all get drunk in Tilbury Town
Twenty-four hours to turn around
And go rolling down the river

Well I used to be a rigger and I worked like hell
But now I'm working for the OCL


Well cargo it comes in TEUs
A 20-foot box, boys, filled with booze


There's a Tilbury girl called Kettle Jane
She's hot on the boil and off again


Well she's got a mate called Teapot Anne
She gets well brewed, she likes her man


Well Tilbury girls go 'round in pairs
You won't catch them, boys, unawares


Well we're the boys to kick her through
To hell with the channel and the TEU
(Let's go down the river)

{Chorus 2x}

William Taylor

   G G+

C                    F           G
William Taylor was a brisk young sailor
C                 F       G+
Full of heart and full of play
  C               F      G
Untill he did his mind uncover
Am   F          G  C
To a youthful lady gay

C               F       G
Four and twenty British sailors
C              F          G+
Met him on the king's highway
C              F     G
As he went for to be married
Am         F            GC
Pressed he was and sent away

Folleri-de-dom, de- daerai diddero
Folleri-de-dom, domme daerai dae
Folleri-de-dom, de- daerai diddero
Folleri-de-dom, domme daerai dae

C                 F       G
Sailor's clothing she put on
    C             F     G+
And went aboard a man-o-war
    C                     F        G
Her pretty little fingers long and slender
Am        F                  G   C
They were smeared with pitch and tar

C                  F     G
On that ship there was a battle
C               F        G+
She amongst the rest did fight
    C                 F      G
The wind blew off her silver buttons
    Am           F            G  C
Her breasts were bared all snowy white

Folleri-de-dom, de- daerai diddero
Folleri-de-dom, domme daerai dae
Folleri-de-dom, de- daerai diddero
Folleri-de-dom, domme daerai dae

C                   F      G
When the captain he did discover
   C                    F           G+
He says Fair maid, what brought you here
C                F       G
Sir, I'm seeking William Taylor
Am         F          G    C
Pressed he was by you last year

C              F      G
If you rise up in the morning
C            F        G+
Early at the break of day
C                      F       G
There you'll spy young William Taylor
Am      F          G  C
Walking with his lady gay

Folleri-de-dom, de- daerai diddero
Folleri-de-dom, domme daerai dae
Folleri-de-dom, de- daerai diddero
Folleri-de-dom, domme daerai dae

C              F      G
She rose early in the morning
C            F        G+
Early at the break of day
C                    F       G
Here she spied young William Taylor
Am      F          G  C
Walking with his lady gay

C              F       G
She procured a pair of pistols
C                   F       G+
On the ground where she had stand
C                   F       G
There she shot poor William Taylor
Am      F           G     C
And the lady at his right hand

Folleri-de-dom, de- daerai diddero
Folleri-de-dom, domme daerai dae
Folleri-de-dom, de- daerai diddero
Folleri-de-dom, domme daerai dae

D                    G           A
William Taylor was a brisk young sailor
D                 G       A+
Full of heart and full of play
  D               G      A
Untill he did his mind uncover
Hm   G          A  D
To a youthful lady gay

D               G       A
Four and twenty British sailors
D              G          A+
Met him on the king's highway
D              G     A
As he went for to be married
Hm         G            AD
Pressed he was and sent away

Folleri-de-dom, de- daerai diddero
Folleri-de-dom, domme daerai dae
Folleri-de-dom, de- daerai diddero
Folleri-de-dom, domme daerai dae

D                 G       A
Sailor's clothing she put on
    D             G     A+
And went aboard a man-o-war
    D                     G        A
Her pretty little fingers long and slender
Hm        G                  A   D
They were smeared with pitch and tar

D                  G     A
On that ship there was a battle
D               G        A+
She amongst the rest did fight
    D                 G      A
The wind blew off her silver buttons
    Hm           G            A  D
Her breasts were bared all snowy white

Folleri-de-dom, de- daerai diddero
Folleri-de-dom, domme daerai dae
Folleri-de-dom, de- daerai diddero
Folleri-de-dom, domme daerai dae

D                   G      A
When the captain he did discover
   D                    G           A+
He says Fair maid, what brought you here
D                G       A
Sir, I'm seeking William Taylor
Hm         G          A    D
Pressed he was by you last year

D              G      A
If you rise up in the morning
D            G        A+
Early at the break of day
D                      G       A
There you'll spy young William Taylor
Hm      G          A  D
Walking with his lady gay

Folleri-de-dom, de- daerai diddero
Folleri-de-dom, domme daerai dae
Folleri-de-dom, de- daerai diddero
Folleri-de-dom, domme daerai dae

D              G      A
She rose early in the morning
D            G        A+
Early at the break of day
D                    G       A
Here she spied young William Taylor
Hm      G          A  D
Walking with his lady gay

D              G       A
She procured a pair of pistols
D                   G       A+
On the ground where she had stand
D                   G       A
There she shot poor William Taylor
Hm      G           A     D
And the lady at his right hand

Folleri-de-dom, de- daerai diddero
Folleri-de-dom, domme daerai dae
Folleri-de-dom, de- daerai diddero
Folleri-de-dom, domme daerai dae

G                    C           D
William Taylor was a brisk young sailor
G                 C       D+
Full of heart and full of play
  G               C      D
Untill he did his mind uncover
Em   C          D  G
To a youthful lady gay

G               C       D
Four and twenty British sailors
G              C          D+
Met him on the king's highway
G              C     D
As he went for to be married
Em         C            DG
Pressed he was and sent away

Folleri-de-dom, de- daerai diddero
Folleri-de-dom, domme daerai dae
Folleri-de-dom, de- daerai diddero
Folleri-de-dom, domme daerai dae

G                 C       D
Sailor's clothing she put on
    G             C     D+
And went aboard a man-o-war
    G                     C        D
Her pretty little fingers long and slender
Em        C                  D   G
They were smeared with pitch and tar

G                  C     D
On that ship there was a battle
G               C        D+
She amongst the rest did fight
    G                 C      D
The wind blew off her silver buttons
    Em           C            D  G
Her breasts were bared all snowy white

Folleri-de-dom, de- daerai diddero
Folleri-de-dom, domme daerai dae
Folleri-de-dom, de- daerai diddero
Folleri-de-dom, domme daerai dae

G                   C      D
When the captain he did discover
   G                    C           D+
He says Fair maid, what brought you here
G                C       D
Sir, I'm seeking William Taylor
Em         C          D    G
Pressed he was by you last year

G              C      D
If you rise up in the morning
G            C        D+
Early at the break of day
G                      C       D
There you'll spy young William Taylor
Em      C          D  G
Walking with his lady gay

Folleri-de-dom, de- daerai diddero
Folleri-de-dom, domme daerai dae
Folleri-de-dom, de- daerai diddero
Folleri-de-dom, domme daerai dae

G              C      D
She rose early in the morning
G            C        D+
Early at the break of day
G                    C       D
Here she spied young William Taylor
Em      C          D  G
Walking with his lady gay

G              C       D
She procured a pair of pistols
G                   C       D+
On the ground where she had stand
G                   C       D
There she shot poor William Taylor
Em      C           D     G
And the lady at his right hand

Folleri-de-dom, de- daerai diddero
Folleri-de-dom, domme daerai dae
Folleri-de-dom, de- daerai diddero
Folleri-de-dom, domme daerai dae

Born to Be Wild

Get your motor runnin'
Head out on the highway
Lookin' for adventure
And whatever comes our way
Yeah Darlin' go make it happen
Take the world in a love embrace
Fire all of your guns at once
And explode into space

I like smoke and lightning
Heavy metal thunder
Racin' with the wind
And the feelin' that I'm under
Yeah Darlin' go make it happen
Take the world in a love embrace
Fire all of your guns at once
And explode into space

Like a true nature's child
We were born, born to be wild
We can climb so high
I never wanna die

Born to be wild
Born to be wild

The Wellerman

(traditional, arrang. J. Ferguson, 2021)

Capo @ 2

There once was a ship that put to sea;
      Dm                                  Am
the name of the ship was the Billy of Tea.
The winds blew up, her bow dipped down.
    Dm          G                Am
O blow, me bully boys, blow.

F                     C
Soon may the Wellerman come
    Dm                         Am
to bring us sugar and tea and rum.
F                             C
One day, when the tonguin' is done
         Dm        G             Am
we'll take our leave and go.

Fill:  Dm  G  Am

She had not been two weeks from shore
when down on her a right whale bore.
The captain called all hands and swore
he'd take that whale in tow.

Before the boat had hit the water
the whale's tail came up and caught her.
All hands to the side, harpooned and fought her
when she dived down below.

No line was cut, no whale was freed;
the Captain's mind was not of greed.
But he belonged to the whaleman's creed;
she took that ship in tow.

For forty days, or even more,
the line went slack, then tight once more.
All boats were lost (there were only four),
but still that whale did go.

As far as I've heard, the fight's still on;
the line's not cut, and the whale's not gone.
The Wellerman makes his regular call
to encourage the Captain, crew, and all.

When That I Was and a Little Tiny Boy

When that I was and a little tiny boy
with a hey-ho, the wind and the rain
a foolish thing was but a toy
for the rain it raineth every day

But when I came to man's estate
with a hey-ho, the wind and the rain
'gainst knaves and thieves men shut their gate
for the rain it raineth every day

But when I came, alas, to wive
with a hey-ho, the wind and the rain
by swaggering I could never thrive
for the rain it raineth every day

But when I came unto my beds
with a hey-ho, the wind and the rain
with tosspots still had drunken heads
for the rain it raineth every day

A great while ago the world began
with a hey-ho, the wind and the rain
but that's all one, our play is done
and we'll strive to please you every day